Learning Outcomes
Upon graduation from Dickinson, Political Science majors will be able to:
- describe significant concepts and theories in each of the four main subfields of political science (American government, comparative politics, international relations, and political philosophy);
- apply concepts and/or theories from at least one of the subfields in a more advanced setting;
- analyze how various methodological approaches influence the design and interpretation of political science research findings;
- formulate clear oral and written arguments that address issues in dispute in political science and defend their arguments with adequate evidence.
10 courses, including Political Philosophy (180), American Government (120), International Relations (170), any course in Comparative Politics (150, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 260, 261, 264, 270, and, when appropriate, 275, 276, 190, 290), 239 Research Methods or any course with a departmental Methods Designation, and a 390 seminar. This seminar is normally to be taken on campus during the junior or senior year. No course may be taken Pass/Fail. Normally five courses must be taken in residence.
Six courses. Course work submitted for the minor must be from at least four of the subfields: political theory, American politics, comparative politics, and international relations. Normally three courses must be taken in residence.
Suggested curricular flow through the major
There is no necessary or preferred “path” through the Political Science major. Many students arrive on campus knowing that Political Science is the major for them. Many other majors discover their interest in politics and government after taking classes or becoming involved in campus activities.
The POSC major is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in the four subfields of Political Science (American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Political Philosophy) and to enable students to tailor the major to their own interests as much as possible. In addition, the major’s flexibility allows students to complete the major while studying off campus and to combine the major with a certificate, a minor, or even a second major.
Completion of the Political Science major requires ten courses.
- Students must take POSC 120: American Government, POSC 170: International Relations, POSC 180: Political Philosophy, one Comparative Politics course, one methods-designated course, and a senior seminar (listed as POSC 390).
- The other four courses are chosen by the student.
- Once students take the 100-level course in a particular subfield they are allowed to take any of the 200-level courses also within that subfield. In other words, students do NOT need to complete all 100-level courses before moving onto 200-level courses.
- Students fulfilling the methods requirement in POSC may do so by taking POSC 239: Research Methods or any other course listed as "POSC methods designated". 200-level methods designated courses can be found in all subfields of the major.
- POSC 390 senior seminars are topics-based. Students wishing to take POSC 390 prior to their senior year must gain permission of the instructor.
- Some of our majors pursue an interest in a region of the world (e.g., Latin America, East Asia, Africa, or Western Europe).
- Some of our majors focus on foreign policy and global politics.
- Some of our majors concentrate on American politics and political institutions.
The department offers courses in all of these areas and members of the department specialize in each of these areas.
Anyone considering the Political Science major should feel free to contact members of the department with any questions about the major. The faculty will gladly answer questions and explain the strengths and requirements of the major.
Independent study and independent research
Many majors take courses in independent study, independent research, and student/faculty collaborative research, as well as internships. A major will receive political science credit for one internship (if taken for academic credit) if the subject matter is within the field of political science and if the academic advisor is a full-time member of the Political Science department, a faculty member of a Dickinson overseas program, or a faculty member of an off-campus program with which ĢƵ is affiliated. A major may petition the chair to count an additional internship as a political science course. A major will receive political science credit for all courses of independent study (or research) if supervised by full-time members of the Political Science department. A student may petition the chair to count an independent study supervised by any other individual. If students have any questions about receiving political science credit for internships or independent studies, they should consult the department chair.
To attempt an honors project in Political Science, a candidate must:
1. Be a declared Political Science major. Normally, a student will write the honors thesis in the spring semester in which the student graduates. A student who plans a mid-year graduation must write the thesis during the previous spring.
2. Enroll in POSC 490 - Senior Thesis during the spring semester of senior year. Permission of the instructor is required for enrollment in this course. The application for class admission will be a 2-3 page proposal and will be due at the end of November of the Fall Semester. GPA will be a factor in whether a student can be awarded honors (normally at least 3.7 in all Political Science coursework and an overall GPA of 3.5 or above), but students interested in writing a thesis who do not have the requisite GPA for honors may still apply to be part of the thesis class. Gaining admittance to the thesis-writing class does not guarantee honors, but instead, honors will be awarded to the students whose completed theses exhibit extraordinary merit at the end of the spring semester.
3. Students who enroll in POSC 490 normally should have taken POSC 239 Research Methods, or other suitable coursework to prepare the candidate for pursuing the thesis topic of their choice.
Opportunities for off-campus study
Majors may apply to spend: (1) their junior year in Bologna, Italy, as students at Dickinson's K. Robert Nilsson Center for European Studies specializing in European and International Studies, or (2) in Washington, D.C. in The Washington Center Program specializing in a wide variety of programs, such as American Government, Justice, Foreign Policy, and International Development. Please see the appropriate coordinator for these and many other off-campus study possibilities.
Co-curricular activities/programs
Many Political Science majors are involved in co-curricular activities and programs such as Student Senate, College Democrats, College Republicans, Dickinson Votes, and Mock Trial, among others. The department also regularly invites and works with the to moderate, host and sponsor events relevant to our majors.
The following courses are grouped according to the four major subfields of political science: political theory, American politics, comparative politics, and international relations. Introductory and intermediate courses are numbered in the 100s; advanced courses are numbered in the 200s. Within the 100 and 200 ranges, numbering sequences reflect subdivisions of the field, not level of difficulty.
Political Theory
180 Political Philosophy
An introduction to the history of political thought, focused on such problems as the nature of justice, the meaning of freedom, the requirements of equality, the prevalence of moral dilemmas in political life, the question of whether we ought to obey the law, and the importance of power in politics. We will also discuss how these issues continue to resonate today.
This course is cross-listed as PHIL 180.
Attributes: AMST Struct & Instit Elective, Appropriate for First-Year, Ethics Elective, Humanities, LAWP Ethics Elective, Philosophy Elective, Social Sciences
202 Recent Political Thought
This class aims to show the breadth and vitality of the field of political theory today. It does this by deepening and broadening the account of the discipline offered in POSC 180, discussing the most important recent accounts of justice, freedom, and equality, and adding consideration of democracy, rights, power, culture, community, and cosmopolitanism. We will also explore issues of exploitation and exclusion relating to gender, class, race, and human interaction with the natural environment, and consider how recent theorists have tried to challenge these practices. The class also explores the contours of political theory as an academic field of study, considering the disciplinary contributions of fields such as philosophy, political science, international relations, legal studies, and history, and major ideologies such as liberalism, conservatism, socialism, anarchism, and feminism.
Prerequisite: 180. This course is cross-listed as PHIL 280.
Attributes: Ethics Elective
204 Political Ideologies
This class surveys the major ideologies that compete for political support in Western societies, such as liberalism, conservatism, and socialism, as well as radical alternatives (anarchism and fascism), and new perspectives such as feminism and ecologism/environmentalism. We will also examine the nature of ideology, and whether it is possible to develop a neutral, non-ideological perspective on politics.
Prerequisite: 180, or permission of the instructor.
Attributes: Ethics Elective, Sustainability Connections
205 American Political Thought
Is there a distinctively American way of thinking about politics? How have American political thinkers drawn on and differentiated themselves from political theory in other parts of the world? This course seeks to answer these questions by considering some of the major thinkers in the USA from its foundation to the present day. We will consider both the dominant liberalism and conservativism of mainstream American thought and radical challenges to it, from abolitionists through socialists and feminists to anarchists, environmentalists, and pacifists, and topics such as civil disobedience, federalism, constitutional interpretation, and republicanism. Defining political thought broadly, the class includes detailed consideration of activist political movements at key moments in the nation’s history, including the New Left in the 1960s, the New Right in the 1970s, and the Occupy movement. We will ask such questions as, “How did the USA maintain slavery so deep into the 19th century?’, “Why has there been no major socialist movement in the USA?” and “What are the sources of American exceptionalism?” Students should find some of their fundamental preconceptions about American political ideas challenged and come away with a deeper understanding of the country’s political culture.
Prerequisite: POSC/PHIL 180.
Attributes: AMST Struct & Instit Elective
206 Multiculturalism and Identity Ethics
Questions of social identity dominate contemporary politics around the world, with a marked backlash against the notion of "identity politics." This class surveys the ethical role of group identity in contemporary politics and society and considers arguments for and against appeal to social identity. Crucial topics include culture, ethnicity, race, gender, ability, citizenship, and gender identity. We also consider the relationship among different identity categories, as well as the role of group membership in the construction of individual identity.
This course is cross-listed as PHIL 253. Prerequisite: 180, or permission of the instructor.
Attributes: AMST Struct & Instit Elective, Ethics Elective, US Diversity
208 Justice in World Politics
An examination of how states ought to make ethical decisions about policies of global scope. Should asylum seekers and economic migrants be granted access to social services? How must states fight wars? How ought resources to be distributed between countries? We will explore the philosophical underpinnings of the arguments that have been developed in response to at least two of these questions.
Prerequisite: 180. This course is cross-listed as PHIL 285.
Attributes: Ethics Elective, Humanities, INST Sustain & Global Environ, LAWP Ethics Elective, Social Sciences
239 Research Methods
Helps the student answer (in the affirmative) the question, "Is political science a science?" Students will learn how to generate and test hypotheses through creating and executing research designs. Survey research, experimentation, content analysis, participant observation, and other methodologies will be studied. Although no prior knowledge of statistics is necessary, Math 121 is helpful. This class is especially recommended for prospective graduate students in the social sciences.
Attributes: LPPM Empirical Social Analysis, Quantitative Reasoning, Social Sciences
American Politics
120 American Government
A basic introductory course in American federal government which emphasizes its structure and operation. Special attention is given to the executive, legislative, and judicial processes.
Attributes: AMST Struct & Instit Elective, Appropriate for First-Year, Social Sciences
220 Constitutional Law I
An analysis of constitutional adjudication in the areas of separation of powers, federalism, and economic rights. Special emphasis is placed upon the idea of a written constitution and the role that judges play in our constitutional system. Topics include Watergate, war powers, and legislative veto.
Prerequisite: 120, or permission of the instructor.
Attributes: AMST Struct & Instit Elective, LAWP Law Elective
221 Constitutional Law II
An exploration of American constitutional rights. Both historical developments and contemporary issues are addressed. Topics include racial and sexual equality, affirmative action, seditious speech, and school prayer.
Prerequisite: 120, or permission of the instructor.
Attributes: AMST Struct & Instit Elective, LAWP Law Elective
232 Religion in American Politics
This class will provide students with an overview of the role of religion in American politics. Students will become more familiar with the dynamics of a complex and diverse United States through in-depth study of the political differences that define several major religious groups. The political intersections between religion, race, gender, sexual orientation and class will be explored, helping students to think critically about political power. Other topics will include important aspects of constitutional law as they pertain to religious rights, and the various ways in which religion influences public policy.
This course is cross-listed as RELG 232.
Attributes: AMST Struct & Instit Elective, Humanities, Social Sciences, US Diversity
233 Gender, Politics, and Policy in the U.S.
Overview of gender and politics in the United States. Examines the roles women play in the U.S. policy process, how public policies are "gendered", and how specific policies compare to feminist thinking about related issue areas. The course also discusses gender-based differences in political participation inside and outside of government.
This course is cross-listed as WGSS 202. Prerequisite: 120 or AP credit equivalent.
Attributes: AMST Struct & Instit Elective, LAWP Policy Elective, US Diversity, WGSS Intersect/Instit/Power
234 Gender and Justice
This course analyzes how legal theorists have drawn upon notions of gender, sex, and sexuality in order to understand and critique the American legal system and its norms. It considers questions like: How might a feminist perspective on the law illuminate instances of systematized inequality or legalized discrimination? Can queer theorists engage with the law in order to alter it, or does the very act of engagement hinder the possibility of future socio-legal change? How can the law better represent women of color, working women, queer women, stay-at-home mothers, transgender or non-binary individuals, women seeking surrogate or abortion services, and more, without reinforcing traditional understandings of what it means to be a “woman”? These questions – and more – will be taken up as we move through a rich combination of political philosophy, legal cases, and works of socio-legal analysis.
Prerequisites: One POSC, LAWP or WGSS course or permission of instructor. This course is cross-listed as LAWP 234 and WGSS 302.
Attributes: Ethics Elective, LAWP Law Elective, Social Sciences, US Diversity, WGSS Intersect/Instit/Power, WGSS Sexual & Gendered Plural
235 Race, Ethnicity and U.S. Politics
With a focus on the experiences and activities of African-Americans, Latinos/Hispanics, Asian-Americans and Indigenous peoples in U.S. politics, this course examines the social construction of race and ethnicity in America as a force in public opinion, political representation and political behavior. The course also focuses on a range of political science methods used to study the politics of race/ethnicity in the U.S.
Prerequisite: 120, or permission of the instructor.
Attributes: AMST Representation Elective, AMST Struct & Instit Elective, POSC Research Methods Course, US Diversity
241 Race and Gender in American Politics
This course will examine the role of race and gender in the American political process, paying special attention to identity politics and how interests achieve representation in the electoral and legislative arenas. How do social movements achieve (or fail to achieve) social change? How do race and gender affect the politics and policy outcomes of areas such as immigration, affirmative action, and health care?
Prerequisite: 120 or permission of the instructor.
Attributes: Social Sciences
242 Political Behavior
Cultural, social, and psychological factors which contribute to forms and directions of political behavior. Special attention is given to American voting behavior, ethnic political behavior, and personality influences on politics. Field surveys are undertaken to illustrate contemporary trends.
Prerequisite: 120, or permission of the instructor.
Attributes: LPPM Empirical Social Analysis
243 Mass Media and American Politics
Examines the causes, content, and consequences of political news, primarily focusing on television. It will explore the ways in which audience characteristics, organizational routines, and professional socialization influence the style and substance of the news. The content of news will be analyzed for: the three branches of government, war, foreign governments, crises, and presidential campaigns. The impact of the media on political behavior will also be discussed. Content analysis will be used by students to systematically analyze television network news.
Prerequisite: 120, or permission of the instructor.
Attributes: AMST Struct & Instit Elective
244 Public Opinion
Examines the origins, nature, and impact of public opinion in the United States. The ways that the public's attitudes are shaped and used by interest groups, politicians, and the mass media will be discussed. Methods of measuring public opinion, with special attention to polling, will be studied.
Prerequisite: 120, or permission of the instructor.
Attributes: LPPM Empirical Social Analysis
245 Political Parties and Interest Groups
A study of the functions, structures, and operations of American political parties and interest groups. Course topics include how political parties and interest groups represent people and policies, the sociodemographic bases of political parties, the role of third parties in the U.S. political system, how lobbyists interact with government officials, and the influence of organized interests in politics.
Prerequisite: 120, or permission of the instructor.
Attributes: AMST Struct & Instit Elective
246 The Legislative Process
An analysis of the legislative branch of government, especially Congress. Emphasis is placed upon the legislature as a social system, the decision-making process, the interrelationships with the political parties and interest groups, the executive and the judiciary.
Prerequisite: 120, or permission of the instructor.
Attributes: AMST Struct & Instit Elective, LAWP Policy Elective
247 The American Presidency
This class will be structured around the problem of presidential power. The first part of the course will introduce a framework for analyzing presidential action. Topics will include the president’s role as a public leader, the president’s place in the legislative process, the president’s military responsibilities, and the president’s position within the executive branch. In the second part of the course, we will work to apply this framework in order to understand presidential greatness, as well as individual presidential successes and failures. The goal of these discussions will be to leverage what we have learned in order to explain why a president achieved their goals- or not.
Prerequisite: 120, or permission of the instructor.
Attributes: AMST Struct & Instit Elective, LAWP Policy Elective
248 The Judiciary
This course explores the law’s interpretation in and influence on contemporary American society. It considers the nature of the law, the structure of courts, legal terminology, sources of law, and approaches to legal reasoning through an engagement with both watershed cases and contemporary issues in civil and criminal law. Some of the questions we will address include: how do everyday individuals interact with the law? What is the relationship between judicial process – that is, the engagement with and navigation of the legal system – and justice? How do we understand the redress of harms or the application of punishment as part of the achievement of justice and fairness? What political, legal, social, or rhetorical barriers exist to full inclusion of individuals within the processes of law, and is full inclusion even desirable? .
Prerequisite: 120, or permission of the instructor. This course is cross-listed as LAWP 248.
Attributes: AMST Struct & Instit Elective
249 American Federalism
This course examines the practical policy consequences of America's constitutional alliance between 50 state governments and the general union. Politics in the American states will provide the substantive focus for discussions about the complex and ever-changing intergovernmental relationships that constitute American federalism today.
Prerequisite: 120, or permission of the instructor.
Comparative Politics
150 Comparative Politics
An introduction to comparative political analysis with applications to political systems, processes, and issues worldwide. The purpose of the course is to learn to observe political life systematically, analyze a wide range of political phenomena, and distinguish and evaluate the assumptions underlying alternative approaches to the study of politics. The course may address topics such as democratization, authoritarian challenges to democratic systems, social inequality and underdevelopment, sustainability, political corruption, human rights, and political violence.
Attributes: Appropriate for First-Year, Comparative Poli Sci Course, Social Sciences
250 West European Government and Politics
This course is an introduction to the politics of contemporary Western Europe. It provides an overview of comparative political development and examines varieties of national political structures, electoral systems, and party systems. Students will also become familiar with important contemporary political issues.
Attributes: Comparative Poli Sci Course, INST European Course, Social Sciences
251 Latin American Government and Politics
An introduction to the politics of contemporary Latin America. Emphasis is placed upon the varied political institutional responses to socio-economic change in the Americas. Major countries to be analyzed include Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Cuba.
Prerequisite: one course in political science or Latin American, Latinx and Caribbean Studies. This course is cross-listed as LALC 251.
Attributes: Comparative Poli Sci Course, INST Latin America Course, Lat Am, Latinx, Carib St Elect, Portuguese & Brazilian Studies, Social Sciences
252 African Government & Politics
An introduction to the politics of contemporary Africa. After reviewing the large historical, international, and socio-economic patterns of African politics, the course examines in greater depth a sampling of national political systems and salient regional or continent-wide themes.
Prerequisite: one course in political science.
Attributes: Comparative Poli Sci Course, Global Diversity, INST Africa Course
253 Russian Politics
An introduction to contemporary Russian politics and policy, set against the backdrop of both the communist legacy and traditional Russian political culture. Coverage includes political institutions such as the presidency and the legislature, political processes and behavior such as elections and voting, and key policy issues such as economic policy. The course will conclude with an examination of Russia's evolving place and role in the international system.
Prerequisite: one course in political science or permission of the instructor.
Attributes: Comparative Poli Sci Course, INST Russia/USSR/Post-Soviet
254 Comparative Asian Governments and Politics
Comparison of selected Asian political systems with special attention given to the emergence of new nations from old cultures, contrasting patterns of political and economic development, and the current state of political affairs in each country studied.
Prerequisite: one course in political science or East Asian Studies.
Attributes: Comparative Poli Sci Course, East Asian Social Sci Elective, INST Asia Course, Social Sciences
255 Chinese Politics
An introduction to the contours of contemporary politics as shaped by traditional and revolutionary legacies, the institutions of state socialism, China's underdevelopment and struggles over power and policy.
Attributes: Appropriate for First-Year, Comparative Poli Sci Course, East Asian Social Sci Elective, INST Asia Course, Social Sciences
258 Human Rights
The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights embodies a global consensus on the fundamental importance of human rights as a political value. But the idea and its practical applications have provoked intense controversy around the world on issues such as freedom of expression, capital punishment and torture, gender and sexuality, religious freedom, social and economic justice, and cultural and minority rights.
Prerequisite: one social science course or permission of the instructor.
Attributes: AMST Struct & Instit Elective, Comparative Poli Sci Course, Ethics Elective, Global Diversity, LAWP Ethics Elective
259 Law, Politics, and Society in Asia
This course examines the interaction between law, legal institutions and citizens in China, Japan, and India. Covering history and the contemporary scene, course focuses on how law works in practice and is understood and used by ordinary people in Asia. It covers areas such as marriage and divorce, the legal profession, lost property, civil rights, the environment, sexuality, mediation, land development and property, among others. Comparisons between the United States and Asia, as well as between Asian countries, will be emphasized.
This course is cross-listed as EASN 259 and LAWP 259.
Attributes: Appropriate for First-Year, Comparative Poli Sci Course, East Asian Social Sci Elective, Global Diversity, LAWP Law Elective, Social Sciences
260 Media & Politics in the Middle East & North Africa
Together we will try to answer the questions: What roles do media technologies and practices (particularly new digital technologies) play in the politics of Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) countries? How do states respond to the challenges and opportunities presented by changes in the communication ecosphere? We will study the development of mass media and its regulation in the MENA region. Students will collaborate to produce presentations for the class on particular problems in the role of media in politics and society, and will also complete individual critical and reflective works. The class will make extensive use of digital and social media, seeking to understand their political and social impact partly through first-hand experience.
This course is cross-listed as MEST 260. Offered every two years.
Attributes: Comparative Poli Sci Course, Global Diversity, INST Middle East/N Africa Crse, Social Sciences
261 Authoritarianism & Change in the Middle East & North Africa
This course will examine the most important features of the different varieties of authoritarian regimes in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) and seek to explain the different outcomes of popular uprisings against them and other pressures to reform. Participants will study the range of governing institutions and traditions among modern MENA regimes. Students will learn to analyze competing explanations for the persistence of authoritarianism in the region—for example: explanations derived from culture; from abundant hydrocarbons resources; from colonialism; and from historical institutions—as well as the prospects for the spread of more democratic government in the region.
This course is cross-listed as MEST 261.
Attributes: Comparative Poli Sci Course, Global Diversity, Social Sciences
264 Politics, Society & Culture in Israel
This course provides an overview of the major political, social, and cultural forces that have shaped, and continue to shape, modern Israel. It covers the origins of the Zionist movement, political leadership, foreign relations, parties, the electoral system and the Israeli-Palestinian and Israeli-Arab conflict more broadly. In society, it focuses on the major cleavages in Israeli society, civil society, consumerism, as well as the impact of the Holocaust and the role of the Israel Defense Forces. The cultural component centers largely on poetry, short stories and changes in popular music. The course is intended to add nuance and depth to the often one-dimensional portrayal of Israel in the media and provide students with the analytical tools to better understand events in the Middle East.
This course is cross-listed as MEST 264 and JDST 264.
Attributes: Appropriate for First-Year, Comparative Poli Sci Course, Global Diversity, Humanities, Judaic Studies Elective, Social Sciences
International Relations
170 International Relations
An introduction to global politics which examines the interaction of states, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and individuals in the world arena. Topics covered include traditional concerns such as war, balance of power, the UN and international law along with the more recent additions to the agenda of world politics such as international terrorism, human rights, and economic globalization.
This course is cross-listed as INST 170.
Attributes: Appropriate for First-Year, LAWP Policy Elective, Security Studies Course, Social Sciences
270 European Union
The European Union (EU) continues to evolve, and this course will help students to contextualize the EU's development since the mid-1950s, understand the way that it currently functions, and think about how it is likely to develop in the future. Students will become familiar with the political processes and multi-level institutional structure of the EU, the relations between the EU and its member states, and contemporary EU issues.
This course is cross-listed as INST 270.
Attributes: Comparative Poli Sci Course, INST European Course, LAWP Policy Elective, POSC Research Methods Course, Social Sciences
271 Ethics and International Security
A course in applied ethics that examines the role ethical considerations both do and should play in the pursuit of national and international security objectives. Among the specific topics to be examined are the decision to go to war, rules governing how wars are fought, the ethics of weapons of mass destruction, the ethics of terrorism, the torture debate, economic sanctions, and humanitarian intervention.
Prerequisite: 170, or permission of the instructor. This course is cross-listed as INST 271.
Attributes: Ethics Elective, LAWP Ethics Elective, Security Studies Course
272 International Terrorism
This course provides a historic overview of international terrorism, its origins, evolution, characteristics, and the strategies of the participants. Starting with a clear definition of terrorism, the course will examine various historic case studies in an effort to identify common characteristics of terrorist activity, terrorist motivations, the origins of today's terrorist movements, and a general typology of terrorism. Studies will focus on specific "types" of terrorist activity as those types manifest themselves in the world today. The catastrophic events of September 11, 2001 and their impact on the national security of the United States will be the subject of several lessons. Finally, this course will examine the current strategies in the international struggle against terrorism, and their implications and challenges.
This course is cross-listed as INST 272.
Attributes: Security Studies Course, Social Sciences
273 International Political Economy
This course examines the politics of global economic relations. Specific topics discussed include: trade and protectionism, international monetary relations, foreign direct investment, global institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, and World Trade Organization (WTO), regional economic integration (e.g. the European Union [EU] and North American Free Trade Agreement [NAFTA], economic development, and the economic emergence of China and India. The larger issue serving as the backdrop to all of this is economic globalization -- its significance, sources, and consequences.
Prerequisite: 170, or permission of the instructor. This course is cross-listed as INST 273.
Attributes: LAWP Policy Elective
275 Studies in Modern European Politics
To be offered only in Bologna.
Attributes: Comparative Poli Sci Course, Social Sciences
277 International Politics of the Middle East
This course examines key factors and events in the formation of the modern Middle East state system and evolving patterns of conflict and cooperation in the region. Students will apply a range of analytical approaches to issues such as the conflicts between Arabs and Israelis, Iraq's wars since 1980, and the changing place of the region in global politics and economics.
Prerequisite: one course in any of International Studies, Middle East Studies, or Political Science. This course is cross-listed as MEST 266 and INST 277.
Attributes: Global Diversity, INST Global Security, INST Middle East/N Africa Crse, LAWP Policy Elective, Security Studies Course, Social Sciences
280 American Foreign Policy
A survey of U.S. foreign policy since World War II. American approaches to such issues as containment, detente, arms control, deterrence, international law, and foreign aid will be discussed. Students will also address issues of U.S. foreign policy formulation, including the roles of the public, Congress, and the president in the foreign policy process.
Prerequisite: 170 or INST 170 or permission of the instructor. This course is cross-listed as INST 280.
Attributes: AMST Struct & Instit Elective, LAWP Policy Elective, Security Studies Course
281 American National Security Policy
Analysis of formulation and implementation of American national security policy within the context of American society and the international system. National security will not be considered simply in a military/strategic sense but as connoting the preservation of the core values of a society.
Prerequisite: POSC 170 or 120 or INST 170 or permission of the instructor. This course is cross-listed as INST 281.
Attributes: AMST Struct & Instit Elective, LAWP Policy Elective, Security Studies Course
283 Intelligence and National Security
This course provides a basic understanding of the history, organization, activities, limitations, and capabilities of the U.S. national intelligence community, and the role of intelligence in developing and executing U.S. national security policy. The course also examines the significance of intelligence for policymakers and planners, the legal issues surrounding intelligence practices; the relationship between Congress, the Judiciary, and the intelligence community; and the future of U.S. intelligence.Prerequisites: 120 & 170/INST 170. This course is cross-listed as INST 283.
Attributes: Security Studies Course
284 European Security
What security issues do European countries face? How are European countries, the European Union, and NATO responding to various threats? This course delves into the structure of European security, examines the security challenges confronted by Europe, and weighs the opportunities these challenges present for enhancing Europe's security and global leadership. Students will learn how European governments define security, formulate strategies, and implement policies to meet a host of traditional, transnational, and human security concerns.
This course is cross-listed as INST 284. Prerequisite: 170/INST 170.
Attributes: INST European Course, INST Global Security, Security Studies Course
Special Topics Courses
190 Selected Topics in Political Science
Topics not normally studied in depth in the regular offerings are analyzed in these special topics courses. Recent offerings have included: Contemporary Political Ideologies, Mexican Politics, Political Thought of the Enlightenment, Politics in Fiction, Separation of Powers, The Bill of Rights, and Italian Politics.
290 Selected Topics in Political Science
Topics not normally studied in depth in the regular offerings are analyzed in these special topics courses. Recent offerings have included: Contemporary Political Ideologies, Mexican Politics, Political Thought of the Enlightenment, Politics in Fiction, Separation of Powers, The Bill of Rights, and Italian Politics.
Prerequisite for 290 is dependent upon topic.
Attributes: Social Sciences
390 Seminar
A seminar in selected topics in Political Science. Recent offerings have included: Political Leadership, Crime and Punishment, Democratization, Presidential Elections, Revolutions and Political Thought, Constitutional Politics, International Regimes, Russian Leadership Politics, Central American Politics, and Comparative Political Modernization.
Not appropriate for first-year students.
490 Senior Thesis
Senior political science majors who are interested may apply to take this course during the spring semester of their senior year. The course involves writing a senior thesis based on a question of the student’s own choosing. Permission of instructor is required.