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Physical/Mobility Accommodations

Getting Around Campus With a Mobility Impairment

Plan Your Route

Students who are utilizing mobility aids such as electric scooters, wheelchairs, canes, crutches etc. are advised to research the most accessible route for their needs to get to and from class. Most buildings on campus are fully accessible, but several elevators and wheelchair lifts require a key to operate them and that information can be found on our Guide to Building Accessibility. In case of snow, it may be important for a travel path to be cleared in advance so you have access to classrooms and other facilities on campus. To be assured of timely snow removal, contact Facilities Maintenance at (717) 245-1212 to discuss your specific needs before inclement winter weather is upon us.

Three of Dickinson’s buildings, Old West, Vincent House and the Historic President's House, are not fully accessible. With adequate notice, however, ADS can arrange to move an event or class to a location that is more suitable. Please notify us if you require access to any of these buildings. Please also bring to the attention of ADS any other locations on campus with accessibility concerns.


Several transportation options are available for all Dickinson students.

  • DPS Medical Van operates 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Service to locations within the Carlisle Borough for non-emergency medical appointments and/or pharmacies. Call ahead to schedule a ride. Same day service is schedule-dependent.  Call (717) 961-9646. For medical services not available in Carlisle, transportation may be arranged by calling DPS at (717) 245-1349 during business hours. Transportation outside of Carlisle must be arranged 24 hours in advance.
  • The Safety Shuttle is a free-of-charge Dickinson vehicle that runs continuously from 7pm-3am each evening on a loop that entails the following stops: Drayer Circle, Adams/Witwer, Morgan Circle, Carlisle Diner, Goodyear parking lot, Baird McClintock, ATS Lot, Factory Apts., 25/27 W. High Street, Denny/Stuart, and Walmart. Route information and a map can be found here.
  • Personal vehicles are permitted on Dickinson’s campus for all upperclass students. First-year students who need a car on campus for medical reasons must send an email request to Chief Danser, the Chief of Public Safety, at danserd@dickinson.edu, and copy access@dickinson.edu.

Needs for Crutches or a Wheelchair

Students in need of crutches can request to borrow them from the Wellness Center by emailing health@dickinson.edu or calling 717-245-1663. Dickinson does not have wheelchairs available for loan, but rental is available locally from , located at 1 Sprint Drive, Carlisle, PA, about three miles from campus. (IMA will provide delivery service to Dickinson and can be reached by calling 717-323-8240.)


Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ provides accessible (“handicapped”) parking on campus. Students requiring the use of parking accessibility spaces must have a state-issued parking placard as well as the appropriate Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ parking permit. To receive a parking permit, students must contact Public Safety to obtain the appropriate Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ parking permit that must be displayed along with the state-issued parking accessibility placard.

Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ is not authorized to issue parking accessibility placards. Whether permanent or temporary, all accessibility placards, must be obtained through the student's state of residence. The must be completed by both the applicant as well as the applicant’s health care provider.