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Sociology Students

Odessa Elmore ‘21

Hi! My name is Odessa Elmore and I am from Boston, MA. When I first started at Dickinson, I thought about becoming an anthropology or psychology major, however, after taking social analysis, I was given new perspectives and insights on the world in which we live in. In every sociology class I’ve taken thus far, there is clearly something in common among the department-a passion for student growth and drive. The department and my major in sociology has allowed me to build on a fond interest for cultural interaction. In the future, I would like to go into marketing and communications and do non-profit work on researching the effects of social class and race on education.

Ethan Mayer-Rich ‘20

Hi, my name is Ethan Mayer-Rich and I’m a senior sociology and Arabic student from New York City.  My interest in sociology is in the sociology of migration, specifically on refugees and protracted refugee crises.  I’m interested in studying how refugee camps stratify a society geographically and socially and what the consequences are for migrants.  I began to narrow this interest during my junior year which I spent studying abroad in Amman, Jordan.  My Arabic allowed me to travel the country and study Syrian and Palestinian-Jordanian communities in real time.  As a result, I hope to return to the Middle East after I graduate and pursue further work/study in this field.

Rogelio Cuevas ’20

Hey y'all! My name is Rogelio Cuevas, and I am a Sociology and Spanish double major from Los Angeles, CA.

Being who I am, and living by those identifiers, I have always been interested in relationships: between people and cultures, across societies, within systems and institutions, in nature, and generally of the realities that we exist in. I have several interests in varying fields but never really had an idea of what I wanted to do with those interests in the "long term." I followed the traditional liberal arts route and took classes in many fields of study before ultimately going forth with Sociology and Spanish as my majors. I initially chose Spanish as my major because of my interests and connections to the language and cultures and people that it is tied to. After taking several classes, I realized how much more profound the relationships that exist within the field are than I initially thought. I wanted more, though, in regards to connecting to and thinking critically about theories, relationships, and society. That's when I knew sociology was and is for me. Sociology gives me the opportunity to ask all the right questions in an environment where the tools are provided to produce, propose, and enact change in an attempt to solve the social, political, economic, and the plethora of crises humanity is currently dealing with. I am a sociology major because, in the wise words of Gandhi, I want to be the change I wish to see in the world.

Madeleine Sagebiel ’20

Hello everyone! My name is Madeleine Sagebiel. I’m from San Francisco, CA. I am a Sociology Major and a French minor. When coming to Dickinson, I wasn’t sure what exactly I wanted to major in. I ended up choosing between Sociology and Political Science.  I made my decision to be a Sociology major with the first class I took in the major. Social Analysis was something I had never done before. This class not only taught me a lot, but also made me feel different about the world I was seeing around me. Having been abroad for a year I have been able to put what I’ve learned into action. I studied abroad my first semester in Bologna, Italy and my second semester in Rabat, Morocco. In both these places I was given the chance to travel in and out of the countries. I was able to utilize what I  learned in the classroom in the outside world. I’m excited to use what I’ve learned from this major in the world when I graduate in the Spring. 

Tomás Báscolo ‘21

My name is Tomás Báscolo, I am from Argentina and I am majoring in Sociology. My interest in Sociology has always been purely unintentional. I did not chose Sociology as a major, Sociology chose me. Since I was 13, I have been applying a sociological thinking on every single activity or discussion I would engage in. Throughout the past years, have been able to satisfy my desire to see the world on a sociological level through photography. This is the beauty of sociology, being able to personalize it and combine it with our individual talents or hobbies. Because of this, I have been able to developed a special interest in Sociology on the study of genocides, revolutions, and the political history of Latin America. I believe that not only the study of Sociology itself, but also my personal application of it, will guide me towards my desired future.

Maya Cromwell ‘20

Hello! My name is Maya Cromwell and I am from Fairfield, CT. I am a Sociology Major and an Educational Studies Minor. I aspire to go into Social Work and believe this discipline will be very helpful to me. I instantly fell in love with sociology after taking Social Analysis and declared shortly after. I strongly believe that everyone should take a sociology class. Sociology stands out as a discipline by encouraging you to un-learn concepts and ideas that have become taken-for-granted. The discipline teaches perspective taking and how to be a more conscious citizen. I could go on and on about my love for the professors and fellow students in this major!

Liz Ward ‘21

Hi! my name is Liz Ward and I am from Providence, Rhode Island. As a freshman, I took sociology 110 and decided that I absolutely hated sociology. Upon finishing the class, I could not help but constantly reflect on what I had learned. With the help of the always encouraging faculty within the department, I decided to take more classes, admittedly my curiosity had gotten the best of me. Now as a sociology major, I am able to apply my learned knowledge from the classroom to the greater world on topics such as social justice, race, and human interaction.

Sierra Climaco ’20

Hello! My name is Sierra Climaco. I am from Los Angeles, CA and Manila, Philippines. I am a Sociology Major and a Creative Writing Minor. I was wary about majoring in Sociology because I didn't know what I could gain out of it nor how it would contribute to society. After some (for lack of better word) enlightenment, I turned in that declaration form and do not regret my decision. I am grateful for how my classes continually challenge me to be a better individual and member of society, and I am thankful for the faculty who refuse to let their students remain complacent in their learning. I am passionate about writing, trans-migrational narratives, and learning about identities who are virtually not talked in academia. Who knows where this passion will take me?