The following list includes current and historic, individual student research projects, public presentations from conferences, symposia and exhibitions*, and peer-reviewed publications. For abstracts on each project see Students as Scholars.
Students can get a list of their projects by going to CLIQ in the Gateway. Under the CLIQ menu, go to Profiles and then My ePortfolio. If you are an alum and would like a copy of your projects, please submit a research project request form.
*“Supported by:” on Student Conference Presentation records indicates the entity or funding mechanism that supported the student’s participation in the conference, i.e. travel expenses, poster costs, etc. For on-campus conferences, the supporting entity is usually the academic department sponsoring the event.
**“Supported by:” on Student Research Project records indicates the entity or funding mechanism that supported the student’s research costs, i.e. supplies, materials, equipment, stipends, local or international research travel, etc.
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Cara Elizabeth Dougherty | Cavendish and Montagu: Female Education as a Theme in Literature and in Life Conference: 2021 Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality by Students (ROWGS) Symposium Supported by: Office of the President, Women's Gender & Sexuality Studies Department | Jacob Sider Jost |
Marissa Fabbo | Uncovering a Forgotten History: Natalie Clifford Barney's Women Lovers or The Third Woman and the Impact of Self-Censorship on Life Writing Conference: 2021 Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality by Students (ROWGS) Symposium Supported by: Office of the President, Women's Gender & Sexuality Studies Department | Wendy Moffat |
Juliana C Rhinehart | Michael Field Diary Transcriptions Supported by: R&D SFR Number of Weeks: 8 | Sarah Kersh |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Julia Marie Barone | Midcentury Suspension (fall 2019) / The Public Health of Modernism (spring 2020) Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 26 | Claire Seiler |
Benjamin Jacob Doern | Hollywood and the American Comic Book Industry Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 26 | Gregory Steirer |
Jacquelin Toni Greger | Home, Work, and Privacy in "Vibration Cooking" Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 13 | Siobhan Phillips |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Maia Baker | The Spatialization of Identity in Their Eyes Were Watching God Conference: Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality (ROWGS) Student Research Symposium Supported by: Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies Department | |
Jeremy Thomas Barnes | "Angry Birds: Mobile Gaming." Co-authored with Jeremy Barnes (Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ alumnus). In How to Play Video Games, edited by Matthew Thomas Payne (University of Notre Dame) and Nina B. Huntemann (University of Massachusetts, Amherst). New York University Press, 2019. | Gregory Steirer |
Alaina Jordan Einsig | Letters and Poems of Michael Field Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 13 | Sarah Kersh |
Rafaela Silvia Marinello | Interest in the Long Eighteenth Century Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 13 | Jacob Sider Jost |
Kayleigh Elizabeth Rhatigan | ".. .like the sky, constantly changing": Queer Futures and the Fluid Alien Body in Octavia Butler's Xenogenesis Conference: Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality (ROWGS) Student Research Symposium Supported by: Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies Department | |
Audrey Devon Schlimm | Heavenly Perspective: Thomas Traherne and Seventeenth-Century Visual Culture Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Carol Johnston |
Nadia Gabrielle Tivvis | Return to Neveryork: Queer Time, Afrofuturism, and Radical Queer Politics In Delany's Cyclical Cities Conference: Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality (ROWGS) Student Research Symposium Supported by: Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies Department |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Noah Robert Fusco | Midcentury Suspension Number of Weeks: 13 | Claire Seiler |
Janel Pineda | Resistance and Resilience in Salvadoran Storytelling Conference: Spring 2018 International Research Symposium Supported by: Center for Global Studies and Engagement (CGSE) | Carolina Castellanos Gonella,Sarah Kersh |
Alexi Leah Struzenski | Digital Streaming Bibliography Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 13 | Steven Malcic |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Noah Robert Fusco | Eighteenth-Century Poets Connect Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Jacob Sider Jost |
Shannon Adele Nolan | Poetry of Michael Field and the Victorian Queer Archive Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 13 | Sarah Kersh |
Samuel James Portelance | The Comic Book Industry and Hollywood Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 26 weeks | Gregory Steirer |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Maximilian Lothar Burrows | Amazing By The Numbers Conference: Dickinson Digital Humanities Workshop Supported by: Mellon Digital Humanities Grant | |
Georgia Hoard Christman | Visualizing the Poetry of Michael Field Conference: Bucknell University Digital Humanitites Conference Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Sarah Kersh |
Edgar Estrada | The Pulp Magazines Project Supported by: A.W. Mellon Digital Humanities Grant Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 13 | Patrick Belk |
Kathleen Margaret Jarman | Visualizing the Poetry of Michael Field Conference: Bucknell University's Digital Scholarship Conference Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Sarah Kersh |
Anna Louise Morrison | The Pulp Magazines Project Supported by: A.W. Mellon Digital Humanities Grant Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 4 | Patrick Belk |
Dejvi Ndreca | Amazing By The Numbers Conference: Dickinson Digital Humanities Workshop Supported by: Mellon Digital Humanities Grant | Patrick Belk |
Shannon Adele Nolan | Poetry of Michael Field and Victorian Queer Archive Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 13 weeks | Sarah Kersh |
Leigh Katherine Tracey | Mapping Shakespeare Conference: Dickinson Digital Humanities Workshop Supported by: Mellon Digital Humanities Grant | Patrick Belk |
Katherine A Vitale | The Pulp Magazines Project Supported by: A.W. Mellon Digital Humanities Grant Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 13 | Patrick Belk |
Katherine A Vitale | Mapping Shakespeare Conference: Dickinson Digital Humanities Workshop Supported by: A.W. Mellon Digital Humanities Grant Dana Research Assistant | Patrick Belk |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Georgia Hoard Christman | Annotated digital edition of the collection Sight and Song (Michael Field, 1892) Supported by: Mellon Digital Humanities Grant Number of Weeks: 8 | Sarah Kersh |
Victoria Leigh DeLaney | The Pulp Magazines Project Supported by: A.W. Mellon Digital Humanities Grant Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Patrick Belk |
Laura A Hart | The "Object"ification of People and the "Person"ification of Objects: Restoring Humanity to Soldiers Objectified by the Great War in Peter Weir's Gallipoli (1981) and Bertrand Tavernier's La Vie et Rien d'Autre (1989) Conference: Central Pennsylvania Consortium Conference: Legacies of the Great War: Remembering World War I after 100 Years Supported by: Central Pennsylvania Consortium, English Department | Wendy Moffat |
Kathleen Margaret Jarman | Annotated digital edition of the collection Sight and Song (Michael Field, 1892) Supported by: Mellon Digital Humanities Grant Number of Weeks: 8 | Sarah Kersh |
Kathleen Margaret Jarman | Gathering information on new John Milton volumes acquired by the archives Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 26 | Carol Johnston |
Sean Joseph Jarman | The battlefront letters of Dr. Thomas Salmon Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 13 | Wendy Moffat |
Mary Katherine Naydan | Epistemology of the Great War: Narratology and Female Authority in Rebecca West's The Return of the Soldier Conference: Central PA Colleges Conference: Legacies of the Great War: Remembering World War I after 100 Years Supported by: Central Pennsylvania Consortium | Wendy Moffat |
Harris Risell | The Comic Book Industry and Hollywood Supported by: A.W. Mellon Digital Humanities Grant Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Gregory Steirer |
Genevieve Elise Veres | Bioware and the Politics of Video Game Authorship Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 26 | Gregory Steirer |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Leah Judith Shafer | Baldwin's Epistolary Designs Conference: Northeast Modern Language Association (NEMLA) Spring Conference Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Siobhan Phillips |
Melissa Lin Sturges | Rewriting Hyboria: Robert E. Howard's Conan as Intellectual Property. Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 13 | Gregory Steirer |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Lisa Maria Borsellino | Mid-century Suspension Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 13 | Claire Seiler |
Mary Katherine Naydan | Patronage, Magazines, and the Economics of Eighteenth-Century Poetry Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Jacob Sider Jost |
Emma Jeanne Rodwin | Mid-Century Suspension Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Claire Seiler |
Leah Judith Shafer | Correspondence among African-American Poets, 1960-1980 Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 6 | Siobhan Phillips |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Holly Madine Bowers | Bibliographic and Archival Research for Book Project "Impossible Year" Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 13 | Wendy Moffat |
Merit Elisabeth O'Hare | Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize Supported by: Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize | |
Colin Myles Tripp | False Starts: The Rhetoric of Failure and the Making of American Modernism Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | David Ball |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Emily Elizabeth Arndt | A Romantic Natural History (hypertext resource) Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | B Ashton Nichols |
Megan Natoli Liberty | "But to Return to the Pictures": The Forgotten Photographs of Gertrude Stein's The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas Conference: 2011 Senior Research Symposium Supported by: Academic Affairs | |
Eliza Rose Park | Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize Supported by: Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Amanda Ruth Lagji | "Willing Liberates": Nietzschean Heroism in Tsitsi Dangarembga's Nervous Conditions. Conference: 2009 Senior Research Symposium Supported by: Academic Affairs | Sharon Stockton,Thomas Nadelhoffer |
Meredith Leigh Milnes | False Starts: The Rhetoric of Failure and the Making of American Modernism Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 26 | David Ball |
Eliza Rose Park | False Starts: The Rhetoric of Failure and the Making of American Modernism, 1850-Present Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | David Ball |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Thomas Bradley Elrod | "Heavenly Perspective": Thomas Traherne and Seventeenth-Century Visual Tradition Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 26 | Carol Johnston |
Caroline Anne Peri | The Power of White Consumer Ideology over the Black Female Body - Hagar's Path to Identity in Toni Morrison's 'Song of Solomon' Conference: ROWS - Research on Women by Students Supported by: Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies Department |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
George Whitfield Fitting | Bibliographic Entry for Forster Biography Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 13 | Wendy Moffat |
Katlin Elizabeth Burwell Harker | Forever Cursed: The Portrayal of Females in Mongo Beti's 'The Poor Christ of Bomba' and Ferdinand Oyono's 'Houseboy' in Relation to Eve Conference: ROWS - Research on Women by Students Supported by: Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies Department | |
Christine Marie Huron | Bridging the Gulf: Feminist Consciousness on War and Gendered Space Conference: 2007 Senior Research Symposium Supported by: Academic Affairs | |
Elizabeth A Mountenay | Unstated Indignities Burned Deeply into the Son's Mind: Masculine Anxiety and Feminine Space in World War II Novels, 1945-51 Conference: ROWS - Research on Women by Students Supported by: Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies Department | |
Brandy Jo Spielman | A New Chicana Story: Rape as a Metaphor of Power in the Poetry of Carmen Tafolla Conference: ROWS - Research on Women by Students Supported by: Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies Department |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
David Edward Emerick | Writing about Rape: The Economics of Fantasy Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 4 | Sharon Stockton |
David Edward Emerick | A Study of Contemporary Scottish Fiction Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Leslie Winston |
Sara Nichole Hoover | Bloomsbury in Pennsylvania: A Multimedia Presentation Conference: Bloomsbury-A Centennial Celebration | Wendy Moffat |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Katherine Kelly Ginn | Psychology, Literature, and the Evolution of Rape in the Twentieth Century Conference: Society for Literature and Science Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Sharon Stockton |
Sara Nichole Hoover | Himself 'That Way': Transmitting Gay Cultural History in Merchant/Ivory's Adaptation of E. M. Forster's Maurice. Conference: Literature/Film Association Conference Supported by: Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ | Wendy Moffat |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Katherine Kelly Ginn | Writing about Rape: The Economics of Fantasy Supported by: A.W. Mellon Foundation Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Sharon Stockton |
Sophia Nicole Harris | Rebelling Against "The Man'': The Transgressive Feminine Body in Cindy Sherman's "Untitled Film Stills" and Susanna Kaysen's "Girl Interrupted" Conference: The 9th Annual Research on Women by Students Symposium (ROWS) Supported by: Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies Department | Sharon Stockton |
Sara Nichole Hoover | Forster in America Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Wendy Moffat |
Abigail Jane Watson-Popescu | Seventeenth-century English poetry Supported by: A.W. Mellon Foundation Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Carol Johnston |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Amanda Elizabeth Eveler | Lost in Love: Subjectivity, Control and Transcendence Through Passion in Jeanette Winterson's Written on the Body Conference: Annual CPC Women's Studies Conference Supported by: R&D Student Initiative Fund (SIF) | Sharon Stockton |
MaryJane Louise Millington | Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize Supported by: Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Matthew James Durand | Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize Supported by: Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize | |
Amanda Elizabeth Eveler | n/a Supported by: Dana Research Internship (Pre-R&D) Number of Weeks: 26 | Wendy Moffat |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Maryann Frances Peterson | Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize Supported by: Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Jennifer Lindbeck Rose | Romantic Natural History 1750-1850 Supported by: A.W. Mellon Foundation Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | B Ashton Nichols |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Jonathan Joshua Kupetz | Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize Supported by: Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize | |
Jason Paul Murray | The Modernist Reader: E.M. Forster's Implied Reader in Cultural context Supported by: A.W. Mellon Foundation Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Wendy Moffat |
Jason Paul Murray | The Modernist Reader: Forster's Implied Reader in Cultural Context Supported by: PDF-Presidential Discretionary Fund Number of Weeks: 8 | Wendy Moffat |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
John Dickson Harper | Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize Supported by: Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Ashley Warlick Friis | Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize Supported by: Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Emily Ann Wylie | An Introduction to the Short Fiction of American Writer Eudora Welty Supported by: A.W. Mellon Foundation Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Carol Johnston |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Bronwyn Jones Bosse | Silencing other Selves, The Wordsworthian Autobiographer Supported by: A.W. Mellon Foundation Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | B Ashton Nichols |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
John Edward Costango | Student Co-direction of the Writing Component of the FOCUS program Supported by: A.W. Mellon Foundation Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Judy Gill |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Lisa Marie Travaglini | Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize Supported by: Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Christie Ward | Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize Conference: Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize Performances Supported by: Emil R. and Tamar Weiss Prize |