We're committed to providing students the resources and facilities they need to become tomorrow's leaders.
At Dickinson, a sense of place has always mattered. Buildings and grounds are more than walls and lawns. They house our experiences and provide structure to who we are as individuals and as a community.
Recent and Upcoming Projects

New Residence Hall
The new 40,000-square-foot residence hall is designed to enhance the residential experience for students and meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum for Homes standards. Scheduled completion: Fall 2018.

Interdisciplinary Greenhouse
The Dr. Inge P. Stafford Greenhouse for Teaching and Research includes three independent research zones, a general-use greenhouse area a and climate-controlled laboratory. Completed fall 2012.

Durden Athletic Training Center
The new two-story, 22,000-square-foot athletics-training center features strength-training and sports-medicine facilities as well as pro-style locker rooms. Completed January 2014.

Kline Center Expansion
The Kline Center expansion will provide a new, larger fitness center, a five-court squash center, a café, an outdoor sport court and more. Scheduled completion: summer 2014.

Rector Science Complex Expansion
The Rector Science Complex unites the all of the college's science departments, providing more than 20,000 square feet of state-of-the-art research and teaching space. Completed fall 2013.

Phyllis Joan Miller Memorial Field
Located at Dickinson Park, the new home of the men's and women's varsity soccer teams boasts a natural-grass field, seating for 500 spectators, energy-efficient lights,a new scoreboard and team shelters. Completed fall 2012.