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Mathematics Departmental Honors Archive

The following list includes the names of Dickinsonians who have earned departmental honors, the thesis/project title, and the year of conferral. If there is no thesis or project title, the conferring department only will be listed. Each academic department (or program) has its own criteria for awarding departmental honors. Please see the Advising Guide or elsewhere on the department’s main website for details.

Emily Lynn Shambaugh (2024)
Factorization Patterns of Polynomials and Partitions

Alex Pritchard Nash (2022)
Parametrized Dynamics of the Dixon Elliptic Functions

Mengting Chao (2020)
Dynamics of the Taylor Series Approximation of the Dixon Elliptic Functions

Moyi Tian (2019)
Maypole Braids: An Analysis Using the Annular Braid Group

Katherine Anne Roy (2015)
Dynamics of the Real Weierstrass Elliptic Function

Simon N Feeman (2014)
Dynamics of a Family of Eighth-Degree Complex Polynomials

Kathryn Anna McAndrew Schlechtweg (2014)
On the Generalized Symmetric Spaces of the Semidihedral Groups

Yujia Zhou (2013)
Classification of Symbolic Dynamics for One-Dimensional Dynamical Systems with Overlapping Regions

Haosong Wang (2012)
Dynamics of the Complex Hyperbolic Cosine-Root Family

Fabio Ariel Drucker (2011)
Symbolic Dynamics with Overlapping Partitions and Cocyclic Subshifts

Thanh Thien To (2011)
Mathematical Techniques for Assigniing First-Year Seminars

Ritwik Kumar Niyogi (2009)
Dynamical Effects of Non-Linearities and Time-Varying Gain Modulation in Neurally Plausible Network Models of Perceptual Decision-Making

Christian R Millichap (2008)
Topology of Discretized Configuration Spaces

Arthur Jeffrey Goldsmith (2007)
Dynamics of the Derivative of the Weierstrass Elliptic Function

Paul John Winkler (2007)
Circle Maps

Angelo Polo (2005)
p-Groups and Nilpotency

Theresa Sparacio Giesey (2004)
Periodic Trajectories in Triangular Billiards: Methods of Construction

Elizabeth Louise Foster (2003)
A Link Between Mathematics and Physics: A Study of Knot Theory and Magnetic Field Line Reconnection

Michael Meginnes Livingston (1995)
Departmental Honors in Mathematics

Matthew Thomas Parks (1995)
Constructing an Optimal Baseball Lineup

Dale Wesley Usner (1992)
Who Should Play Whom?: An Application of Sequential Decision Making to Tournament Design Problems

Catherine Kim Crosby (1990)
An Investigation of Dual Spaces of Two-normed Spaces

Sandra L Shullman (1969)
An Investigation of the Axioms of Conditional Set Existence

John K Hampson (1967)
Properties and Uses of Schauder Bases in Banach Spaces

Michael Divinia (1966)
The Lebesgue Integral

Frank L Palmer (1965)
Certain Theorems Concerning the Summability of Sequences

Linnea Imler Sennott (1965)
Summation and Integration Theory: Utility Grade

Joyce K Lerch (1964)
Modern Approximation Methods

Janet Pagdin Simpson (1964)
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors in Finite and Infinite Dimensional Vector Spaces