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Week 2 Section 1 Week 3 Section 2: From Light to Sight Week 4 Section 2 & Section 3: Color Week 5 No class Mon. Oct. 19, Section 3 Week 6 Section 3 & Section 4: The Real World Week 7 Section 4, Exam Week 8 Begin Projects Week 9 Continue with Projects Week 10 (mon) Rough Drafts Due! Week 10 Finish Projects Wk 11 (middle) Project Presentations, Project Paper Due USING THE ACTIVITY GUIDE IN OTHER INSTRUCTIONAL SETTINGS Explorations in Physics was originally designed to be used with relatively small classes in a Workshop/Studio setting that combines laboratory and computer activities with discussions. The materials were tested and refined over a 7-year period at ФЂЙНЪгЦЕ, Santa Clara University, and Rochester Institute of Technology. The schedule for EiP courses was different at each of these institutions, and the number of topics covered and the balance between guided inquiry and projects had to be adjusted accordingly. Some common implementations are described in Table 1. In most cases, the suggested schedules also allow extra days for exams, review sessions, and oral project presentations. Academic CalendarClass ScheduleGuided InquiryStudent ProjectsSemester3 hrs/week1 Unit1 Full Project6 hrs/week2 Unit2 Full ProjectsQuarter3 hrs/week1 Unit1 Shortened Project6 hrs/week2 Unit1 Full Project Table 1: Common implementation schedules for core materials and projects We recognize that not all institutions have the resources to provide a Workshop learning environment in which lectures and labs are combined. As outlined below, these materials can also be adapted for use in more traditionally structured classes. Traditional Lecture Sessions: It is possible to incorporate individual activities into lectures as demonstrations, similar to Interactive Lecture Demonstrations developed by David Sokoloff and Ronald Thornton. In these demonstrations, students record their predictions, discuss them with fellow students, and then watch as the instructor performs an experiment. Questions in the activity guide lead students to reconcile their predictions and observations. Traditional Lecture Sessions with Laboratory: In cases where a complete unit is introduced into a traditionally scheduled course, the labs and lectures can be coordinated so students can work through the unit in sequence with some activities being done as interactive lecture demonstrations and others as laboratory exercises. 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