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How to Support the Campaign

There are many ways you can support the Campaign for Scholarships: Change a Life—Change the World.

Make a Dickinson Fund Gift

Choose “Scholarships” in the gift designation field.

Establish a Dickinson Fund Scholarship

Establish a Dickinson Fund Scholarship

Named Dickinson Fund Scholarships provide annual scholarship support to deserving students.

Establish an Endowed Scholarship

Establish an Endowed Scholarship

Endowed, named scholarship funds provide an enduring stream of scholarship support to assist current and future generations of Dickinson students.

Contribute to an Existing Endowed Scholarship Fund

Contribute to an Existing Endowed Scholarship Fund

You may make a gift of any amount to an existing endowed, named scholarship fund.

Support Scholarships Though a Planned Gift

You can establish an enduring legacy or scholarship support by making a gift through your estate plans.