Students majoring in History have the opportunity to develop either a thematic or a geographical concentration. Geographical regions with strong faculty support include North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia/Middle East, and Africa. A wide variety of thematic concentrations are possible; for detailed information, consult the department's
Courses appropriate for prospective majors
First-Year students with good high school preparation in American or European history should consider enrolling in a 200-level course. However, because the First-Year program should seek to develop skills and to get a feel for what history at the college level is like, a 100-level survey course is strongly recommended for most First-Year students.
HIST 101, Surveys in History
HIST 105, Medieval Europe
HIST 106, Early Modern Europe to 1799
HIST 107, Europe in the Last 250 Years
HIST 117, American History to 1877
HIST 118, American History since 1877
HIST 120, History of East Asia from Ancient Times to Present
HIST 121, Middle East to 1750
HIST 122, Middle East since 1750
HIST 130, Early Latin American History to 1800
HIST 131, Modern Latin American since 1800
HIST 150, History of Science
HIST 151, History of the Environment
HIST 170, African Civilizations to 1850
HIST 171, African History since 1800
HIST 206, American Environmental History
HIST 211, Topics in American History
HIST 213, Topics in European History
HIST 215, Topics in Comparative History
HIST 216, Topics in African History
HIST 217, Topics in Asian History
HIST 218, Topics in Latin American History
HIST 219, Topics in Middle Eastern History
HIST 205, Public History
HIST 222, Feudal Europe
HIST 223, Renaissance Europe
HIST 231, Modern France
HIST 234, Fascism, Socialism and Daily Life: Europe, 1914-45
HIST 247, Early American History
HIST 248, The American Revolution
HIST 253, Autocracy, Uprisings, and Daily Life in Medieval and Imperial Russia
HIST 254, Revolution, War, and Daily Life in Modern Russia
HIST 257, European Intellectual History
HIST 259, Islam
HIST 272, The Atlantic Slave Trade and Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World, 1450-1850
HIST 273, African Americans Since Slavery
HIST 274, The Rise and Fall of Apartheid
HIST 275, The Rise of Modern China
HIST 277, European Empires
HIST 278, European Women’s History
HIST 279, The History of Film
HIST 282, Diplomatic History of the United States
HIST 286, New Nation
HIST 288, Civil War-Reconstruction
Students intending to major in History should take HIST 204 no later than the second year. Students planning to study abroad for the junior year are encouraged to take HIST 204 their third semester. This course, which has a prerequisite of one completed course in History, is intended to provide tools – library research techniques, analysis of primary materials, and writing of papers – that History students will find helpful throughout their college careers.
Test scores and credits that may affect course selection
Advanced Placement: Credit is awarded automatically for Advanced Placement examinations in European, US, or World History with scores of 4 or 5. Although AP and IB courses may result in college credit, they do not count toward the history major.
For course descriptions and requirements for the major, refer to the
Courses that fulfill distribution requirements
Social Sciences (Division II):
Any one of the courses in history.
Global Diversity:
HIST 120, History of East Asia from Ancient Times to the Present
HIST 121, Middle East to 1750
HIST 122, Middle East since 1750
HIST 130, Early Latin American History to 1800
HIST 131, Modern Latin American History since 1800
HIST 170, African History from Earliest Times to c. 1850
HIST 171, African History since 1800
HIST 215 (if specific topic is appropriate), Topics in Comparative History
HIST 216, Topics in African History
HIST 217, Topics in Asian History
HIST 218, Topics in Latin American History
HIST 219, Topics in Middle Eastern History
HIST 259, Islam
HIST 272, The Atlantic Slave Trade
HIST 274, Rise and Fall of Apartheid
HIST 275, The Rise of Modern China
HIST 315 (if specific topic is appropriate), Studies in Comparative History
HIST 316, Studies in African History
HIST 317, Studies in Asian History
HIST 318, Studies in Latin American History
HIST 319, Studies in Middle Eastern History
HIST 370, Cold War in Africa 1945-1990
HIST 371, The Arab-Israel Conflict
HIST 373, Ecological History of Africa
HIST 374, African Women's History
U.S. Diversity:
HIST 117, American History 1607 to 1877
HIST 118, American History 1877 to the Present
HIST 211 (if specific topic is appropriate), Topics in American History
HIST 247, Early American History
HIST 248, The American Revolution
HIST 273, African Americans Since Slavery
HIST 286, New Nation
HIST 288, Civil War - Reconstruction
HIST 311 (if specific topic is appropriate), Studies in American History
HIST 388, African-American History
HIST 389, Native Peoples of Eastern North America
Sustainability Courses:
HIST 151, History of Environment
HIST 170, African Civilizations to 1850
HIST 206, American Environmental History
HIST 373, Ecological History of Africa
Suggested curricular flow through the major
The History major is a particularly flexible major. Nearly all our courses are open to first year students. While many history majors do take the methods sequence in order (204, then at least one 300-level course, and then 404), it is not necessary to take 204 before taking a 300-level course. Many history majors do a study-abroad program either for one semester or two – something the department supports. Most study-abroad programs offer history courses making this easier.
The guidelines are written for the entering student who thinks they might major in history. Rather than specify the courses that a student “must” have in a given semester, the following are general guidelines regarding types of courses that we suggest taking each year, and represent just one possible pathway through the major.
First Year
One or two 100-level history courses or upper-level courses with good foundations from successful AP or IB coursework
Sophomore Year
204, and one or two additional history courses (which could include one or more 300-level classes)
Junior Year
At least one 300-level and two or three other history courses
Senior Year
404 and remaining upper level history courses
NOTE: Students should plan their major in consultation with their advisors.
Pursuing honors in the history major involves writing an honors thesis, an intensive and challenging process undertaken mainly during the senior year (although in some cases, planning work begins in the spring of the junior year). Doing honors in history offers students the chance to do original research, take a fresh look at important historical events, and delve deeply into a historical topic. Detailed guidelines are available on the honors page of the history department website.
While internships are not a requirement for the major, the history department strongly encourages all history majors to complete at least one internship while at Dickinson, either over the summer or during the academic year. Internships allow students to explore their own interests and to expand their skills outside the classroom while applying what they have learned in their Dickinson history classes in practical settings. More information is available on the internships page of the history department website.
Co-curricular activities/programs
The History Department has an active Majors Committee that meets with the Department Chair on a regular basis and organizes events, lectures, social service activities and other programming activities of special interest to history majors.
Opportunities for off-campus study
The Department encourages participation in the many off-campus options, and many history majors choose to study abroad for a semester or year. Current and recently-graduated majors have studied abroad in such places as Brazil, England, France, Italy, and Japan, among others.
Additional Remarks
Preparation for graduate study: Students contemplating graduate work in History should consult members of the department concerning foreign language requirements and supporting courses in the social sciences and humanities.
Majors Committee: This body plays an active and significant role in the work of the history department. Committee members help organize and promote a wide variety of departmental programs and events. They also meet with and help to evaluate job candidates, and gather information and advise the department when faculty are being considered for contract renewal, tenure, and promotion.
Careers: Many History majors continue their education, sometimes in law but also urban studies, history, museums and libraries, social services, and business. Others enter government service, management trainee programs, secondary education, and journalism.