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Sustainable Investments Task Force

During the 2012-2013 school year, a group of Dickinson students identifying themselves by the name “Reinvest Dickinson” began to call for the college to divest its endowment from fossil fuel interests. In January of 2013, these students met with the Committee on Investments of Dickinson’s Board of Trustees to advocate for divestment. In April of 2013, Student Senate passed a resolution urging the Board of Trustees to create a special committee to investigate the possibility of divesting from fossil fuels. In response to this request, the Board of Trustees created the Sustainable Investments Task Force, and gave it the following charge:
  • Investigate the advantages and disadvantages of fossil fuel divestment as it pertains specifically to Dickinson.
  • Investigate the likely impacts of divestment on the fossil fuel industry, as well as the role which fossil fuels and renewable energy play in the global economy.
  • Coordinate a process of community conversation and education which allows for meaningful engagement by all Dickinson stakeholders.
  • Submit a recommendation to the Committee on Investments of the Board of Trustees on a course of action pertaining to the question of divestment from fossil fuels.

Video of the SITF forum in November 2013.