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International Presence

Dickinson places a high value on the impact of international students, scholars and visitors on our campus and community. This international presence brings valuable experience and perspectives while fostering an environment that promotes meaningful encounters and diversity. Further enhancing our international programming, exchange students come to Carlisle from our partner universities and institutions abroad, expanding our connections around the globe.

International Students

Every year, new international students are admitted to the college, bringing with them a host of new experiences and their unique world view. Dickinson students represent 49 foreign countries and 14% of the student body is international. The Center for Global Study & Engagement assists new students upon arrival and provides orientation sessions that are designed with international student needs in mind. For F-1 visa and J-1 visa holders, we also serve as the primary advisors for visa requirements and visa benefits. Learn more about the resources available to current international students.

International Scholars

The International Student and Scholar section of the Center for Global Study and Engagement provides a broad range of support for all international visitors -- from guidance with essential visa documentation to assistance with housing and arrival.

US Army War College Fellows

Dickinson is excited to welcome our USAWC fellows into our campus. Learn about the cooperative scholarship, application and FAQs.