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Eberly Multilingual Writing Center, ĢƵ, 2009-2023 Creator and Director, Writing Associates Program, 2010-2017 Creator and Director, World Language Writing Tutoring, 2010-2023 Director, Writing in the Disciplines Program, 2009 Co-Director of the Quantitative Reasoning Center, ĢƵ, 2014-2019 Director of the Writing Center, Columbus State University, 2004-2009 EDUCATION Ph.D. English, Temple University M.A. English, Temple University B.A. English, St. Elizabeth University PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS AND LEARNING COMMUNITIES FACILITATED Adapting the Writing Program Rubric to Your Courses Creating Effective Writing Assignments Creating Effective Writing Assignments for Foreign Language Courses Dialoguing Across Differences: A Faculty Summer Study Group Equitable Grading Practices: Ungrading, Contract Grading, Specifications Grading Faculty Learning Community in Writing: Digital Reading and Writing Faculty Learning Community in Writing: Teaching First Year Seminar Faculty Learning Community in Writing: Writing for Wellness (Unraveling Faculty Burnout) Faculty Learning Community in Writing: Writing with Numbers Faculty Writing, Research, and Publication Brown Bag Lunch Series First-Year Writers and Writing Pedagogy: A Workshop for New Faculty Generative AI Lunch and Learn Workshop Series How Learning Works: A Summer Study Group on Learning and Assessment How Learning Works: A Summer Study Group for Librarians who Teach Prompting Writer Re-vision Ready for Fall Teaching: Making the Transition to Remote Learning Developed an asynchronous Moodle course on teaching remotely Offered twenty-seven Zoom faculty development workshops Issued a weekly Pandemic Teaching Tip Held eight weekly Pandemic Faculty Chats Responding to Student Writing Sequencing Writing Assignments Syllabus & Course Design Collaboratory Teaching the First-Year Seminar Teaching with Compassion in Post-Pandemic Times Teaching Writing in the Disciplines Using Generative AI for Good: Collaborating with the Machine When Writing Prompts Lead to Paralysis: A Conversation with Writing Center Tutors The Writing Program Assessment Model: A Workshop for Division III Faculty INVITED TALKS Tutoring Across Difference: Toward a Translingual Writing Center Practice, Pre-conference workshop for the Mid-Atlantic Writing Center Association, 2023 Podcast Interview, Noreen Lape on Internationalizing the Writing Center,  HYPERLINK "https://anchor.fm/slow-agency/episodes/Noreen-Lape-on-Internationalizing-the-Writing-Center-e1fe5li" Slow Agency Podcast, 2021 Teaching Writing in a Discipline, Colorado College, 2021 "Building a Bridge from High School Writing to First-Year Writing to Writing in the Major," Messiah College, 2019. Writing Associates and the Question of Authority, DePauw University, 2019 Working with Writers: Learning Principles and Best Practices, Central Pennsylvania Consortium New Faculty Colloquium, 2019 Supporting Multilingual Writing Communities at Liberal Arts Colleges, DePauw University, 2018 First-Year Seminar Habits of Mind: Writing, Reading and Information Literacy, Faculty Retreat, Akita International University, Akita, Japan, 2017 Second Language Writers, the Problem with Google Translate, and the Importance of Composing, The Penn State University Learning Center Directors Retreat, 2017 Martinson Award Acceptance Speech, Small Liberal Arts College-Writing Program Administrators Conference, 2016 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ATTENDED Designing a New Faculty Mentoring Program: A Bootcamp for Faculty Leaders, Academic Impressions, 2023 Constructive Dialogue Training, Constructive Dialogue Institute, 2023 Collaborative Discussion Coach Training, Interactivity Foundation, 2023 The Dialogic Classroom Workshop: Higher Ed, Essential Partners, 2022 Bridging Differences, BerkeleyX, 2019 Basic Facilitation Skills Workshop, Essential Partners, 2022 Inclusive Pedagogies Faculty Study Group, ĢƵ, 2021 Inclusive Teaching: Supporting All Students in the College Classroom, Columbia University edX Course, 2019 Ethics Across the Curriculum Summer Study Group, ĢƵ, 2019 Inclusive Teaching: Supporting All Students in the College Classroom, ColumbiaX, 2019 Intercultural Competence Training with Tara Harvey, ĢƵ, 2018 Training to Become a Qualified Administrator of the International Development Inventory with Michael Paige, ĢƵ, 2018 Intercultural Competence Workshops with Janet Bennett, ĢƵ, 2017 Understanding and Using Student Assessment Results, sponsored by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 2014 Becoming an Assessment Facilitator, sponsored by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 2013 Willoughby Summer Institute on Academic Technology, ĢƵ, 2013 International Writing Center Association Summer Institute for Writing Center Directors and Professionals, Oregon State University, 2007 Teaching and Learning Seminars Attended at Columbus State University Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking, presented by Chris Anson, 2008 Understanding by Design, presented by Jay McTighe, 2007 What the Best College Teachers Do, presented by Ken Bain, 2007 The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, presented by Ken Bain, 2007 Using the CLAQWA Assessment Rubric, 2007 Faculty Book Study of What the Best College Teachers Do by Ken Bain, 2006 The Teaching Portfolio, presented by Peter Seldon, 2006 The Code and the Challenge of Learning to Read It, presented by David Boulton, 2005 The Code and the Challenge of Learning to Read It, presented by David Boulton, 2004 MAJOR COMMITTEES Academic Program and Standards Committee, 2009-present Subcommittee on Writing and Quantitative Reasoning, Chair, 2009-present Subcommittee on Pedagogy, Chair, 2021-present Accessibility and Disability Services Advisory Committee 2020-present Dialogues Across Differences Working Group, Project Manager, 2021-present Learning Outcomes Working Group, 2014-2019, 2021-present Provosts Staff Meeting, 2009-present Academic Program Review Task Force, 2023 Center for Teaching, Learning, & Scholarship Planning Committee, Chair, 2023 Multilingual Writing Center Advisory Committee, Chair, 2009-2023 Pandemic Task Force, 2019-2021 Ready for Fall Teaching Working Group, 2019-2021 Course Evaluation Task Force, 2017-2019 Diversity and Inclusion Committee, 2016-2019 Twenty-First Century Skills Set Task Force, 2018 Intercultural Communication Task Force, 2016-2018 Quantitative Reasoning Center Planning Committee, Chair, 2014-2015 INVITED MEETINGS Civil Discourse in Higher Education Brainstorm Session, Institute for Citizens and Scholars, Online Meeting, 2022 Discourse Across Difference Symposium, Campus Free Expression Project of the Bipartisan Policy Commission, Texas Tech University, 2023 Civil Discourse Convening, Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, 2023 CONSULTING AND EXTERNAL REVIEWS External Reviewer, Wesleyan University Consultant, University of Connecticut Consultant, East Carolina University External Reviewer, Stetson University Consultant, DePauw University Consultant, Akita International University-Japan Workshop Facilitator, The College of New Jersey Writing Program Consultant, Franklin & Marshall College Workshop Facilitator, Messiah College External Reviewer, Lebanon Valley College External Reviewer, Juniata College GRANTS AND GIFTS Civil Dialogue Across the Classroom, Campus, and Community, Arthur Vining Davis Foundation ($276,296), 2022 Gift from Joseph and Shirley Eberly for the Norman M. Eberly Multilingual Writing Center ($1,000,000), 2021 Gift from George Gill for the Judy Gill Tutor Development Fund ($100,000), 2018 Gift from Joseph and Shirley Eberly for the Norman M. Eberly Multilingual Writing Center ($250,000), 2018 Gift from Joseph and Shirley Eberly for the Norman M. Eberly Multilingual Writing Center ($250,000), 2017 International Writing Center Association Research Grant ($1000), 2017 George I. Alden Trust Grant ($115,000), 2015 *The funds were used to construct the QR Center. SPECIAL AWARDS, FELLOWSHIPS, AND OTHER HONORS: Conference on College Composition and Communication Writing Program Certificate of Excellence, 2018 Martinson Award of Excellence in Writing Program Administration, SLAC-WPA, 2016 Certificate of Appreciation, U.S. Army, 2011 Honorable Mention for Outstanding Teaching of Writing Award, Columbus State University, 2008 University Nomination for Georgia Board of Regents Excellence in Teaching Award, 2007 Literary Sage Award, Columbus State University chapter of Sigma Tau Delta Honor Society, 2006 Outstanding Service to the College of Education, Columbus State University, 2004 Nomination for a Best Practice Award by Columbus State University, Early Mentoring for Secondary English Education Majors, 2003 Outstanding Academic Book, Choice Award for West of the Border: The Multicultural Literature of the Western American Frontiers, 2002. Finalist for Research & Scholarship Award, College of Arts and Letters, Columbus State University, 1999, 2001, 2003, & 2004 Spencer Fellowship to Oxford University, Summer 1999 Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Columbus State University, Spring 1999 Jordan Award for Outstanding Scholarship, Department of Language and Literature, Columbus State University, 1998 and 1999 Certificate of Merit in Teaching, Temple University, 1995 TEACHING APPOINTMENTS Professor of Educational Studies (tenured), 2020-present Contributing Professor, ĢƵ, 2009-2020 Speaking and Writing Across Differences First-Year Seminar Coming of Age in Multicultural America Speaking Truth to Power Understanding the Research Community Working with Writers: Theory and Practice (for English writing tutors) Working with Writers: Theory and Practice (for foreign language writing tutors) Writing & Wellness What Writers Matter? Multiculturalism in American Literature U.S. Culture and Academic Writing for International Students Associate Professor of Language and Literature (tenured), Columbus State University, 1997-2009 Undergraduate Survey of American Literature I English Composition I American Women Writers English Composition II African American Literature I Peer Writing Consultation African American Literature II Composition Theory Multicultural American Literature Advanced Composition The Short Story World Literature I World Literature II Graduate Teaching Writing in Grades 7-12 Contemporary Literature Multi-Ethnic American Literature Harlem Renaissance Literature Instructor in English (full-time, temporary), West Chester University, 1992-1994, 1995-1997 Basic Writing Freshman Composition Academic Development Program Composition Research Writing BOOKS Internationalizing the Writing Center: A Practical Guide for Developing a Multilingual Writing Center (Parlor Press, 2020). One-Smoke Stories by Mary Austin, with a critical introduction by Noreen Groover Lape (Ohio University Press, 2003). I undertook the effort to re-print this collection, which had been out-of-print since 1934. To prepare the lengthy critical introduction, I conducted research in the Mary Austin Archives at the Huntington Library in San Marino, California. The introduction not only details the history of the book but also argues that it is an important work in the multicultural canon because it raises timely questions about the permeability of cultural borders, the representation of nonwhite cultures by white writers, and the politics of intellectual property ownership. West of the Border: The Multicultural Literature of the Western American Frontiers (Ohio University Press, 2000). *From the Association of College and Research Libraries, I won the Choice Award for Outstanding Academic Book. Every year in the January issue, in print and online, Choice publishes a list of Outstanding Academic Titles that were reviewed during the previous calendar year. This prestigious list reflects the best in scholarly titles reviewed by Choice and brings with it the extraordinary recognition of the academic library community. The list is quite selective: it contains approximately ten percent of some 6,000 works reviewed in Choice each year. SPECIAL EDITIONS AND EDITED COLLECTIONS Co-editor with John Katunich, The Post-Pandemic Writing Center. WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship, digital edited collection forthcoming in 2023. Co-editor with John Katunich, The Post-Pandemic Writing Center. WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship, 47.2 (2022). PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES From English-Centric to Multilingual: The Norman M. Eberly Multilingual Writing Center at ĢƵ. Composition Forum, 41 (2019). *This article was solicited by the co-editors of the Program Profiles section of the journal.  HYPERLINK "http://wac.colostate.edu/journal/vol25/bryant.pdf" "Transfer and the Transformation of Writing Pedagogies in a Mathematics Course"(with Sarah Bryant and Jennifer Schaefer). WAC Journal,25 (2014).  HYPERLINK "https://writinglabnewsletter.org/archives/v38/38.3-4.pdf" "Going Global, Becoming Translingual: The Development of a Multilingual Writing Center,"Writing Lab Newsletter,38.4 (2013). Reprinted in The Best of the Independent Rhetoric & Composition Journals 2014. Anderson, South Carolina: Parlor Press.  HYPERLINK "http://projects.uwc.utexas.edu/index.php/praxis/article/view/91/html" "The Worth of the Writing Center: Numbers, Value, Culture, and the Rhetoric of Budget Proposals,"Praxis: A Writing Center Journal,10.1 (2012). Giving Voice to Tutors Really Useful Knowledge: A New Plan for Writing Center Podcasts. Writing Lab Newsletter, 34.2 (2009). Training Tutors in Emotional Intelligence: Toward a Pedagogy of Empathy, Writing Lab Newsletter 33.2 (2008). Trickster at Our Table: The Columbus State University Writing Center, Southern Discourse 11.2 (2008). The Frontier Origins of North American Realism: A Transnational Approach to Caroline Kirkland and Susanna Moodie, Western American Literature 42.4 (2008). The Politics of Representation in Asian American Literary Criticism, College Literature 29.4 (2002). I would rather be with my people, but not to live with them as they live: Cultural Liminality and Double Consciousness in Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins's Life Among the Piutes: Their Wrongs and Claims, The American Indian Quarterly 22.3 (1998). CHAPTERS IN BOOKS The Healing Power of Revision in Therapeutic Writing, (with Kristin Taylor) The Wellness and Writing Connection, ed. John Evans (Washington: Idyll Arbor Press, 2010). There was a part for her in the Indian life: Mary Austin, Regionalism, and the Problems of Appropriation, Breaking Boundaries: New Perspectives on Women's Regional Writing, eds. Sherrie A. Inness and Diana Royer (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1997). Eliza Lynn Linton in Prose by Victorian Women: An Anthology, eds. Andrea Broomfield and Sally Mitchell (New York: Garland Publishing,1995). PAPERS READ Writing Fellows, Institutional Authority, and the Power of Peerness: A Roundtable Presentation, International Writing Center Association/ National Conference of Peer Tutors in Writing, Columbus, Ohio, 2019. Update on IWCA Research Grant-Supported Project: Internationalizing the Writing Center, Conference on College Composition and Communication, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 2019. Internationalizing the Writing Center Roundtable Discussion, International Writing Center Association, Atlanta, Georgia, 2018 Making Sense of Contradictory Data in Mixed Method Program Assessment, Small Liberal Arts College-Writing Program Administrators, Conference, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, 2017. Developing a Multilingual Writing Center: Interviews with Holistic Tutors, International Writing Center Association Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2015. Developing a Multilingual Writing Center, International Writing Center Association Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2014. Reimagining Assessment through Professional Development in Teaching and Learning, Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning Assessment, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 2014. "Going Global, Becoming Translingual: The Development of a Multilingual Writing Center," Conference on College Composition and Communication, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2013. "The Development of a Multilingual Writing Center: Negotiating Theory and Practice," Mid-Atlantic Writing Center Association, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, 2012. "Going International: The Development of a Multilingual Writing Center," Conference on College Composition and Communication, St. Louis, Missouri, 2012. From College-Bound to Colonels: Training Tutors for Writing Center Outreach, National Conference of Peer Tutors in Writing, Miami, Florida, 2011. Serving as an External Reviewer, Small Liberal Arts College-Writing Program Administrators Conference, Denison College, Ohio, 2011. Circumnavigating the Globe: The Development of a Multilingual Writing Center at ĢƵ, International Writing Center Association Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, 2010. Training Counselors to Use Writing as a Therapeutic Intervention, International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, Bloomington, Indiana, 2010. Tutors as Transformative Leaders: The New Genre of Tutor- Centered Podcasts, National Conference of Peer Tutors in Writing, Mount Holyoke, Massachusetts, 2009. Training Counselors to Use Writing as an Intervention in Therapy, Wellness and Writing Connections Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 2009. Building Emotional Intelligence in Tutors: Empathy, Vulnerability, and Deep Listening, Poster Session at International Writing Center Association/National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2008. Wit by Margaret Edson: A Viewing and Discussion, Wellness and Writing Connections Conference,Atlanta, Georgia, 2008. Reciprocity in the Writing Center: Undergraduate Peer Tutors as Transformative Learners, Southeastern Writing Center Association, Savannah, Georgia, 2008 Speaking the Silences in Me: Constructing Literacy and Teaching Narratives (co-written with Kristin Taylor), Western Literature Association, Tacoma, Washington, 2007 Service Learning and the Work of Peer Writing Consultants, Southeastern Writing Center Association, Nashville, Tennessee, 2007 Frontier Space and Placelessness in the Travel Writings of Caroline Kirkland and Susanna Moodie, Society for the Study of American Women Writers, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2006 Mapping the Writing Center: A Director in the Borderlands, Southeastern Writing Center Association, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 2006. How History Majors Use the Writing Center, Georgia Association of Historians, Clayton State University, Morrow, Georgia, 2006. The Frontier Origins of North American Realism: A Transnational Study of Susanna Moodie and Caroline Kirkland, Western Literature Association, Los Angeles, California, 2005. Mary Austin and the Politics of Appropriation, Georgia Association of Historians, Columbus, Georgia, 2005. In the land of make believe: Nature-Faking and Culture-Faking in Mary Austins Speaking of Bears. Western Literature Association, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 2002. Between Art and Knowledge: Authenticity and Ownership in Mary Austins One-Smoke Stories. Western Literature Association, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, 2001. Shaping a Faithful Guide: The Dialogue Among Emigrant Guide and Travel Writers. Western Literature Association, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, October 2000. "The Impact of a Writing Center on an Evolving Composition Program." Presented at the Student Success in First-Year Composition Conference, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia, February 1999. The Second Coming of Trickster: Cultural Liminality and Trickster Border Narratives. Conference on Borders and Foundations sponsored by the Interdisciplinary Society for the Study of the Visual Arts and Literature, Atlanta, Georgia, October1997. "I Would Rather Be With My People, But Not to Live With Them: Biculturalism and Double Consciousness in Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins's Life Among the Piutes: Their Wrongs and Claims." Frederick Douglass Commemorative Centennial Conference on Multiculturalism, West Chester University, West Chester, Pennsylvania, October 1994. "The Nondestructive Rhetoric of Nondestructive Testing: Negotiating the Closed System of Contemporary Technology." Pennsylvania State University Rhetoric and Composition Conference, July 1992. "'The Pope Equals the Pizza': Deciphering Margin Notes." Ethnography in Education Forum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 1991. "The Color Purple: Searching the Dark Continent." The New Jersey College English Association Annual Conference, Princeton University, March 1988. EDITORIAL REVIEW WORK West Virginia University Press Writing Center Journal Southern Discourse in the Center, Editorial Review Board Western American Literature Writing Lab Newsletter College Literature Ohio University Press OFFICES HELD President, Small Liberal Arts College-Writing Program Administrators, 2021-2023 Vice President, Small Liberal Arts College-Writing Program Administrators, 2020-2021 At-large board member, Southeastern Writing Center Association, 2007-2009     "7LM] ! - . 2 8 c j w x y ɾyyqh_CJaJh3UCJaJh.=CJaJh.=h.=CJaJh.=CJ\aJh 5>*CJaJh.=5>*CJaJhNFhi/CJaJhNFhCJaJhNFhCJaJh CJaJhNFh./%CJaJhhi/5aJjhhi/5UaJ("M! y  $ ,p@ P !$0^`0gd  & F ,p@ P !$gdBe ,p@ P !$gd $a$gd2HZ$a$gd $da$gd2HZ    ) ; @ A B I J T x y z ) H U u     * 5 6 C D hNFh 5>*CJaJh3UCJaJhNFh.=CJaJh.=CJaJh CJaJhNFh CJaJH J y )  D  $ ,p@ P !$0^`0gd  & F ,p@ P !$gd.= & F ,p@ P !$gd   ' 5 B M O P Q X t 8M  CENOP`aۺh3U6CJ]aJh3UCJaJhA;CJaJhNFh3UCJaJh3U5>*CJaJhNFh3U5>*CJaJhNFh./%CJaJh+ CJaJhNFhi/CJaJhNFhi/5CJaJhNFhi/5>*CJaJ5 ' O Q Ma8]x0 & FgdA;gd3U ,p@ P !$gd3U ,p@ P !$8D\]wx  %./056?UVWXZ\ab~Ǽ礤礤hNFh3U0J5CJ\aJhA;CJaJhA;hA;CJaJhA;hA;0J5CJ\aJh3UCJaJh*䴳Nv䴳ϴ35>*䴳*CJaJ%hNFhvCJaJfHq hNFhvCJaJh |hv0JCJaJjhvCJUaJjhvCJUaJhvCJaJ=W:17}gd]vA ,p@ P !$gd]vA @^`@gdv p^`pgdv ,p@ P !$gdvgdv`gdv  01267|}  $01CSUWXfgmnef5defmo5=Ufmo 5fmƻƻhNFh]vACJaJh]vACJaJh]vAh]vACJ\aJh]vACJ\aJh_CJ\aJhiVeCJ\aJh]vA5>*CJaJJ 1nem=U  ,p@ P !$gd]vA" ) p@ P !$0^`0gd]vA`gd]vAgd]vAmo! 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