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Fall 2020 Kickoff

Although we cannot be together for the traditional start to the academic year, we can come together virtually to celebrate the accomplishments of our students and welcome the newest members of our community. 

Tune in here at 4 p.m. (EDT) on Sunday, Aug. 16 for a Fall 2020 Kickoff live video event. It will include messages to welcome our new first-year and transfer students. We will also honor the Junior and Senior Sophisters and the recipients of the Shuman Prize and the Howard Lane Rubendall Senior Scholarship. 

An important note for our incoming students: This does not replace the cherished tradition of signing in to the college for new students. We will host a sign-in ceremony when it is safe to do so. 

Class Zoom Sessions

In addition to this live virtual event, each class is holding a Zoom session with senior leadership to hear more about plans for the fall semester and to be able to connect as a class. Students should check EngageD (though Dickinson Gateway) for details on their class session.

Class Virtual Backgrounds

Class Virtual Backgrounds

As you prepare for upcoming virtual sessions, download custom class virtual backgrounds, which can be used in both Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

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Dickinson Traditions

Dickinson Traditions

Discover some of the traditions and icons that make Dickinson distinctive.

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Save the Date: Virtual Activities Fair

Save the Date: Virtual Activities Fair

On Sunday, Aug. 23 from 2 to 4 p.m. (EDT), a Virtual Activities Fair will take place through EngageD that will allow students to explore clubs and connect directly via Zoom with club officers, members, and other interested students to learn more and join.