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Title IX: Options and Next Steps

Get Help Now

If you believe you or anyone else is in immediate danger, call 911 or Public Safety at 717-245-1111.

Confidential 24-hour Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Sexual Violence Hotline: 717-609-4244.

Steps to Take After an Incident – includes talking to someone you trust, preserving evidence if possible, seeking medical care and ongoing support services.

You can , or speak with the TIX Coordinator.

You can talk to the TIX Coordinator privately to understand your rights, options, TIX policy, and available support services.

Contact — Kat Matic, Title IX Coordinator

Phone: 717-254-8316
Address: 41 Conway St, Carlisle PA 17013

Next Steps

Steps to take after an incident of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking.

Each person who has experienced sexual or gender-based harassment or misconduct is a person who has distinct needs from any other person and is treated by our Title IX and Sexual Respect Office staff with dignity, respect and compassion.

There is no uniform reaction by survivors after an experience of sexual or gender-based harassment or misconduct, and every person who experiences an incident may need and has the right to request different support services, unique and individualized to their personal needs.

Each person who has experienced sexual harassment has the right to choose whether or not to report to police, report to the College and choose whether to engage in a process or decline a process. In most cases, we do our best to uphold the decisions of the person in regards to the process they want or do not want.

It can be valuable to know that there are many support services available, such as medical care, confidential emotional support, our confidential 24/7 hour Dickinson Sexual Violence hotline, and also many off-campus confidential services, such as the national sexual assault hotline, the national domestic violence hotline, and the sexual violence legal assistance project (PCAR) that offers holistic legal advice and short term representation.

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Investigation Process

What happens after I file a report?

After you file a report with the college, the Title IX Coordinator or other TIX Office staff member will contact the complainant and invite them to meet and explore resolution options and review resources and/or available support services.

Advisor of Choice

For sexual and gender-based allegations, the Complainant and Respondent have the same opportunity to be accompanied to any related meeting or proceeding by an advisor of their choice.

File a Report

Information About Legal Assistance

Dickinson does not provide legal assistance to complainants or respondents. An online guide to legal service information in Pennsylvania is available at: . Students who are seeking legal assistance may review the Pennsylvania Bar Association's website () or call the PBA Lawyer Referral Service at 1-800-692-7375.

Visa and Immigration Assistance

Executive Director of the Center for Global Study


Student Financial Aid

Financial Aid


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What if I want to remain anonymous?

If after you have made a formal grievance complaint and you ask that your identity not be shared with the respondent, the Title IX coordinator will evaluate your request, while balancing the college’s responsibility to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment to the community. It is important to understand that if the college upholds your request to remain anonymous, the college’s ability to respond, investigate or pursue a resolution may be limited. In order for the TIX Coordinator to inform an alleged respondent of the allegations, a complainant will need to file a formal complaint and request a College grievance process.

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Resolution Options


An investigation is a formal process that may result in disciplinary action against a respondent.

The investigation is designed to provide a fair and reliable gathering of the facts. The investigation process is thorough, impartial and fair, and all individuals will be treated with appropriate sensitivity and respect.

Title IX Formal Resolution Process

  1. Contact the TIX Office
  2. Meet with the Title IX Coordinator
  3. File a Formal Complaint
  4. You and the other Party will receive Written Notice of Complaint
  5. The Investigator(s) will gather evidence
  6. The Investigator(s) will submit their Report
  7. You and the other Party may respond to Investigator(s)
  8. A final report will be shared with Parties, their Advisors, and the Hearing Panel
  9. The Hearing Occurs
  10. The Hearing Panel will make a decision regarding policy violation
  11. The Hearing Chair notifies Parties of the decision
  12. Both Parties have a right to appeal once a decision is made