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Health Studies Curriculum


Students should declare their intent to pursue the health studies certificate by emailing the chair of the health studies program. Students should declare as soon as possible. Students who successfully complete all of the requirements will be issued a certificate in health studies, which will be awarded upon graduation from the college and will be recorded on their transcript.

The certificate in health studies requires:

  1. Successful completion of HEST 201: Introduction to Health Studies. This course is normally offered every spring semester.
  2. Successful completion of four other health studies designated courses taken in at least three academic departments. Up to two can be in the student's major(s). HEST designated courses can also be taken abroad (see for preapproved HEST electives).
  3. Successful completion of a . The field experience must be related to the HEST program goals and must be registered via the , the , a study abroad program or as an independent study/independent research course. Students must submit a post-experience HEST questionnaire to the HEST chair within four weeks of the completion of the field experience.
  4. Successful completion of  HEST 400: Health Studies Senior Seminar. The prerequisites for this course are HEST 201 and at least two HEST electives. This course is normally offered every fall semester.

Independent study and independent research

Students must complete a health-related field experience. 


Health Studies Designated Courses
The following Dickinson courses have been pre-approved as HEST electives. See  for pre-approved HEST electives at several study abroad locations.  Students must take four HEST electives in at least three academic departments. Up  to two can be in the student's major(s). 

AMST 200: Health and Illness & Disabilities
ANTH 216: Medical Anthropology
ANTH 225: Human Osteology
ANTH 229: Principles of Human Variation and Adaptation
ANTH 245/WGSS 202: Health and Healing in Africa
ANTH 245/EASN 206: Babies and Boomers: Asian Societies in Transition
ANTH 310: Nutritional Anthropology
BIOL 132: Introduction to Molecules, Genes and Cells Topics
BIOL 326: Microbiology
BIOL 333: Physiology
BIOL 335: Microanatomy
BIOL 380: Immunology
BIOL 427: Virology
CHEM 490: Medicinal Chemistry
ECON 314: Health Economics
ECON 496: Political Economy of Health
HIST 215: Medicine and The Body in East Asia
HIST 404: Social History of Medicine
INBM 300: Applied Empirical Data Analysis
INBM 300: Comparative Health Systems: A Global Perspective
INST 290: Global Health
INST 290/ECON 214: Population Issues in Developing Countries
LAWP 400: Biomedical Technology, Policy and Law
NRSC 400: Neuroscience Seminar (offered every spring semester)
PHIL 220: Biomedical Ethics
PHYS 215: Medical Imaging
POSC 290/PMGT 290: Managing Death
PSYC 120: Introduction to Health Psychology
PSYC 125: Brain and Behavior
PSYC 165: Psychopathology
PSYC 175: Introduction to Community Psychology
PSYC 365: Research Methods in Clinical Psychology
PSYC 375: Research Methods in Community Psychology
PSYC 401: Seminar on Behavior Modification 
PSYC 420: Seminar in Health Psychology
PSYC 465: Biopsychosocial Perspectives on Disordered Eating
PSYC 475: Advanced Seminar in Community Psychology
RELG 260: Comparative Biomedical Ethics
SOCI 333: The Sociology of Health and Illness
SPAN 239: Spanish for the Health Professions
WGSS 202: Reproductive Justice 
WGSS 206/AMST 200: Fat Studies

Health Studies Courses

201 Introduction to Health Studies
Introduction to Health Studies is a multi-disciplinary course that explores various theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of health. In addition to providing the overall framework for the materials covered, the faculty-convener of the course will draw on speakers from Dickinson faculty who will present health studies materials relevant to their respective areas of special expertise. Faculty speakers will be drawn from a range of disciplines at the college, including American Studies, Anthropology, Biology, History, International Business and Management, Philosophy, Policy Studies, Psychology, and Sociology and Women's and Gender Studies.Normally offered spring semester.

250 Special Topics in Health Studies
Selected topics in HEST will vary with each offering, reflecting the interests of faculty and students as well as evolving concerns of the field.
Prerequisite dependent upon topic, or permission of the instructor.

400 Senior Seminar in Health Studies
The Senior Seminar in Health Studies is an interdisciplinary, topics driven course, with specific foci dependent upon the specialization(s) of the instructor. Students will survey the relevant literatures of at least two disciplines; identify specific problems or topics; complete a research project based on secondary and/or primary sources; and offer a final presentation of interdisciplinary work (in the forms of academic papers, oral presentations, or some other creative project (including film, narrative, performance, etc.).
Prerequisite: 201 and at least two other courses in Health Studies (as accepted by Health Studies Coordinator), or permission of instructor.Normally offered fall semester.
Attributes: Service Learning