ࡱ> bday bjbj .h{{8m<<8, @ B B B B B B O"%B "B <<yW ^<8@ @ t`>jƳP, m 0 %6%%t0"B B Dt % : Recommendation Request Form Name: __________________________________ e-mail: _________________________________ Telephone: _______________________________ HUB Box:________________________________ I request that Professor Marie Helweg-Larsen provide recommendations for me. I consent to the release of any and all information about me in Professor Helweg-Larsens possession. I give my permission for Professor Helweg-Larsen to provide a candid recommendation based on her overall knowledge of me from formal and informal observations, formal and informal records, personal and second-hand knowledge, and all other sources. I give Professor Helweg-Larsen permission to provide a recommendation for me to any and all sources that may request it until such a time as I notify Professor Helweg-Larsen in writing that this permission has been revoked. Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____________________________ To enable Professor Helweg-Larsen to provide a complete and thorough recommendation, you must create a packet of information containing the items listed below. As you collect each piece of information, check the line next to the item. Once everything is collected, provide all of it, along with this form, in a large envelope or folder to Professor Helweg-Larsen. If you need a letter of recommendation for a study abroad program you must also schedule an individual meeting with Professor Helweg-Larsen. _____ Recommendation Request Form (this form) _____ List of all psychology courses taken or enrolled in and current GPA, psychology GPA, and expected year of graduation (see next page). _____ Current transcript (unofficial copy is fine). _____ A written statement summarizing your strengths and weaknesses. If this letter is for study abroad also describe your level of maturity and likely adjustment to living in a foreign country. (Be honest with this.) _____ If you must submit a personal statement with your application, provide a copy of that statement. _____ If you have a rsum, provide a copy of that rsum. If you do not have a resume, provide a written statement summarizing your activities, interests, honors/awards, and past employment history (paid and volunteer work). The resume/statement should include: (1) Any honors and awards that you have received; briefly (i.e., in a few words) describe any that are not obvious. (2) Organizations/activities (including service or social organizations, student government, other campus activities); again, briefly describe. (3) Any employment or job experience, including paid work as well as volunteer work and internships; include a brief description of your duties and/or responsibilities. (4) Your hobbies and interests (i.e., what you do in your spare time). (5) A brief description of your future goals and plans. _____ Specific information about the program/job you are applying for; this is absolutely critical! In addition to due dates and a description of the program, state very specifically why you are interested in the program and why you make a good candidate. _____ An addressed and stamped envelope for each recommendation requested [If possible, I always prefer submitting the application electronically] _____ If there are forms from graduate schools that must be completed and mailed with the letters of recommendation, provide each form with all the pertinent information, including your signature, completed. [Usually only necessary for graduate school applications] _____ A list of schools, employers, etc. to whom you would like a written recommendation sent. You must use the attached form and include addresses and due dates. [Only necessary for graduate school applications] Name: _______________________________________ Psychology Courses Taken (course number and title)Semester TakenGrade Earned \Instructor   GRADUATE SCHOOL ONLY (please sort by order of due date, beginning with the earliest due date) Name: _______________________________________ Name and Address Name of program to which you are applyingDue Date( Send directly to the above address in stamped, address envelope I have provided OR ( Return to me in self-addressed envelope I have provided OR ( Electronic submission Name and Address Name of program to which you are applyingDue Date( Send directly to the above address in stamped, address envelope I have provided OR ( Return to me in self-addressed envelope I have provided OR ( Electronic submissionName and Address Name of program to which you are applyingDue Date( Send directly to the above address in stamped, address envelope I have provided OR ( Return to me in self-addressed envelope I have provided OR ( Electronic submissionName and Address Name of program to which you are applyingDue Date( Send directly to the above address in stamped, address envelope I have provided OR ( Return to me in self-addressed envelope I have provided OR ( Electronic submissionCut and paste additional boxes below as needed     Professor Helweg-Larsen ĢƵ Psychology GPA: ____________ Overall GPA: ____________ Expected Graduation Date: ______________________ o q X   '5V\eab{ۺ۫ېہۜrffWhp7h8B*CJaJphhKLB*CJaJphhp7h1B*CJaJphhp7hp7B*CJaJphhIWwB*CJaJphhp7h|B*CJaJphhp7h cB*CJaJphhp7hbB*CJaJphhp7h<aJhp7hKYaJhp7hKYB*CJaJphhp7hKYCJaJhp7h lCJaJtX Y hiz{ 0^`0gdKL 0^`0gdp7 h^h`gdP* hh]h^hgdp7$a$gdP*gd lacceᴬ~oco~ZQhp7haJhp7hKYaJhKLB*CJaJphhp7h cB*CJaJphhp7hKYB*CJaJphhKLCJaJhp7hp7>*CJaJhp7hp7CJaJhp7CJaJhp7hp7B*CJaJphhp7hB*CJaJphhp7hB*CJaJphhp7h8B*CJaJphhp7hP*B*CJaJph$$If]a$gdP* $$Ifa$ p^gdP* p0^`0gdP* pgdp7 0^`0gdp7gdp7 p0^`0gdp7:Y}\ ]`abw=>?Ǹ֮ysygy^UKD hO1@hH jhLThHhLThbI]CJhLThKLCJhbI]5B*CJph hHCJ hbI]CJjhKYCJUmHnHu hKYCJ hKLCJ hKL5CJhKY5B*CJphhKYB*CJphhp7hp7B*CJaJphhp7h8B*CJaJphhp7hKYB*CJaJphhp7hp7aJhp7h8aJhp7hKYaJ !"D>$Ifkd$$IfTl4\P$-p04 laytKLT $$Ifa$$$If]a$gdP*"#$%&'()*Kkd$$IfTlp\P$-p04 laytKLT$If $If]gdP**+,-./^XKKX $If]gdP*$IfkdK$$IfTlp\P$-p04 laytKLT/01234^XKKX $If]gdP*$Ifkd$$IfTlp\P$-p04 laytKLT456789^XKKX $If]gdP*$Ifkd$$IfTlp\P$-p04 laytKLT9:;<=>^XKKX $If]gdP*$Ifkd%$$IfTlp\P$-p04 laytKLT>?@ABC^XKKX $If]gdP*$Ifkd$$IfTlp\P$-p04 laytKLTCDEFGH^XKKX $If]gdP*$Ifkda$$IfTlp\P$-p04 laytKLTHIJKLM^XKKX $If]gdP*$Ifkd$$IfTlp\P$-p04 laytKLTMNOPQR^XKKX $If]gdP*$Ifkd$$IfTlp\P$-p04 laytKLTRSTUVW^XKKX $If]gdP*$Ifkd;$$IfTlp\P$-p04 laytKLTWXYZ[\^XKKX $If]gdP*$Ifkd$$IfTlp\P$-p04 laytKLT\]^_`b^\\\\WWWR$a$gdbI]kdw$$IfTlp\P$-p04 laytKLT 01Jkd$$Ifl0~ * ! 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