The Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology is an interdisciplinary, research-intensive program.
The following list includes current and historic, individual student research projects, public presentations from conferences, symposia and exhibitions*, and peer-reviewed publications. For abstracts on each project see Students as Scholars.
Students can get a list of their projects by going to CLIQ in the Gateway. Under the CLIQ menu, go to Profiles and then My ePortfolio. If you are an alum and would like a copy of your projects, please submit a research project request form.
*“Supported by:” on Student Conference Presentation records indicates the entity or funding mechanism that supported the student’s participation in the conference, i.e. travel expenses, poster costs, etc. For on-campus conferences, the supporting entity is usually the academic department sponsoring the event.
**“Supported by:” on Student Research Project records indicates the entity or funding mechanism that supported the student’s research costs, i.e. supplies, materials, equipment, stipends, local or international research travel, etc.
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Rachel Sara Flame | Dietary HDAC Inhibitors Fail to Inhibit HDAC enzymes in Trichoplusia ni (Cabbage looper) Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Thomas Arnold |
Vladimir Aleksandrov Markov | Synthesis and evaluation of modulators of the heat shock system Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Rebecca Connor |
Alexandra Lila Tymikiw | Synthesis and evaluation of modulators of the heat shock system Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Rebecca Connor |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Lauren Kageler | Optimization of amine transaminase catalyzed reactions Conference: 20th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Songeun Kim | Isoprenoid depletion reduces expression of miRNAs that regulate inflammation in a model of mevalonate kinase deficiency. Conference: 20th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Katherine Rose Koczirka | TGF-b enhancer reporters in zebrafish Conference: 20th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Zoey Alyssa Miller | Isoprenoid Depletion Reduces Expression of MecroRNAs That Regulate Inflammation Conference: 52nd Society for Leukocyte Biology Annual Meeting Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | |
Zoey Alyssa Miller | Isoprenoid depletion reduces expression of miRNAs that regulate inflammation in a model of mevalonate kinase deficiency. Conference: 20th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Brigette Autumn Stickney | Detection of Fluoride in Microbial Culture Conference: American Chemical Society National Meeting and Expo 2020 Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Award | Jason Gavenonis |
Lauren Marie Woznicki | The adductor longus origin angle (ALOA): A possible predictor of pattern of core muscle injury Conference: 20th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Benjamin Noah Ahern | Synthesis of Diclofenac Analogue as Mucosal-Associated Invariant T Cell Antigen Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Benjamin Noah Ahern | Revealing the structure and function relationship through in vivo evolution of Turnip crinkle virus satellite RNA C Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Kushner |
Amanda Natalie Allan | ATPase Activity of Mutant and Wild-type Hsp70 Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Rebecca Connor |
Ali Bayat | The Analysis of Viral RNA 3' End Stability Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Kushner |
Kayla Bendinelli | The Role of EGR1 and AP1 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cell Reprogramming Conference: American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2019 Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Michael Roberts |
Kevin Birungi | Reprogramming Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells: The Role of UNC93B1 Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Shannon Marie Bonner | The Role of EGR1 and AP1 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cell Reprogramming Conference: American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2019 Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Michael Roberts |
Ashir Aseesh Borah | The Role of EGR1 and AP1 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cell Reprogramming Conference: American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2019 Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Michael Roberts |
Ashir Aseesh Borah | Random Forest as a Predictor for Gene Networks from RNA Sequencing Data Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Lillian Jane Bussema | Reprogramming Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells: The Role of SERPINE1 Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Tara Elizabeth Cassidy | The Analysis of Viral RNA 3' End Stability Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Kushner |
Meredith D Davis | Cloning and Characterization of Hsp70 Double Mutant Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Rebecca Connor |
Erin Grace Harten | Evaluation of MicroRNA Gene Expression in Auto-Inflammatory Disease Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Jacqueline Rachael Hwang | Comparative cytotoxicity analysis of free drug, targeted, and non-targeted drug-loaded nanoparticles in MDR1-positive cancer cells Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Kalady | Evaluation of MicroRNA Gene Expression in Auto-Inflammatory Disease Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Mary Katherine Levangie | Reprogramming Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells: The Role of ZNF697 Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Kellyn Maura Madden | The Role of CDKN2B in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cell Reprogramming Conference: American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2019 Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Michael Roberts |
Ryan Thomas McMahon | Reprogramming Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells: The Role of NR4A3 Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Zoey Alyssa Miller | Determining the Role of c-Cbl in Integrin Dependent Human T Cell Migration Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Katherine Sarah Mnuskin | Reprogramming Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells: The Role of BCL11A Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Dylan Gregory Pryor | Revealing the structure and function relationship through in vivo evolution of Turnip crinkle virus satellite RNA C Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Kushner |
Emily Marie Rieder | Development of Full Sweet, Umami, and Bitter Taste Responsiveness in Mice Requires Regulators of G Protein Signaling-21 (RGS21) Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Liam Alec Stenson | Does Parthenolide induce heat shock in HEK273T cells? Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Rebecca Connor |
Ashley Alicia Tucewicz | The Role of C7orf50 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cell Reprogramming Conference: American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2019 Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Michael Roberts |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Simona Bajgai | PLA: A DNA-based fluorescent probe technology for determining protein proximity in cell Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Kayla Bendinelli | Reprogramming Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells: Regulation Of The Changing Transcriptome Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Shannon Marie Bonner | Reprogramming Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells: Regulation Of The Changing Transcriptome Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Garret Hilton Cerny | Dysregulation of lncRNAs in a model of chronic kidney disease Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Nikolaos Tsotakos |
Grace Elizabeth Crossland | The role of CDKN1A and CDKN2B in the reprogramming of AML cells toward cell cycle arrest. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Grace Elizabeth Crossland | The role of CDKN1A and CDKN2B in the reprogramming of AML cells toward cell cycle arrest Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Grace Elizabeth Crossland | Reprogramming Human Leukemia Cells toward Cell Cycle Arrest Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Grace Elizabeth Crossland | Reprogramming Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells: Regulation Of The Changing Transcriptome Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Thai Uyen Phuoc Dinh | Don't get too hot: Electrophiles take away Energy from Heat-shock? Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Rebecca Connor |
Heather Leigh English | Evaluation Of Thp-1 Cells As A Model System For Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Julia Rose Ferris | Don't get too hot: Electrophiles take away Energy from Heat-shock? Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Rebecca Connor |
Courtney M Gamache | The Taming Of The Yeast: Domestication Of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae And Saccharomyces Paradoxus Yeasts Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Dana Somers |
Nancy Gomez | Determining the Stress Response of ORFan Genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Dana Somers |
Hannah Leigh Hartman | Dysregulation of lncRNAs in a model of chronic kidney disease Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Nikolaos Tsotakos |
Songeun Kim | PLA: A DNA-based fluorescent probe technology for determining protein proximity in cell Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Songeun Kim | Transduced Tat-Aldose Reductase Protein Protects Against Oxidative Stress-Induced Sh-Sy5y Cell Death And Parkinson Disease In A Mouse Model Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Ryan Kowash | Expression Of Aldh Isoforms In Colon Tumorigenesis Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Ho An Lau | Estradiol Does Not Affect Spasms In The Betamethasone-NMDA Rat Model Of Infantile Spasms. Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Ho An Lau | Intraperitoneal injection of the dietary supplement Prevagen® does not improve short-term memory in the day-old chick Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Teresa Barber |
Madison L McDole | Fruit And Seaweed Polyphenols: Potential Inhibitors Of Amyloid Aggregation In Alzheimer's Disease Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Thomas Arnold |
Madison L McDole | Brown seaweed phenolics as a multipurpose amyloid beta aggregation inhibitor Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Gavenonis,Thomas Arnold |
Egmidio Medina | Reprogramming Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells: Regulation Of The Changing Transcriptome Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Zoey Alyssa Miller | Characterization Of Extracellular Vesicles In A Model Of Acute Lung Injury Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Kimberly Jean Monteferante | Evaluation Of Thp-1 Cells As A Model System For Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Marissa Christina Ruschil | Characterization Of Extracellular Vesicles In A Model Of Acute Lung Injury Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Tiffany Frey |
Namir Saade | Dysregulation of lncRNAs in a model of chronic kidney disease Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Nikolaos Tsotakos |
Bakary Samasa | PLA: A DNA-based fluorescent probe technology for determining protein proximity in cell Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | John Henson |
Alexis Lee Scott | The Use Of Tetrahymena In Dewatering Algae And Creating Biofuel Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Tulley Shofner | Reprogramming Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells: Regulation Of The Changing Transcriptome Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Sadie Ann Signorella | Antibody See Yorkie?: Characterizing the Protein Expression in the Drosophila Embryo Conference: 2018 Society for Development Biology Northeast Regional Conference Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Kirsten Guss |
Sadie Ann Signorella | Antibody See Yorkie?: Characterizing Protein Expression In The Drosophila Embryo Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Kirsten Guss |
Vincent Joseph Turnbull | Brown seaweed phenolics as a multipurpose amyloid beta aggregation inhibitor Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Gavenonis,Thomas Arnold |
Vincent Joseph Turnbull | Fruit And Seaweed Polyphenols: Potential Inhibitors Of Amyloid Aggregation In Alzheimer's Disease Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Thomas Arnold |
Madison Weirick | The Taming Of The Yeast: Domestication Of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae And Saccharomyces Paradoxus Yeasts Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Dana Somers |
Albert Westfall | Fruit And Seaweed Polyphenols: Potential Inhibitors Of Amyloid Aggregation In Alzheimer's Disease Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Thomas Arnold |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Emma Kate Batchelder | The Role of EGR1 and FOS in Phorbol Ester-Induced Genetic Reprogramming of AML Cells. Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Kayla Bendinelli | An Integrative Analysis of Human Cancer: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: Seraph Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Shannon Marie Bonner | An Integrative Analysis of Human Cancer: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: Seraph Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Samuel A Eaton | The Role of EGR1 and FOS in Phorbol Ester-Induced Genetic Reprogramming of AML Cells. Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Danny Aladdin-Sinoe Hammoudi | Development of New Trypanothione Reductase Inhibitors as Potential Therapeutics for Chagas Disease Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Gavenonis |
Jessica Paige Hampton | 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Gavin Robert Harter | Development of New Trypanothione Reductase Inhibitors as Potential Therapeutics for Chagas Disease Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Gavenonis |
Weiyi Huang | Development of New Trypanothione Reductase Inhibitors as Potential Therapeutics for Chagas Disease Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jason Gavenonis |
Jacqueline Rachael Hwang | Identification of Beta-Catenin-Interacting Proteins in Nuclei of Native Rat Collecting Duct Cell Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Ho An Lau | An Integrative Analysis of Human Cancer: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: Seraph Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Nikita Andreevich Leonov | In Silico Analysis and molecular docking study of S-Adenosylhomocysteine Hydrolase Inhibit Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Tyler Vincent Llewellyn | Isoprenoid depletion alters inflammatory gene expression in human cells Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Egmidio Medina | An Integrative Analysis of Human Cancer: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: Seraph Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Alexander James Myers | An Integrative Analysis of Human Cancer: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: Seraph Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Eric Thomas Vogt | Isoprenoid depletion alters inflammatory gene expression in human cells Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Madeline Kristine Wheeler | Comparison of synthetases in the incorporation of the non-natural amino acid p-azidophenylalanine in the oncogenic protein kRas Conference: 253rd Annual Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting Supported by: ACS Women's Chemistry Committee, R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Rebecca Connor |
Lindsey Samantha Zwecker | Isoprenoid depletion alters inflammatory gene expression in human cells Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Tiffany Frey |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Grace Elizabeth Crossland | Electrophilic sesquiterpene lactones modulate the heat shock response system. Conference: 250th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition Supported by: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Department | Rebecca Connor |
Cassandra Elizabeth Holbert | Role of bcl-2 family proteins in phorbol ester-induced apoptosis of acute myeloid leukemia cells. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Cassandra Elizabeth Holbert | Role of Bcl-2 Family Proteins in Phorbol Ester-Induced Apoptosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Conference: American Association for Cancer Researchers Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Michael Roberts |
Andrew Shriver McGowan | Electrophilic modification of heat shock protein 70 by sesquiterpene lactones Conference: 250th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition | Rebecca Connor |
Alexis N Newton | Electrophilic sesquiterpene lactones modulate the heat shock response system. Conference: 250th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition | Rebecca Connor |
Thomas Walter Nowlan | ChIPing Away at ChIP: on the way to identifying targets of scalloped Conference: Northeast Regional Meeting of the Society of Developmental Biology Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Kirsten Guss |
Myungsun Shin | Electrophilic modification of heat shock protein 70 by sesquiterpene lactones Conference: 250th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition | Rebecca Connor |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Emma Kate Batchelder | The Role of Interleukin 1B During Human Leukemia Cell Reprogramming Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Charlie Franklin Bayne | Use of in vivo SELEX to examine a potential base pairing interaction between two discontinuous regions of a non-coding viral RNA Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Kushner |
Courtney Elizabeth Capella | The Myc Oncogene in Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
La Niece Nicole Carpenter | Curing Cancer in Culture: The Genetic Reprogramming of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
La Niece Nicole Carpenter | Curing Cancer in Culture: The Genetic Reprogramming of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
La Niece Nicole Carpenter | An Integrative Analysis of Human Cancer: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: Seraph Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Alexander Charles Crawford | Expression of BCL-2 and Bcl-6 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Samuel A Eaton | Curing Cancer in Culture: The Genetic Reprogramming of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Samuel A Eaton | An Integrative Analysis of Human Cancer: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: Seraph Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Samuel A Eaton | The Role of Interleukin 1B During Human Leukemia Cell Reprogramming Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Mansoor Ahmed Ghoto | Curing Cancer in Culture: The Genetic Reprogramming of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Mansoor Ahmed Ghoto | Can a "survival gene" cause cancer cell death: The curious case of MCL-1. Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Mansoor Ahmed Ghoto | Curing cancer in culture: The genetic re-programming of human acute myeloid leukemia cells. Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Julia Dalton Hayden | Automated Functional Clustering of the Crotonase Superfamily Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Julia Dalton Hayden | The Role of Interleukin 8 During Phorbol Ester Induced Differentiation of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Cassandra Elizabeth Holbert | Curing cancer in culture: The genetic re-programming of human acute myeloid leukemia cells. Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Cassandra Elizabeth Holbert | Curing Cancer in Culture: The Genetic Reprogramming of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Cassandra Elizabeth Holbert | Genetic re-programming of the acute myeloid leukemia cell line HL-60: Regulation of cell proliferation, differentiation, and programmed cell death. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Cassandra Elizabeth Holbert | Can a "survival gene" cause cancer cell death: The curious case of MCL-1. Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Cassandra Elizabeth Holbert | An Integrative Analysis of Human Cancer: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: Seraph Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Christopher Aaron Holmes | Expression of BCL-2 and Bcl-6 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Peter Graham Howard | The Role of Interleukin 8 During Phorbol Ester Induced Differentiation of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Nikita Andreevich Leonov | Expression of BCL-2 and Bcl-6 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Maxwell S Lio | The Expression of the Cyclin/CDK Inhibitor, CDKN1A, in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Kayleigh Elisabeth Makoid | Searching for Aneuploid Tolerance Genes Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Abigail Olivia Marriott | Can a "survival gene" cause cancer cell death: The curious case of MCL-1. Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Abigail Olivia Marriott | Curing Cancer in Culture: The Genetic Reprogramming of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Abigail Olivia Marriott | The Myc Oncogene in Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Abigail Olivia Marriott | An Integrative Analysis of Human Cancer: Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: Seraph Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Sahil Rajivshiv Nayyar | Optical simulation of metal nanostructures using the discrete dipole approximation Supported by: Carrie Kouadio, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign: Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Thomas Walter Nowlan | ChIPing away at ChIP: on the way to identifying targets of scalloped Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Kirsten Guss |
Rosemary Lillian Palmieri | The Expression of the Cyclin/CDK Inhibitor, CDKN1A, in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Sarah Elizabeth Pelletier | The Role of Interleukin 8 During Phorbol Ester Induced Differentiation of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Nicole Elizabeth Price | The Myc Oncogene in Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Ian Samuel Ravin | The Expression of the Cyclin/CDK Inhibitor, CDKN1A, in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Elizabeth Anne Reese | Reconstitution of LC3-associated phagocytosis in Atg16L1-/- mouse embryonic fibroblasts Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Slade Dylan Reisner | The Expression of the Cyclin/CDK Inhibitor, CDKN1A, in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Melissa Beth Rifkin | Quantifying Phototoxicity: Singlet Oxygen Production of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Octanol Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Juliana Dee Schneider | Can a "survival gene" cause cancer cell death: The curious case of MCL-1. Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Juliana Dee Schneider | Curing Cancer in Culture: The Genetic Reprogramming of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Juliana Dee Schneider | Curing cancer in culture: The genetic re-programming of human acute myeloid leukemia cells. Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Mackenzie Frances Shelgren | The Myc Oncogene in Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Evan Andrew Solomon | Expression of BCL-2 and Bcl-6 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Megan Ann Stekla | The Role of Interleukin 8 During Phorbol Ester Induced Differentiation of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Suleiman Yousef Sudah | The Role of Interleukin 1B During Human Leukemia Cell Reprogramming Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Monica Ann Thapa | The Role of Interleukin 1B During Human Leukemia Cell Reprogramming Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Bryan Glenn Wacker | Investigating the HSF1-HSF2 interaction Conference: 15th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Rinaldys Javier Castillo | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ - In vivo evolution of a viral RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Gregory Alan Clark | Evaluation of Novel Thiol Derivatization Methods of Allium Species Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Amy Witter |
Wesley George Dean | Investigating the Neural Control of Muscles Used For Breathing In Boa Constrictors Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Mary Niblock,Scott Boback |
Mansoor Ahmed Ghoto | Differentiation induced apoptosis in AML cells: The role of p73 in p53-independent versus p53-mediated apoptosis. | Jeffrey Forrester |
Mansoor Ahmed Ghoto | Inducing Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in Human Leukemia Cells: The Roles of c-Myc and p73. Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Mansoor Ahmed Ghoto | Differentiation induced apoptosis in AML cells: The role of p73 in p53-independent versus p53-mediated apoptosis Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Jonathan William Jackson | Evaluation of Novel Thiol Derivatization Methods of Allium Species Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Amy Witter |
Adam Lee Kaminski | Shear-thinning hydrogels Supported by: Stafford Fellowship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Alexander Jon Kasznel | Characterization of Proteins that Regulate Pre-mRNA Splicing Conference: 247th American Chemical Society National Meeting: Chemistry and Materials for Energy Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | |
Jennifer Kristina Rush | The role of NgBR in regulating ER positive breast tumor resistance to chemotherapuetic drugs Supported by: Medical College of Wisconsin Number of Weeks: 9 | |
Rizwan Mohamed Saffie | Inducing Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in Human Leukemia Cells: The Roles of c-Myc and p73. Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Rizwan Mohamed Saffie | Differentiation induced apoptosis in AML cells: The role of p73 in p53-independent versus p53-mediated apoptosis Conference: American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Rizwan Mohamed Saffie | Differentiation induced apoptosis in AML cells: The role of p73 in p53-independent versus p53-mediated apoptosis. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Rizwan Mohamed Saffie | The Importance Of Fucosyltransferases In Breast Cancer Metastasis Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Rizwan Mohamed Saffie | Differentiation induced apoptosis in AML cells: The role of p73 in p53-independent versus p53-mediated apoptosis Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Harold Irvin Salmons | Inducing Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in Human Leukemia Cells: The Roles of c-Myc and p73. Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Harold Irvin Salmons | Differentiation induced apoptosis in AML cells: The role of p73 in p53-independent versus p53-mediated apoptosis Conference: American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Harold Irvin Salmons | Differentiation induced apoptosis in AML cells: The role of p73 in p53-independent versus p53-mediated apoptosis Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Juliana Dee Schneider | Differentiation induced apoptosis in AML cells: The role of p73 in p53-independent versus p53-mediated apoptosis Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Juliana Dee Schneider | Inducing Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in Human Leukemia Cells: The Roles of c-Myc and p73. Conference: 14th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Katri Elizabeth Thiele | Genomic characterization of corticotropin-releasing hormone in preterm birth Supported by: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Number of Weeks: 8 |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Christina Elizabeth Baum | Defining the transcription regulatory network in differentiating human acute myeloid leukemia cells. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Aaron Dale Brumbaugh | Green synthesis and characterization of bioreduced nanoparticles
Conference: American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting Supported by: Ciba Student Travel Award, Green Chemistry Institute, American Chemical Society | Sarah St. Angelo |
Aaron Dale Brumbaugh | NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU):Purification and Analysis of the MJ1598 Protein from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii Supported by: National Science Foundation (NSF) REU Program, University of Georgia Microbiology Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Susan Sights Buckenmaier | Myotoxic and neurotoxic effects of prolonged application of local anesthetics... Supported by: Defense & Veterans Center for Integrative Pain Management Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Tracy Erin Campbell | Transcription Regulation Profiling during Leukemia Cell Reprogramming Conference: American Association for Cancer Research Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Tracy Erin Campbell | Defining the transcription regulatory network in differentiating human acute myeloid leukemia cells Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Tracy Erin Campbell | Defining the transcription regulatory network in differentiating human acute myeloid leukemia cells. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Stuart Changoor | Defining the transcription regulatory network in differentiating human acute myeloid leukemia cells Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Stuart Changoor | Defining the transcription regulatory network in differentiating human acute myeloid leukemia cells. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Stuart Changoor | Transcription Regulation Profiling during Leukemia Cell Reprogramming Conference: American Association for Cancer Research Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Eric Benjamin Collins | Defining the transcription regulatory network in differentiating human acute myeloid leukemia cells | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Aaron A Cook | Purification and Characterization of BAG5 Number of Weeks: 26 | Rebecca Connor |
Gabriel J DiNatale | Effects of alkynyl-parthenolide derivatives on cellular viability, glutathione levels, and cellular signaling of human leukemia cells, THP Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Rebecca Connor |
Gabriel J DiNatale | Cellular Effects of Parthenolide Analogs | Rebecca Connor |
Gabriel J DiNatale | Profiling chemotherapeutic-resistant tumor cells Supported by: National Cancer Insititute ICBP at MIT Number of Weeks: 9 | |
Mary Shelton Dickinson | Memory T cells are activated in the mesenteric lymph node following oral Listeria monocytogenes infection Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Jessica Nicole Edenfield | Metaplastic Breast Cancer: A Retrospective Chart Review of Molecular Profiling Results and Outcomes Supported by: Greenville Hospital System, Pathology Department Number of Weeks: 2 | |
Eric Mark Epstein | Transcription Regulation Profiling during Leukemia Cell Reprogramming Conference: American Association for Cancer Research Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Eric Mark Epstein | Defining the transcription regulatory network in differentiating human acute myeloid leukemia cells Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Alma Daniela Garcia Perez | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ - Defining functional regions of Turnip crinkle virus satellite RNA C Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Anastasia Despina Gianakas | Dissecting the Roles of the Actin Nucleation Facilitators the Arp2/3 complex and Formin in Structuring the Peripheral Actin Cytoskeleton in Sea Urchin Coelomocytes Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Breanna Sophie Goldner | Protein Engineering of Molecular Chaperone BAG5 Number of Weeks: 26 | Rebecca Connor |
Breanna Sophie Goldner | Production and Analysis of Recombinant BCL2-associated AthanoGene 5 (Bag5) Protein Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Rebecca Connor |
Kelly E Keenan | Characterizing the Transport of Mg2 via the SLC41A1 protein Supported by: Case Western Reserve University Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Christine Brooke Neville | Investigation of Actin Nucleation Factors and Cytoskeletal Structure in Mouse Melanoma Cells Number of Weeks: 26 | John Henson |
Phoebe Ford Oldach | Defining the transcription regulatory network in differentiating human acute myeloid leukemia cells Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Phoebe Ford Oldach | Defining the transcription regulatory network in differentiating human acute myeloid leukemia cells Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Phoebe Ford Oldach | Defining the transcription regulatory network in differentiating human acute myeloid leukemia cells. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Phoebe Ford Oldach | Transcription Regulation Profiling during Leukemia Cell Reprogramming Conference: American Association for Cancer Research Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Jennifer Kristina Rush | Role of DNA Methyltransferases in the Proliferation of Cancer Cells Supported by: Elmhurst College Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Rizwan Mohamed Saffie | Defining the transcription regulatory network in differentiating human acute myeloid leukemia cells. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Rizwan Mohamed Saffie | Defining the transcription regulatory network in differentiating human acute myeloid leukemia cells Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Rizwan Mohamed Saffie | The Importance of Fucosyltransferases in Breast Cancer Metastasis Supported by: Kang Lab, Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Robert Michael Sansevere | Targeted delivery of therapeutic siRNAs into oral cancer cells overexpressing the epidermal growth factor receptor Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | |
Eileen Shen | Investigation of Actin Nucleation Factors and Cytoskeletal Structure in Mouse Melanoma Cells Number of Weeks: 26 | John Henson |
Myungsun Shin | Synthesis and evaluation of alkyne derivatives of parthenolide for identification of cellular protein targets Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Rebecca Connor |
Myungsun Shin | Synthesis and evaluation of alkyne derivatives of parthenolide for identification of cellular protein targets Conference: 245th National ACS Meeting, American Chemical Society Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Rebecca Connor |
Myungsun Shin | Synthesis and Evaluation of Alkyne Derivatives of Parthenolide for Identification of Cellular Protein Targets Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Rebecca Connor |
Natalie Mary Stanley | Defining the transcription regulatory network in differentiating human acute myeloid leukemia cells | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Natalie Mary Stanley | Clustering Genes in HL-60 Cells by Expression Patterns and Genetic Promoters to Understand Changes in Gene Expression. Conference: 2013 SIAM/MAA third annual Mid-Atlantic Applied Mathematics Student Conference | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Natalie Mary Stanley | Using Bioinformatic Approaches to Predict Gene Expression Based on Promoter Structure in AML. Conference: 2013 Spring Meeting of the Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware Section of the Mathematical Association of America, | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Natalie Mary Stanley | Transcription Regulation Profiling during Leukemia Cell Reprogramming Conference: American Association for Cancer Research Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Natalie Mary Stanley | Defining the transcription regulatory network in differentiating human acute myeloid leukemia cells Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Natalie Mary Stanley | Using Bioinformatic Approaches to Predict Gene Expression Patterns from Promoter Structure in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Conference: Undergrad Research at the Capitol Supported by: Academic Affairs | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Natalie Mary Stanley | Defining the transcription regulatory network in differentiating human acute myeloid leukemia cells Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Natalie Mary Stanley | Bioinformatic Prediction of Expression Patterns Based on Promoter Sequence in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Natalie Mary Stanley | Using Bioinformatic Approaches to Predict Gene Expression Based on Promoter Structure in Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Conference: 2013 Annual Meeting of The Mathematical Association of America MathFest | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Natalie Mary Stanley | Using Bioinformatic Approaches to Predict Gene Expression Based on Promoter Structure in AML Conference: 2013 SIAM/MAA fourth annual Mid-Atlantic Applied Mathematics Student Conference | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Jerone Tyler Stoner | Determining the Significance of ZNF217 Overexpression Leading to Metabolic Shifts and Breast Cancer Supported by: Notre Dame Biology NSF REU Program Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Katri Elizabeth Thiele | Purification and characterization of putative giant viral prolyl-4-hydroxylase enzymes. Supported by: University of Zurich- Physiology Department Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Richard Matthew Weeks | Sea Urchin Embryogenesis is Negatively Impacted by Seawater Acidified via CO2 Enrichment: A Laboratory Exercise for Teaching about the Impacts of Climate Change-Associated Ocean Acidification Conference: Developmental Biology of the Sea Urchin XXI Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | John Henson |
Richard Matthew Weeks | Sea Urchin Embryogenesis is Negatively Impacted by Seawater Acidified via CO2 Enrichment: A Laboratory Exercise for Teaching about the Impacts of Climate Change-Associated Ocean Acidification Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Richard Matthew Weeks | Dissecting the Roles of the Actin Nucleation Facilitators the Arp2/3 complex and Formin in Structuring the Peripheral Actin Cytoskeleton in Sea Urchin Coelomocytes Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Brett Michael Weidman | EPA Method 25D Analysis of Volatile Compounds in Oil Waste Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Taylor Nicole Weilnau | Evaluation of a novel OBGYN residency interview process to assess emotional intelligence Supported by: Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown PA Number of Weeks: 9 | |
Mesrob Yeterian | Dissecting the Roles of the Actin Nucleation Facilitators the Arp2/3 complex and Formin in Structuring the Peripheral Actin Cytoskeleton in Sea Urchin Coelomocytes Conference: 13th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | John Henson |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Christina Elizabeth Baum | The transcription factor PRDM8 and its target gene EOMES are up-regulated in human leukemia cells induced to differentiate by PMA Conference: 2012 Annual Science Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee Number of Weeks: 8 | Michael Roberts |
Michael Edward Benson | MAFK and target gene, C-FOS, response to phorbol ester in HL60 cells Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Nicole Johana Briceno | Genetic re-programming of the AML cell line HL-60 during differentiation: Roles of the EGR/NAB and NR4A transcription factors. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Nicole Johana Briceno | Re-programming Leukemia Cells: Possible Role of the Nuclear Receptor Transcription Family (NR4A) in Leukemia Cell Self-Destruction Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Jamie Ray Bugel | Re-programming Cancer Cells to Self-Destruct Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Jamie Ray Bugel | Genetic re-programming of the AML cell line HL-60 during differentiation: Roles of the EGR/NAB and NR4A transcription factors. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Catherine Bridget Campbell | Re-programming Cancer Cells to Self-Destruct Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Catherine Bridget Campbell | Genetic re-programming of the AML cell line HL-60 during differentiation: Roles of the EGR/NAB and NR4A transcription factors. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Catherine Bridget Campbell | Re-programming Cancer Cells to Self-Destruct Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Tracy Erin Campbell | The up-regulation of MAF-F and JUN-B in the HL-60 leukemia cell line after PMA treatment inhibits cell proliferation Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Thanprakorn Chiramanewong | Cellular Response of Leukemia Cells to an Alkyne-Modified Parthenolide Derivative Number of Weeks: 13 | Rebecca Connor |
Eric Benjamin Collins | Changes in transcription of the MAFB gene and target gene EOMES after PMA treatment in leukemia cells Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Robert James Cox | Effects of macrophage migration inhibitory facto (MIF) on bladder smooth muscle and fibroblast cell survival Supported by: UConn Center on Aging Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Gabriel J DiNatale | Investigation of the Cellular Action of the Natural Product, Parthenolide Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Rebecca Connor |
Mary Shelton Dickinson | Genetic re-programming of the AML cell line HL-60 during differentiation: Roles of the EGR/NAB and NR4A transcription factors. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Eric Mark Epstein | MAFK and target gene, C-FOS, response to phorbol ester in HL60 cells Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Anastasia Despina Gianakas | Changes in transcription of the MAFB gene and target gene EOMES after PMA treatment in leukemia cells Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Nicholas Samuel Gubitosi | MAFK and target gene, C-FOS, response to phorbol ester in HL60 cells Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Abigail Elizabeth Haenssler | PCR and Immunofluorescent Analysis of NR4A1 Expression in HL-60 Cells Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Jennifer Kay Hibben | NSF 0918624: Collaborative Research/RUI: Evolution of satC RNA with Turnip Crinkle Virus RNA Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | David Kushner |
Shelly Hwang | Changes in transcription of the MAFB gene and target gene EOMES after PMA treatment in leukemia cells Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Trevor Richmond McCarthy | Genetic re-programming of the AML cell line HL-60 during differentiation: Roles of the EGR/NAB and NR4A transcription factors. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Matthew William Miller | PCR and Immunofluorescent Analysis of NR4A1 Expression in HL-60 Cells Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Phoebe Ford Oldach | Genetic re-programming of the AML cell line HL-60 during differentiation: Roles of the EGR/NAB and NR4A transcription factors. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Emily Ann Peterpaul | MAFK and target gene, C-FOS, response to phorbol ester in HL60 cells Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Nicole Elizabeth Price | Molecular Biology Research, Handelsman Lab Supported by: Yale University, Handelsman Lab Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Shuo Qiu | Changes in transcription of the MAFB gene and target gene EOMES after PMA treatment in leukemia cells Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Rizwan Mohamed Saffie | Treatment of leukemia cells with PMA up-regulates PRDM1 and down-regulates myc. Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Kathryn Anna McAndrew Schlechtweg | The up-regulation of MAF-F and JUN-B in the HL-60 leukemia cell line after PMA treatment inhibits cell proliferation Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Myungsun Shin | Synthesis of materials toward the click chemical profiling of parthenolide in THP-1 cells Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Rebecca Connor |
Natalie Mary Stanley | Re-programming Cancer Cells to Self-Destruct Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Natalie Mary Stanley | Genetic re-programming of the AML cell line HL-60 during differentiation: Roles of the EGR/NAB and NR4A transcription factors. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Natalie Mary Stanley | Re-programming Cancer Cells to Self-Destruct Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Amelia Linger Szabat | The up-regulation of MAF-F and JUN-B in the HL-60 leukemia cell line after PMA treatment inhibits cell proliferation Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Katri Elizabeth Thiele | Cellular heat shock response in human osteosarcoma cells Supported by: Sistonen Laboratory Number of Weeks: 7 | |
Chan Voong | Investigating the Cytoxicity of NAMI-A Derived Compounds Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Kristi Humphreys |
Taylor Nicole Weilnau | The transcription factor PRDM8 and its target gene EOMES are up-regulated in human leukemia cells induced to differentiate by PMA Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Michael Roberts |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Robert James Allaway | Morphogenesis of HL-60 Human Leukemia Cells Treated with Phorbol Ester Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Robert James Allaway | Morphogenesis of HL-60 human leukemia cells treated with the phorbol ester PMA. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
David Charles Bittner | Re-programming Human Leukemia Cells: Changes in Gene Expression During Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Conference: Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics sponsored by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
David Charles Bittner | Genetic re-programming of the acute myeloid leukemia cell line HL-60. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Sarah Elisabeth Brnich | Mathematical and Computational Techniques for Microarray Data Analysis. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Sarah Elisabeth Brnich | Genetic re-programming of the acute myeloid leukemia cell line HL-60. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Sarah Elisabeth Brnich | Re-programming Human Leukemia Cells: Changes in Gene Expression During Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Conference: Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics sponsored by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Sarah Elisabeth Brnich | Genetic re-programming of the acute myeloid leukemia cell line HL-60 Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester |
Jamie Ray Bugel | Curing Cancer in Culture: The Genetic Reprogramming of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells (HL-60) During Differentiation. Conference: 2011 Regional Microbiology Educators 8th Annual Student Research Symposium | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Bryan William Conner | Genetic re-programming of the acute myeloid leukemia cell line HL-60. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Bryan William Conner | Re-programming Human Leukemia Cells: Changes in Gene Expression During Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Conference: Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics sponsored by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Carla Elise Cox | Re-programming Human Leukemia Cells: Changes in Gene Expression During Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Conference: Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics sponsored by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Carla Elise Cox | Genetic re-programming of the acute myeloid leukemia cell line HL-60 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Mary Shelton Dickinson | Curing Cancer in Culture: The Genetic Reprogramming of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells (HL-60) During Differentiation. Conference: 2011 Regional Microbiology Educators 8th Annual Student Research Symposium | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Elise Marguerite Fiala | Molecular Characterization of Canine Beta-Globin Gene Cluster Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Julia Elizabeth Filiberti | Mathematical and Computational Techniques for Microarray Data Analysis. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Julia Elizabeth Filiberti | Genetic re-programming of the acute myeloid leukemia cell line HL-60. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Julia Elizabeth Filiberti | Re-programming Human Leukemia Cells: Changes in Gene Expression During Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Conference: 2010 Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics sponsored by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Michael Jude Grant | Genetic re-programming of the acute myeloid leukemia cell line HL-6 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Michael Jude Grant | Re-programming Human Leukemia Cells: Changes in Gene Expression During Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Conference: Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics sponsored by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Ashley Lynne Kunkle | Re-programming Human Leukemia Cells: Changes in Gene Expression During Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Conference: Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics sponsored by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Katherine Ann Manning | Re-programming Human Leukemia Cells: Changes in Gene Expression During Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Conference: Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics sponsored by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Michael Webster Mansuy | Genetic re-programming of the acute myeloid leukemia cell line HL-60. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Trevor Richmond McCarthy | Curing Cancer in Culture: The Genetic Reprogramming of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells (HL-60) During Differentiation. Conference: 2011 Regional Microbiology Educators 8th Annual Student Research Symposium | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Noah Raphael Morgenstein | Morphogenesis of HL-60 Human Leukemia Cells Treated with Phorbol Ester Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts,John Henson |
Miles David Nelson | Assessing the sequence requirements of the DR element of Turnip crinkle virus satellite RNA C Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Kushner |
Phoebe Ford Oldach | Curing Cancer in Culture: The Genetic Reprogramming of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells (HL-60) During Differentiation. Conference: 2011 Regional Microbiology Educators 8th Annual Student Research Symposium | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Ahkeem James Simmons | Morphogenesis of HL-60 Human Leukemia Cells Treated with Phorbol Ester Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts,John Henson |
Ahkeem James Simmons | Morphogenesis of HL-60 human leukemia cells treated with the phorbol ester PMA. Conference: Eleventh Annual Biology Student Research Symposium Supported by: Biology Department | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Natalie Mary Stanley | Curing Cancer in Culture: The Genetic Reprogramming of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells (HL-60) During Differentiation. Conference: Regional Microbiology Educators 8th Annual Student Research Symposium | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Phung Tieu Vuong | Pro-neurotrophin/p75 receptor pathway and the recovery process post traumatic brain injury Supported by: Rutgers/UMDNJ NeuroSURP Number of Weeks: 9 | |
Kevin Andrew Wood | Re-programming Human Leukemia Cells: Changes in Gene Expression During Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Conference: Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics sponsored by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Caitlin Elizabeth Barnes | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
David Charles Bittner | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Sarah Elisabeth Brnich | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Jessica Lynne Caban | Australia (biology, biochemistry and molecular biology) Number of Weeks: 13 | |
Jack Michael Colicchio | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Bryan William Conner | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Carla Elise Cox | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Michael Joseph Crowley | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Matthew Joseph DeStefano | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Ryan David Deeds | Global changes in gene expression during phorbol ester-induced differentiation of human acute myeloid leukemia cells. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Ryan David Deeds | Global Changes in Gene Expression During Phorbol Ester-Induced Differentiation of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Ryan David Deeds | Gene Expression Changes During Human Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Conference: Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics sponsored by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Simon Matthew Dosovitz | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Julia Elizabeth Filiberti | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Michael Jude Grant | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Allison Elizabeth Hall | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Victor Sung Hoi Koo | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Abby Christine Larson | Gene Expression Changes During Human Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Conference: Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics sponsored by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Abby Christine Larson | Global changes in gene expression during phorbol ester-induced differentiation of human acute myeloid leukemia cells. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Abby Christine Larson | Global Changes in Gene Expression During Phorbol Ester-Induced Differentiation of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Brandon Jongwon Lee | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Caitlin Elise Macaluso | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Katherine Ann Manning | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Michael Webster Mansuy | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Jennah Asalmah Morgan | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Stephanie LeAnn Neal | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Senaka Yoshio Ratnayake | Gene Expression Changes During Human Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Conference: Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics sponsored by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Senaka Yoshio Ratnayake | Global changes in gene expression during phorbol ester-induced differentiation of human acute myeloid leukemia cells. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Senaka Yoshio Ratnayake | Global Changes in Gene Expression During Phorbol Ester-Induced Differentiation of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
William Carlos Schaffenburg | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Meredith Suzanne Schaudies | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Adnan Zahir Solaiman | Global changes in gene expression during phorbol ester-induced differentiation of human acute myeloid leukemia cells. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Adnan Zahir Solaiman | Gene Expression Changes During Human Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Conference: Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics sponsored by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Adnan Zahir Solaiman | Global Changes in Gene Expression During Phorbol Ester-Induced Differentiation of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Emily Marie Swain | Global Changes in Gene Expression During Phorbol Ester-Induced Differentiation of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Emily Marie Swain | Global changes in gene expression during phorbol ester-induced differentiation of human acute myeloid leukemia cells. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Emily Marie Swain | Gene Expression Changes During Human Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Conference: Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics sponsored by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Sara Van Meerbeke | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Amy Louise Williamson | Global Changes in Gene Expression During Phorbol Ester-Induced Differentiation of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Amy Louise Williamson | Gene Expression Changes During Human Leukemia Cell Differentiation. Conference: Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics sponsored by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Amy Louise Williamson | Global changes in gene expression during phorbol ester-induced differentiation of human acute myeloid leukemia cells. | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Erica Nicole Zagaja | Changes in transcription factor gene expression during human leukemia cell differentiation. Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Ryan David Deeds | Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation, R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Kelly Marie LaRue | Microbial Diversity Research Poster Presentation Conference: 2008 Rector Science Complex Dedication Supported by: College Advancement | |
Joshua Sturgess Lichtman | My Engage the World Experience: Water Quality Research in Guam Conference: 2008 Rector Science Complex Dedication Supported by: College Advancement | |
Senaka Yoshio Ratnayake | Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation, R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 9 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Adnan Zahir Solaiman | Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation, R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 11 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Emily Marie Swain | Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation, R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 10 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Amy Louise Williamson | Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem Supported by: National Science Foundation, R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 13 | Jeffrey Forrester,Michael Roberts |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Danielle Rian Waranch | The Effect of Caffeine on the Feeding Responses of Gypsy Moth Larvae, Lymantria dispar (L.) Conference: Undergraduate Science Research Symposium Supported by: Central Pennsylvania Consortium, Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Elizabeth Kwon Ruszak | Chloromethylprotease inhibitory effects of HPV infected keratinocytes Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Alicia Tang | The role of Pin1 in Regulation of p63, a p53 protein related to human tumorigenesis Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Aboluwade O Ayodele | Determination of Disinfection By-Products (DBP) from the chlorination of macro-molecules and bio-molecules in drinking water supplies. Dr. Brian Halsall, University of Cincinnati Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Kira Marie Krivy | The role of centrosomal NuMA in multipolar spindles in cancer cells. Dr. Williams Saunders Laboratory, University of Pittsburgh. Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Jennifer M Rothberg | The Diadenosine Polyphospatase "Invasion" homolog in Agrobacterium Tumefaciens. Dr. Suzanne O'Handley, Rochester Institute of Technology Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Kirsten Marissa Simpson | Molecular biology and NMR to study retroviral genome recognition and packaging of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Dr. Mike Summers, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Eleonore P Werner | Clone, express, purify and determine function of CaFpg protein. Susan S. Wallace, University of Vermont. Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Songeun Kim | Isoprenoid Depletion Reduces Expression of MecroRNAs That Regulate Inflammation Conference: 52nd Society for Leukocyte Biology Annual Meeting Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Megan Christine Blair | Identifying molecules for the treatment of diabetes Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Damien Garbett | Study of Epidermal Growth Factor and Ca2 Efflux in Mammalian Oocyte Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Beth Ellen Gern | Demonstration of the scaffolding function of the protein Ksr in linking Raf, ERK, and MEK in the MAP kinase signaling pathway./Role of the Scaffolding Protein Ksr in Activation of the MAP Kinase Pathway. Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Dana R McGregor | Yeast Two-Hybrid Interactions Between NAC Proteins and other Trsncription Factor Encoding Genes in Arabidopsis Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Faith Melissa Peluso | Interactions between virus and hairpin promoters in the Turnip Crinkle Virus Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 10 | |
Jennifer L Picarsic | Development of Gene Tissue for Early Lung Cancer using novel invitro model of lung cancer Supported by: HHMI-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Off-Campus Internship Number of Weeks: 10 |