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International Business and Management Advising


The International Business & Management major is an interdisciplinary program that combines the study of economics, business, and management with the study of foreign languages and cultures. The faculty in the major have embraced a set of core values: engage in critical thinking; cultivate global perspective; foster personal growth; act ethically; inspire creativity and encourage innovation; and appreciate and understand cross-cultural differences. These values are reflected in the department’s mission: We coach our students to responsibly create value in a changing world.

Courses appropriate for prospective majors

INBM 100, Fundamentals of Business
INBM 110, Fundamentals of Accounting
ECON 111, Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON 112, Introduction to Macroeconomics (only if they have AP credit for ECON 111)

The INBM major curriculum includes two courses beyond the intermediate level in a modern language. If beginning a new language, start in the first semester if at all possible. If continuing a language, it is best to continue in the first semester so that your ability with the language does not decline appreciably due to lack of use.

For course descriptions and requirements for the major, refer to the .

Courses that fulfill distribution requirements

Social Sciences (Division II):
ECON 111, Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON 112, Introduction to Macroeconomics

Quantitative Reasoning (QR):
INBM 110, Fundamentals of Accounting

Suggested curricular flow through the major

First Year
Progress in completing ECON 111, 112
INBM 100, 110
Foreign language courses

Sophomore Year
Progress in completing 220, 230, 240, 250, and 290 (Plan to complete at least 3 of 5 prior to studying abroad. Note that we strongly encourage INBM majors to complete INBM 220 during their sophomore year and to complete it before enrolling in INBM 250.)
Continued foreign language study

Junior Year
Majors are encouraged, but not required to study abroad for a semester or full year.
Students may continue taking foreign language courses
Courses in the core (when appropriate)
Electives at the 300-level

Senior Year
Completion of the INBM 300-level electives (if still needed)
INBM 400

The INBM major also requires that students complete an internship. We recommend that students fulfill this requirement prior to their senior year.

INBM Recommended Course Progression .

INBM Major Requirements Checklist.

Of course, students not following these guidelines may still be able to complete the major but may not be able to spend a full year abroad and may be limited in pursuing other academic designations (minor, major, certificate).

For more information on the suggested guidelines, please feel free to contact an INBM faculty member for clarification.


Candidates for honors in the INBM major must obtain at least a 3.6 overall GPA, be in the top 10% of the senior class majors by major GPA and earn, or be on track to earn, an A or A- in INBM 400. After meeting these criteria, candidates will be invited to produce an individual analysis of a business case study that will be presented formally to the INBM faculty. The faculty will award honors to those presentations judged to have honors quality.