THDA 112-01 |
Classical Ballet Beginning Level Instructor: Brigette Plummer Course Description:
Classes taught under the direction of the CPYB faculty. Instruction is based on the nationally recognized ballet syllabus originally developed by Marcia Dale Weary, founder and artistic director of the Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet. Careful consideration to alignment, placement and proper execution of steps will be covered in depth. Studio/classroom location is TBA. This .5 class counts towards the Arts Requirement when taken with a .5 Movement Studio class. Credit/no credit
11:45 AM-01:00 PM, TR CUBICU STUDIO |
THDA 124-01 |
Jazz Dance I Instructor: Amanda Chesnut Course Description:
Studio courses in jazz dance offered at three levels: I. the basic level, which assumes no previous dance experience; II. the intermediate level, open to students who demonstrate basic accomplishment in dance technique; III. the advanced level, open to students who demonstrate substantial technical skill. All courses will focus on the movement vocabulary and dynamics of jazz dance. Elements of rhythm, body isolations, and various styles of jazz technique will be emphasized. Each course may be repeated for credit with permission of the instructor. Each carries .5 academic credit. This .5 class counts towards the Arts Requirement when taken with a .5 Movement Studio class.
01:30 PM-02:45 PM, TF 2527WH DANCE STU |
THDA 131-01 |
Scenic Construction and Painting Techniques Instructor: Jason Nedrow Course Description:
This is a studio course which will meet flexibly for three hours each week. Students will learn foundational skills and techniques associated with creating the sets for shows and film by learning to understand and by using the basic tools, concepts and techniques associated with carpentry and painting. Students will learn through hands-on exercises. This is a practical, experiential course; throughout the semester the students involved will create the physical environments for our shows and films being produced at the college. Special attention is paid to the sourcing of materials, and what stream these materials end up in, once our use for it has expired. Carries .5 academic credit. Two .5 academic credits of THDA 131-133 can be used to satisfy the Arts distribution requirement.
THDA 132-01 |
Costume and Soft-Goods Construction Instructor: Juli Bounds, Sherry Harper-McCombs Course Description:
A hands-on course in the machine and hand stitching skills required for building costumes and other fabric items for stage, this is a project based course. Students will work on individual projects to build the skills needed to work on projects for stage in the departments production program. Carries .5 academic credit. Two .5 academic credits of THDA 131-133 can be used to satisfy the Arts distribution requirement.
THDA 190-01 |
Production and Performance Instructor: Keola Simpson Course Description:
A laboratory experience in the creation and performance of theatre production. Under the guidance of faculty, students will explore the interpretive processes by which theatre productions are rehearsed, built and presented. Carries .5 academic credit. Credit/no credit. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor based on an open audition process for performance or application process for production. Two .5 academic credits of this course can be used to satisfy the Arts distribution requirement.
THDA 190-02 |
Production and Performance Instructor: Kent Barrett Course Description:
A laboratory experience in the creation and performance of theatre production. Under the guidance of faculty, students will explore the interpretive processes by which theatre productions are rehearsed, built and presented. Carries .5 academic credit. Credit/no credit. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor based on an open audition process for performance or application process for production. Two .5 academic credits of this course can be used to satisfy the Arts distribution requirement.
THDA 190-03 |
Production and Performance Instructor: Sherry Harper-McCombs Course Description:
A laboratory experience in the creation and performance of theatre production. Under the guidance of faculty, students will explore the interpretive processes by which theatre productions are rehearsed, built and presented. Carries .5 academic credit. Credit/no credit. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor based on an open audition process for performance or application process for production. Two .5 academic credits of this course can be used to satisfy the Arts distribution requirement.
THDA 203-01 |
Acting I Instructor: Karen Kirkham Course Description:
An introduction to the principles and theories of acting combined with practical exercises and scene performance. This course fulfills the Arts distribution requirement.
09:30 AM-11:30 AM, TR CUBICU STUDIO |
THDA 205-01 |
Directing Instructor: Karen Kirkham Course Description:
A study of the major techniques employed by stage directors. Visual theory, text analysis, collaborative techniques, and organizational strategies are examined and applied in class exercises including the direction of scenes. Prerequisite: 203.
01:30 PM-02:45 PM, MR CUBICU STUDIO |
THDA 212-01 |
Classical Ballet Intermediate Level Instructor: Brigette Plummer Course Description:
Studio classes in classical ballet taught at the intermediate/advance level by teachers from the Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet (CPYB) at the Dickinson Dance studio (The Site). The class is geared towards students who have had at least ten years of consecutive ballet training. Taught by CPYB instructors, students have the opportunity to maintain and hone their ballet technique. Students will focus on maintaining proper alignment in the body while exploring a greater range of motion and momentum. All classes will be taught at the Dickinson Dance Studio 25-27 High Street The Site. This course satisfies the Arts distribution credit when taken with a .5 Movement Studio class. Credit/no credit
11:30 AM-12:45 PM, MWF 2527WH DANCE STU |
THDA 214-01 |
Movement and Media Instructor: Jungeun Kim Course Description:
Cross-listed with FMST 220-05. This introductory studio class focuses on multiple ways of tracking, viewing, and capturing bodies in motion and daily choreographic movement, such as walking to a chair to sit, closing a door or opening a drawer. The course will emphasize working with the camera as an extension of the body to explore radically different points of view. We will experiment with framing, composition, and camera movement to bring a heightened awareness of kinesthetic involvement and emotional immediacy to the bodies on screen and behind the camera. The course examines various artists practices and their creative research to expand the methodologies of art making. The course will balance discussion and studio/lab time as students create collaborative & individual projects. This course will focus on experimentation and exploration rather than technical skill building. It is about familiarizing yourself with the uses of various mediums and processes to explore work through practices and projects. Previous experience in performance/video composition can be beneficial but is not required.
03:00 PM-04:15 PM, TR 2527WH DANCE STU |
THDA 220-01 |
Dance Production and Performance Instructor: Sarah Skaggs Course Description:
Additional weekly rehearsals will be scheduled following the audition. A laboratory experience in the creation and performance of dance for the concert stage. Under the guidance of faculty or guest professional choreographers, students will explore the interpretive processes by which dances are created. Carries .5 academic credit. Credit/no credit. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor based on an open audition process for performance or application process for production. Two .5 academic credits of this course can be used to satisfy the Arts distribution requirement.
05:00 PM-07:30 PM, TR |
THDA 233-01 |
Sustainable Light Design Instructor: Kent Barrett Course Description:
This class explores the artistry of light within a live performance context as well as the use of light design in film. Students will gain an introductory understanding of the basic tools and equipment used in film and on stage to create lighting designs, while studying both technique and theory associated with the art forms through the lens of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This class is divided into theoretical exploration and hands-on studio work which stresses the conceptual and artistic elements of these abstract design forms while giving the student the basic technical skills required to create work with light while keeping an eye toward the environmental consequences, impacts, and benefits that light may have. Studio projects will fluctuate between conceptual work to gain a broader understanding and foundation of tools and techniques, to realized, large scale designs on the mainstage and for the camera.
10:30 AM-11:45 AM, TR MONTGM 200 |
THDA 235-01 |
Costume Design as Artistic Practice Instructor: Sherry Harper-McCombs Course Description:
Studio time TBD. This course connects students with the process of costume design from concept to creation to performance. The first half of the semester will be connected with the departments production program where students will assist the resident designer and observe the process of manifesting design ideas on stage while studying design skills in a studio setting. The second half of the semester will focus on students designing for other students in semester showcase productions and/or Freshworks.Prerequisite: 132 or permission of the instructor.
11:30 AM-12:45 PM, MW MONTGM 200 |
THDA 302-01 |
Theatre and the Environment Instructor: Karen Kirkham Course Description:
This class will investigate theater's historic and contemporary engagement with the environment. Students will explore green practice in theater, theater linked to climate action and the practice of site-specific work in outdoor environments. The course will culminate in an outdoor production as part of exploring the complications and methodology surrounding the intersection of theatre practice and environmentalism.
01:30 PM-04:30 PM, W MONTGM 100 |
THDA 303-01 |
Acting II: Advanced Technique and Classical Drama Instructor: Keola Simpson Course Description:
An in-depth examination of the process of acting. Technical, interpretive, and psychological aspects are explored through reading, exercises, and scene performances. Major theories of acting are presented and discussed in the context of developing a workable, individualized approach to acting. Prerequisite: 203.
03:00 PM-05:00 PM, MR CUBICU STUDIO |
THDA 304-01 |
Applied Choreography Instructor: Sarah Skaggs Course Description:
This course will focus on the principles of choreography as they may be applied to the development of original dance works for inclusion in the fully produced, mainstage Dance Theatre Group Spring Concert. Through weekly workshop/discussion sessions, readings, and rehearsals, selected elements of dance composition as well as issues of aesthetic perception and articulation are explored. The processes involved in generating movement material, running constructive and creative rehearsals, and working with lighting and costume designers, are our primary concerns. The course work will include an audition, showings, production of the dances, and the final performance. Prerequisites: 204, 220. 1 credit.
04:45 PM-06:45 PM, W 2527WH DANCE STU |
THDA 312-01 |
Classical Ballet Advanced Level Instructor: Brigette Plummer Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required. Classes taught under the direction of the CPYB faculty. Entry into THDA 311/312 is by audition only. (CPYB Certificate) Instruction is based on the nationally recognized ballet syllabus originally developed by Marcia Dale Weary, founder and artistic director of the Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet. Careful consideration to alignment, placement and proper execution of steps will be covered in depth. All classes are taught at the CPYB Warehouse three days a week, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 3:00-4:30. Each course may be repeated for credit with permission of the instructor. This satisfies the Arts distribution credit when taken for a full credit, or for.5 credit with a .5 Movement Studio class. Credit/No Credit.
11:45 AM-01:00 PM, TWR CPYB STUDIOS |
THDA 316-01 |
Dance History Seminar: Modernism and the Body Instructor: Sarah Skaggs Course Description:
This course will focus on contemporary dance history using theoretical frameworks that interrogate how race, class and gender resist, assimilate, and converge to create the construction of American modern concert dance. We will explore how the politics of the dancing female body on the concert stage produced a radicalized agenda for contemporary dance. We will address key themes and questions throughout the semester, questions such as: What makes a body "modern?" How does the feminist agenda on the concert stage aid in the construction of a "modern" body? What was the role of appropriating from exotic cultures in the making of contemporary concert dance? What is the role of technology in the creation of modern dance? What are the effects of war and politics on the dancing body? Orientalism, the Africanist presence in Western concert dance, and the restaging of Native American dances by American choreographers will be addressed as part of the overall construction of American modern dance. Through response papers, in-class presentations, and an in-depth research paper, students will engage with significant issues contributing to the development of modern concert dance. Prerequisite: 102. This course is cross-listed as WGSS 301.
10:30 AM-11:45 AM, WF MONTGM 100 |
THDA 322-01 |
Movement Lab Instructor: Amanda Chesnut Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required. Movement Lab is an advanced level dance technique course open to students who demonstrate substantial technical skill. Movement Lab is designed to further the students knowledge of contemporary practices in dance, to enhance efficient use of weight and momentum, to release held patterns in the bodys mechanics, and to strengthen dynamic range in performance. Movement combinations drawn from a variety of dance techniques and somatic modalities will address coordination, alignment, spatial awareness and musicality. Throughout the semester students develop a personal project aimed at addressing their individual goals for dance training as well as further developing their skills as self-directed artists and scholars. Each course may be repeated for credit with permission of the instructor. Prerequisite: Permission on the instructor. Each carries .5 academic credit. Two .5 academic credits of dance one in Movement Studio and one in the genre of their choosing will satisfy the requirement.
09:00 AM-10:20 AM, MWF 2527WH DANCE STU |
THDA 412-01 |
Classical Ballet Certificate/Pre-professional Program Audition Only Instructor: Brigette Plummer Course Description:
Classes taught under the direction of the CPYB faculty. Entry into THDA 411/412 is by audition only. (CPYB Certificate) Instruction is based on the nationally recognized ballet syllabus originally developed by Marcia Dale Weary, founder and artistic director of the Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet. Students admitted to the Certificate program are accepted into the CPYB school as full time students. As full time students, they are expected to follow and commit to the daily requirements of their instructors. All classes are taught at the CPYB Warehouse and Barn studio during studio hours on or after 4:30 Monday through Friday and at 9am Saturday with other possible classes until 4pm.Classes count for those students enrolled in the CPYB Certificate program. Credit/No Credit
THDA 495-01 |
Senior Project Instructor: Karen Kirkham Course Description:
A culminating experience for students completing the Theatre major with emphasis in Dramatic Literature, Acting/Directing, or Dance. The specific nature of projects will be determined on an individual basis, but all senior projects will consist of at least two of the following: a) scholarship, b) technical/production work, and c) performance. Students will register for .5 course credit in the fall semester, during which planning and research will be conducted, and .5 in the spring, during which presentation of the project will occur. Prerequisite: four .25 course credits in THDA 190.