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Digital Humanities

Digital Humanities

Dickinson scholars and students are harnessing the power of new technologies through an array of digital humanities endeavors.

Digital humanities is an emerging field that applies methods derived from computing to the traditional questions and objects of study in humanities disciplines. It is an umbrella term covering a wide range of activities, from online preservation and digital mapping to data mining and the use of geographic information systems, data visualization, and digital publishing. These and other tools are being used at Dickinson in collaborative and interdisciplinary projects in ways that help advance the liberal arts mission.

Caring During Serious Illness

The importance of end of life conversations, with a variety of community partners and student input. High quality video with perspectives from a series of clinical advisors whose unique perspectives are derived from devoting their professional lives to caring for patients with serious illness.

Carlisle Indian Industrial School

A developing database of Carlisle Indian Industrial School resources. Beginning with the school records housed at the U.S. National Archives as part of the Bureau of Indian Affairs papers, the site will expand to contain digitized materials that tell the story of the school and the many thousands of students who were sent there.

ĢƵ Commentaries

A new model of textual commentary for readers of Greek and Latin texts, using digital tools to enhance texts with explanatory notes, vocabulary, and graphic, video, and audio elements, including a core vocabulary of the most common words in Greek and Latin.

Dickinson Classics Online

A collaboration with a dozen Chinese scholars of the Greek and Roman classics to provide high quality resources for Chinese-speaking students and scholars of Latin and Greek. The project includes language-learning tools and accurate translations, along with commentaries from a Chinese perspective.


An online annual, peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on gendered identities and the ways they intersect with and produce Italian politics, culture, and society by way of a variety of cultural productions, discourses, and practices spanning historical, social, and geopolitical boundaries.

House Divided

ĢƵ students and staff are creating a wide variety of resources to commemorate the 150th anniversary of both the Civil War (2011-15) and Reconstruction (2015-27) in order to help America’s classrooms learn more about this turbulent era.

Journal of Buddhist Ethics

The first academic journal dedicated entirely to Buddhist ethics. It promotes the study of Buddhist ethics through the publication of research and book reviews, and by hosting occasional online conferences.

Michael Field

Michael Field is the pseudonym of two women writers, Katharine Bradley (1846-1914) and Edith Cooper (1862-1913). The women co-composed eight volumes of poetry and 27 verse-dramas, as well as two-dozen volumes of journals entitled Works and Days.

The Mixxer

A web application that provide language students regular conversations with native speakers via Skype sessions that fit their schedules. The project enables Dickinson’s faculty to provide students and more than 110,000 participants a kind of learning experience that was once impossible in the classroom.

Romantic Natural History

A digital hypertext project that surveys and organizes texts, images, and scholarship that link Romanticism and natural history, primarily in the century before Charles Darwin. The site operates like a scholarly text, with the addition of links and interlinks designed to allow readers to move easily from topic to topic, from author to author, and from primary and secondary sources to bibliographic citations.

Russian Rooms

A multimedia project that shows portraits of average Russian citizens in their home environment. You can read a brief biography about each person and listen to interviews with some of them in Russian while viewing their portraits and a picture of their room.

 Slave Stampedes on the Southern Borderlands

Terms like “slave stampede” began appearing in American newspapers in the late 1840s, as a way to describe larger groups of Black freedom seekers moving together toward liberation, sometimes armed and ready to defend themselves.

Victorian Queer Archive

Although Oscar Wilde often appears in literary classes as the token queer writer for the semester, the Victorian period (1830-1900) was full of writers addressing what we now consider LGBTQ themes in their works.

Women's Experiences at ĢƵ

Digitized materials relevant to understanding the experience of the institution’s female students, alumnae, faculty, and staff, catalogued and curated as a way to tell the collective story of the women of ĢƵ.