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Employers and admissions officers at graduate schools will be less focused on your major than on your ability to describe your academic experiences and how you see all of your coursework contributing to your education. That being the case, explain why you cant simply complete the collection of courses you propose while also completing a major we offer. 3. The following courses in the ĢƵ Curriculum are relevant to this topic. [Others may be listed on an additional sheet.] DEPARTMENTCOURSE NUMBERCOURSE TITLESEMESTER OFFERED       4. Of those courses relevant to the topic, I plan to take the following ten (10) to sixteen (16) courses: DEPARTMENT COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLETO BE TAKEN IN THE FOLLOWING SEMESTER 5. In the event that I am unable to register for all of the courses above, the following courses would serve as appropriate alternatives. [Others may be listed on an additional sheet.] DEPARTMENT COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLEAVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING SEMESTER6. List below the existing program at another comparable liberal arts college that you are using as the model for your self-developed major, the courses you plan to take and annotate how these courses meet the goals of your program. [Other courses required by the other schools major may be listed on an additional sheet.] Title of Major SchoolYour proposed courseworkHow do these courses meet the learning goals of your program, complement one another, contribute to the depth and hierarchy of this study7. List any other liberal arts colleges with a similar program. Please provide an explanation of why you selected the major at the institution above as your model rather than the others. 8. What major are you prepared to complete at the college if your proposal for a self-developed major is denied? Provide detail showing your progress to date and plan to complete that major (Refer to the Suggested Curricular Flow Through the Major in The Bulletin for guidance). 9. List below the four (4) faculty members who will serve as the core faculty committee for the major. Indicate which of these faculty members has agreed to be your primary advisor. [Provide each of these faculty members with meet with them, share this document and provide them with a copy of the Core Faculty Committee Form. Attach the completed form to this document before submitting to the Academic Program and Standards Committee.] Name Dept. Date Name Dept. Date Name Dept. Date Name Dept. Date 10. If the proposed self-developed major is approved, you will need to gain access to the required courses on the same basis as majors in our departments. The department chair from each of the departments in the course of study above, by signing here, are agreeing to provide you with access to courses to which you might not be able to gain access because of current priorities and demand. It is your responsibility to work with the department chairs prior to course request each semester to gain this access. By signing below, I agree to provide access to the courses from my department required for the self-developed major: Name Dept. Date Name Dept. Date Name Dept. Date Name Dept. Date If approved by the Academic Program and Standards Committee, I will work with my primary advisor from The Core Faculty Committee. I understand that I must complete the program as proposed and approved. If changes are necessary, I will submit a request for change of the approved program, along with written support from my advisor. I understand that upon the completion of every semester, I will submit to the Academic Program and Standards Committee and to my advisor, an evaluation statement of progress and commitment to the major as a whole, experience in individual courses, and my work with my advisor. Students Signature:_________________________________________________ Date:___________________________ SELF-DEVELOPED MAJOR Core Faculty Committee Support Form Students Name: HUB Box: Title: A proposal for a self-developed major must be: in a coherent area of study; relevant to the liberal arts; and not substantially addressed by existing programmatic options at the college. Please place the students course of study within the broader academic field within which this proposal fits. Are there other programs at comparable liberal arts schools? If different from this proposed program, why do you support this one rather than another option? What are the limitations of the Colleges current academic offerings (majors/minors/certificates) that preclude the student from pursuing these academic goals? Provide any other information you feel is relevant as to why you support this program. Core Faculty Committee for the Self-Developed Major: I support this proposal. If this self-developed major is approved by the Academic Program and Standards Committee, I will serve as a member of the committee advising the student in the major. Name/Signature Dept. Date Name/Signature Dept. Date Name/Signature Dept. Date Primary Advisor for the Self-Developed Major: I support this proposal. If this self-developed major is approved by the Academic Program and Standards Committee, I will serve as the primary advisor. I understand that upon the completion of every semester, the student will submit to the Academic Program and Standards Committee an evaluation statement of progress and commitment to the major as a whole, experience in individual courses, and work with me. The student will provide me with a copy of that report and I will submit to the Committee, and to the student, an evaluation describing the student's progress, achievement, and commitment. Name/Signature Dept. 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