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Student-Faculty Research Archive

Students watching the building of a mandala in the Dickinson Library.


The following list includes current and historic, individual student research projects, public presentations from conferences, symposia and exhibitions*, and peer-reviewed publications. For abstracts on each project see Students as Scholars.

Students can get a list of their projects by going to CLIQ in the Gateway.  Under the CLIQ menu, go to Profiles and then My ePortfolio.    If you are an alum and would like a copy of your projects, please submit a research project request form.

*“Supported by:” on Student Conference Presentation records indicates the entity or funding mechanism that supported the student’s participation in the conference, i.e. travel expenses, poster costs, etc.  For on-campus conferences, the supporting entity is usually the academic department sponsoring the event.

**“Supported by:” on Student Research Project records indicates the entity or funding mechanism that supported the student’s research costs, i.e. supplies, materials, equipment, stipends, local or international research travel, etc.


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Catherine Gabriella MartinSpiritual Economies: Resources, Labor, and Exchange in Glastonbury and Sedona
Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant
Number of Weeks: 13
Jodie Vann


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Joseph Gilbert BautistaNovel Saints: Novel, Hagiography and Romance from the 4th to the 12th Century
Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant
Number of Weeks: 6
Peter Schadler
Pentti HanlonDharma Rain Second Edition
Supported by: Center for Sustainability Education (CSE)
Number of Weeks: 8
Daniel Cozort
Pentti HanlonDharma Rain Second Edition
Supported by: Center for Sustainability Education (CSE)
Number of Weeks: 13
Daniel Cozort


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Selena Nicole GouldExploring Conflict Resolution in an Intractable Conflict: ISRAEL/PALESTINE Summer 2016 Summer Abroad
Conference: Center for Global Study and Engagement 2016 International Research Symposium
Supported by: Center for Global Study and Engagement
Shalom Staub
Taylor Alexandra LezhenExploring Conflict Resolution in an Intractable Conflict: ISRAEL/PALESTINE Summer 2016 Summer Abroad
Conference: Center for Global Study and Engagement 2016 International Research Symposium
Supported by: Center for Global Study and Engagement
Shalom Staub
Norma Jean ParkExploring Conflict Resolution in an Intractable Conflict: ISRAEL/PALESTINE Summer 2016 Summer Abroad
Conference: Center for Global Study and Engagement 2016 International Research Symposium
Supported by: Center for Global Study and Engagement
Shalom Staub
Ikram RabbaniExploring Conflict Resolution in an Intractable Conflict: ISRAEL/PALESTINE Summer 2016 Abroad Program
Conference: Center for Global Study and Engagement 2016 International Research Symposium
Supported by: Center for Global Study and Engagement
Shalom Staub
Huixia TangExploring Conflict Resolution in an Intractable Conflict: Israel/Palestine
Conference: Center for Global Study and Engagement 2016 International Research Symposium
Supported by: Center for Global Studies and Engagement
Lisa Roberta TeitelbaumExploring Conflict Resolution in an Intractable Conflict: ISRAEL/PALESTINE Summer 2016 Summer Abroad
Conference: Center for Global Study and Engagement 2016 International Research Symposium
Supported by: Center for Global Study and Engagement
Shalom Staub
Shisheng ZhouExploring Conflict Resolution in an Intractable Conflict: ISRAEL/PALESTINE Summer 2016 Summer Abroad
Conference: Center for Global Study and Engagement 2016 International Research Symposium
Supported by: Center for Global Study and Engagement
Shalom Staub


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Amanda Michelle GvozdenSpirit Filled Brain: The Benefits of Spiritual Practice in individuals with Temproal Lobe Epilepsy
Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant
Daniel Cozort,Teresa Barber


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Rebecca Nicole StangerA Museum Exhibit on the History of the Jewish Deli
Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant
Number of Weeks: 26
Edward Merwin


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Justin Cassius WisnerQuantum Mind
Conference: Science and Religion Conference for the Humanities
Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant
Daniel Cozort


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Ryan Adam MeyersDana Research Internship (Pre-R&D)
Supported by: Dana Research Internship (Pre-R&D)
Number of Weeks: 26
Daniel Cozort


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Heather C LockeWomen and Religion: Trends in Publishing, 1974-1994
Supported by: A.W. Mellon Foundation Student Faculty Research Endowment Award
Number of Weeks: 8
Mara Donaldson


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Elizabeth Lansdell NashTranscription and Edition of an Early Shaker Manuscript
Supported by: A.W. Mellon Foundation Student Faculty Research Endowment Award
Number of Weeks: 8
Margaret Garrett
Lara Mary WulffGender and Autobiography: Life and Work of Dorothy Day and Annie Dillard
Supported by: A.W. Mellon Foundation Student Faculty Research Endowment Award
Number of Weeks: 8
Mara Donaldson