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Creative Writing Current Courses

Spring 2025

Course Code Title/Instructor Meets
CRWR 218-01 Creative Writing: Poetry and Fiction
Instructor: Adrienne Su
Course Description:
An introductory creative writing workshop in poetry and fiction.
03:00 PM-04:15 PM, MR
CRWR 218-02 Creative Writing: Poetry and Fiction
Instructor: Susan Perabo
Course Description:
An introductory creative writing workshop in poetry and fiction.
10:30 AM-11:45 AM, TR
CRWR 218-03 Creative Writing: Poetry and Fiction
Instructor: Sonia Christensen
Course Description:
An introductory creative writing workshop in poetry and fiction.
01:30 PM-04:30 PM, W
CRWR 219-01 Creative Writing: Memoir/Essay
Instructor: Sharon O'Brien
Course Description:
In this course, we will learn how to transform life into art by taking what may seem "personal" materials - the experiences of a life, or lives - and shaping them aesthetically into narrative. "Everyone has a story that only they can tell," writer Susan Monsky once said, and this is particularly relevant in a course that focuses on memoir and personal essay. Equally true is the fact that not everyone can tell her or his story well or effectively, in a way that will engage readers. The challenge of memoir is to draw on the raw material of life and transform it into art by finding the story that emerges and creating a narrative voice to tell that story. In this course we will both encourage the emergence of writers' individual voices and work on the literary techniques (many of which are shared with fiction writers) that make memoir (and personal essay) a literary genre.We will be reading examples of memoir and personal essay; the heart of the course, however, is the workshop, where we will discuss each other's writing and give suggestions for revision. Classes will include discussions of the reading, freewriting, and workshopping of student papers.
01:30 PM-04:30 PM, T
CRWR 219-02 Creative Writing in Spanish: Writing from Memory
Instructor: Jorge Sagastume
Course Description:
Cross-listed with SPAN 380-01. This course introduces students to the art of creative writing, exploring fiction and non-fiction with a particular emphasis on memoir and the role of memory. Participants will draw from memory triggers-such as photography, short films, art, sculpture, and music-as they reflect on their experiences and identities. Through these mediums, students will learn to embrace the contingencies of life and reimagine their stories. A vital component of the course will be translation between Spanish and English. Equally important is the broader sense of translating lived and imagined experiences into narrative form. This dual exploration of language and reality will guide students on a transformative journey of creative expression applied to life.
01:30 PM-02:45 PM, MR
CRWR 219-03 Creative Nonfiction: Writing about Food
Instructor: Adrienne Su
Course Description:
May include memoir, creative nonfiction, screenwriting, biography, novel writing, graphic novel, playwriting, genre fiction (e.g., detective, sci-fi), subgenres of poetry (e.g., visual poetry), subgenres of fiction (e.g., Magical Realism), and other forms of non-analytical writing not routinely offered. Prerequisite: CRWR 218 or any film course when topic is Screenwriting; otherwise none.
01:30 PM-02:45 PM, TF
CRWR 317-01 Advanced Creative Writing: Fiction
Instructor: Susan Perabo
Course Description:
Writing and discussion of fiction. Prerequisite: 218 or permission of the instructor.
01:30 PM-02:45 PM, MR
CRWR 319-01 Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry
Instructor: Adrienne Su
Course Description:
Writing and discussion of poetry. Prerequisite: 218 or permission of the instructor.
10:30 AM-11:45 AM, TR