HEBR 102-01 |
Elementary Modern Hebrew Instructor: Oren Yagil Course Description:
Introduction to the modern Hebrew language. Alphabet, phonics and grammatical structures. Emphasizes development of reading comprehension, composition and conversational skills.Prerequisite: 101 or the equivalent.
12:30 PM-01:20 PM, MTWRF ALTHSE 07 |
Courses Offered in JDST |
JDST 107-01 |
Jews, Christians and Pagans in the Time of Jesus Instructor: Peter Schadler Course Description:
Cross-listed with RELG 107-01. A critical examination and attempt to understand the New Testament as the written traditions which articulated the faith, expectations, and actions of the early Christians as they responded within Jewish and Greek culture to the historical events of their day, and especially as they responded to the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth.
This course is cross-listed as RELG 107.
09:30 AM-10:20 AM, MWF DENNY 104 |
JDST 203-01 |
Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament in Context Instructor: Andrea Lieber Course Description:
Cross-listed with RELG 203-01. A critical examination and attempt to understand the literature and the antecedent traditions remembered and formulated by the ancient Israelites in terms of their own views of God. This literature is interpreted in the context of events and cultures of the ancient Near East.
This course is cross-listed as RELG 203.
10:30 AM-11:20 AM, MWF EASTC 314 |
JDST 204-01 |
Judaism Instructor: Andrea Lieber Course Description:
Cross-listed with RELG 204-01. A basic course in the history, basic beliefs and practices, and modern manifestations of Judaism as a religion. The course concerns itself with the interactions of Judaism and other world religions, notably Christianity.This course is cross-listed as RELG 204.
12:30 PM-01:20 PM, MWF EASTC 411 |
JDST 250-01 |
Beyond Belief: Jewish Secular Culture from Spinoza to Seinfeld Instructor: Andrea Lieber Course Description:
Cross-listed with RELG 260-01. Many Jews nowadays define themselves in secular or cultural terms rather than religious ones. But how did the tradition of secular Judaism come to be? This course will survey the development of secular Jewish identity through an examination of key thinkers over the last three and a half centuries, including Spinoza, Freud, Marx and Einstein. The course will conclude with an examination of secular Judaism in American culture - the drama of Clifford Odets and Arthur Miller, the films of Mel Brooks and Sidney Lumet, and the television shows Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Offered every year. This course is cross-listed as RELG 260.
11:30 AM-12:20 PM, MWF EASTC 314 |
Courses Offered in RELG |
RELG 107-01 |
Jews, Christians and Pagans in the Time of Jesus Instructor: Peter Schadler Course Description:
Cross-listed with JDST 107-01. A critical examination and attempt to understand the New Testament as the written traditions which articulated the faith, expectations, and actions of the early Christians as they responded within Jewish and Greek culture to the historical events of their day, and especially as they responded to the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth. This course is cross-listed as JDST 107.
09:30 AM-10:20 AM, MWF DENNY 104 |
RELG 203-01 |
Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament in Context Instructor: Andrea Lieber Course Description:
Cross-listed with JDST 203-01. A critical examination and attempt to understand the literature and the antecedent traditions remembered and formulated by the ancient Israelites in terms of their own views of God. This literature is interpreted in the context of events and cultures of the ancient Near East. This course is cross-listed as JDST 203.
10:30 AM-11:20 AM, MWF EASTC 314 |
RELG 204-01 |
Judaism Instructor: Andrea Lieber Course Description:
Cross-listed with JDST 204-01.
A basic course in the history, basic beliefs and practices, and modern manifestations of Judaism as a religion. The course concerns itself with the interactions of Judaism and other world religions, notably Christianity. This course is cross-listed as JDST 204.
12:30 PM-01:20 PM, MWF EASTC 411 |