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Pre-Engineering Curriculum

General Information

An excellent preparation for a career in engineering combines a liberal arts background with a traditional engineering program. Dickinson offers this opportunity through two options: admission to a master's program in engineering after completion of a science major or the 3+2 option with either Case Western Reserve University or Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI).

Preparation for admission to M.S. programs in engineering: Students must satisfactorily complete a science major, preferably in the area of the intended field of engineering. Coursework should include PHYS 131, 132, 212 and 213 plus two years of mathematics and CHEM 141, 241. Students with 3.0 or higher cumulative averages are generally admitted to quality engineering schools. Most students can complete the requirements for an M.S. degree in two years after completing the Dickinson degree.

3+2 Option with Case Western Reserve University or Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Students who choose the 3+2 option must plan their program carefully to meet all the requirements.

The 3+2 option is a five-year program consisting of three years at Dickinson and two years at either Case Western Reserve University or RPI. Upon successful completion of both portions of the program, students receive the B.S. degree from Dickinson and the B.S. in engineering from the engineering school.

Requirements for the Dickinson degree: A student must complete the Dickinson distribution requirements and requirements for a major field of concentration during the three years at Dickinson. Students must begin the major field of concentration in the first year. Courses taken at the engineering school to complete Dickinson requirements must be approved before leaving Dickinson.

Requirements for admission to the engineering schools, engineering majors available and the prerequisite courses necessary to qualify for admission vary for each school. Detailed information regarding the admissions criteria, including pre-requisite coursework that must be completed, application deadlines and the majors available at each engineering school can be found on the Engineering Program Linkage Agreements website.