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Neuroscience Student-Faculty Research

student project that won an award at the 2017 Science Symposium

The Department of Neuroscience provides majors with advanced opportunities for research, allowing students to engage the world by bringing to bear learned knowledge and skills.

The following list includes current and historic individual student research projects; public presentations from conferences, symposia and exhibitions; and peer-reviewed publications. For abstracts on each project see Students as Scholars.

Students can get a list of their projects by going to CLIQ in the Gateway.  Under the CLIQ menu, go to Profiles and then My ePortfolio.    If you are an alum and would like a copy of your projects, please submit a research project request form.

“Supported by” on Student Conference Presentation records indicates the entity or funding mechanism that supported the student’s participation in the conference, e.g., travel expenses, poster costs. For on-campus conferences, the supporting entity is usually the academic department sponsoring the event.

“Supported by” on Student Research Project records indicates the entity or funding mechanism that supported the student’s research costs, e.g., supplies, materials, equipment, stipends and local or international research travel.


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Laney JiaWen HerndonDistribution of Neurotransmitters that Regulate Swimming in Larvae of a Marine Mollusc
Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Pires


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Shahar BroitmanNiblock, M.M., *Perez, A., *Broitman, S., *Jacoby, B., *Aviv, E., *Gilkey, S. 2020. In utero development of fetal breathing movements in C57BL6 mice. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. Jan;271:103288. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2019.103288. Epub 2019 Sep 7.
Mary Niblock
Sydney Alexa GilkeyNiblock, M.M., *Perez, A., *Broitman, S., *Jacoby, B., *Aviv, E., *Gilkey, S. 2020. In utero development of fetal breathing movements in C57BL6 mice. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. Jan;271:103288. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2019.103288. Epub 2019 Sep 7.
Mary Niblock
Brigitte JacobyNiblock, M.M., *Perez, A., *Broitman, S., *Jacoby, B., *Aviv, E., *Gilkey, S. 2020. In utero development of fetal breathing movements in C57BL6 mice. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. Jan;271:103288. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2019.103288. Epub 2019 Sep 7.
Mary Niblock
Katherine Rose KoczirkaTGF-b enhancer reporters in zebrafish
Conference: 20th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Biology Department
Katherine Rose KoczirkaTGF-b enhancer reporters in zebrafish
Conference: 20th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Biology Department
Elana Aviv KrapinNiblock, M.M., *Perez, A., *Broitman, S., *Jacoby, B., *Aviv, E., *Gilkey, S. 2020. In utero development of fetal breathing movements in C57BL6 mice. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. Jan;271:103288. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2019.103288. Epub 2019 Sep 7.
Mary Niblock
Alanis Daniela PerezNiblock, M.M., *Perez, A., *Broitman, S., *Jacoby, B., *Aviv, E., *Gilkey, S. 2020. In utero development of fetal breathing movements in C57BL6 mice. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. Jan;271:103288. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2019.103288. Epub 2019 Sep 7.
Mary Niblock
Nikoleta TamvakaPre-Acquisition Exercise Disrupts Methamphetamine Conditioned Hyperactivity and Sensitization in Mice
Conference: Dickinson Virtual Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Victoria Allyn WagnerSulforaphane reduces growth of Trichoplusia ni larvae in a dose-dependent manner
Conference: 20th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Biology Department
Thomas Arnold


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Rachel BrenowitzThe Effects of Various Auditory Stimuli on Avoidance Learning in Day-Old Chicks
Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Sarah Juliette DemblingAcute Aerobic Activity Improves Memory Acquisition in the Day-Old Chick
Conference: Eastern Psychological Association
Teresa Barber
Sarah Juliette DemblingAcute Aerobic Activity Improves Memory Acquisition in The Day-Old Chick
Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Esai FloresBrain Activation in Dominant vs. Submissive FTL Mice
Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Mary Niblock
Dylan Joseph GilhoolyAcute Aerobic Activity Improves Memory Acquisition in the Day-Old Chick
Conference: Eastern Psychological Association
Teresa Barber
Dylan Joseph GilhoolyExercise Ameliorates Methamphetamine-Induced Anxiety in Pair-Housed Female Mice
Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Dylan Joseph GilhoolyExercise Ameliorates Methamphetamine-Induced Anxiety in Pair-Housed Female Mice.
Conference: The 10th Annual Lehigh Valley Society for Neuroscience Chapter Undergraduate Neuroscience Symposium/34th Annual LVAIC Psychology Research Conference
Anthony Rauhut
Dylan Joseph GilhoolyAcute Aerobic Activity Improves Memory Acquisition in The Day-Old Chick
Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposiu
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Erin Grace HartenThe Decrease in Anxiety in Valerian-Injected C57BL6J Mice Andand The Non-significant Effect In 129S1/SVLMJ Mice
Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Erin Grace HartenThe Decrease in Anxiety in Valerian-Injected C57BL6J Mice and the Non-Significant Effect in 129S1/SvlmJ Mice
Conference: Eastern Psychological Association
Teresa Barber
Brigitte JacobyThe Effects of Various Auditory Stimuli on Avoidance Learning in Day-Old Chicks
Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Olivia Caroline LowdenThe Decrease in Anxiety in Valerian-Injected C57BL6J Mice and the Non-Significant Effect in 129S1/SvlmJ Mice
Conference: Eastern Psychological Association
Teresa Barber
Olivia Caroline LowdenThe Decrease in Anxiety in Valerian-Injected C57BL6J Mice and The Non-significant Effect In 129S1/SVLMJ Mice
Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Emily Ann OatmanThe Effects of Various Auditory Stimuli on Avoidance Learning in Day-Old Chicks
Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Nikoleta TamvakaExercise Ameliorates Methamphetamine-Induced Anxiety in Pair-Housed Female Mice.
Conference: 10th Annual Lehigh Valley Society for Neuroscience Chapter Undergraduate Neuroscience Symposium/34th Annual LVAIC Psychology Research Conference.
Anthony Rauhut
Nikoleta TamvakaExercise Ameliorates Methamphetamine-Induced Anxiety in Pair-Housed Female Mice
Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Justina Anna WarnickExercise Ameliorates Methamphetamine-Induced Anxiety in Pair-Housed Female Mice.
Conference: 10th Annual Lehigh Valley Society for Neuroscience Chapter Undergraduate Neuroscience Symposium/34th Annual LVAIC Psychology Research Conference
Anthony Rauhut
Justina Anna WarnickExercise Ameliorates Methamphetamine-Induced Anxiety in Pair-Housed Female Mice
Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Jessica L BellMapping C-Fos Expression In The Thoracic Cavity Of The Developing Embryonic Mouse
Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Biology Department
Mary Niblock
Jessica L BellCarbon Dioxide-Induced C-Fos Expression in Central Respiratory Chemoreceptors and Development of Respiratory Behavior in Embryonic Mice.
Conference: 2018 Neuroscience Honors Research Seminar
Supported by: Neuroscience Department
Haeji ChungThe effects of dopamine and serotonin on swimming behavior in larvae of a marine mollusc
Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Pires
Dylan Joseph GilhoolyRelationship Between Exercise and Conditioned Hyperactivity in Mice: Importance of Temporal Contiguity
Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Meredith JohnsonProbing the tetrameric structure of Leishmania major Pteridine Reductase (PTR1) with point mutations and interface-derived peptides.
Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Jason Gavenonis
Ho An LauEstradiol Does Not Affect Spasms In The Betamethasone-NMDA Rat Model Of Infantile Spasms.
Conference: 18th Annual Biology Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Biology Department
Ho An LauIntraperitoneal injection of the dietary supplement Prevagen® does not improve short-term memory in the day-old chick
Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Madison L McDoleBrown seaweed phenolics as a multipurpose amyloid beta aggregation inhibitor
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Jason Gavenonis,Thomas Arnold
Vincent Joseph TurnbullBrown seaweed phenolics as a multipurpose amyloid beta aggregation inhibitor
Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Jason Gavenonis,Thomas Arnold
Vincent Joseph TurnbullGreen Coffee Fruit Extract: an inhibitor of amyloid beta aggregation and a possible treatment for Alzheimer's disease.
Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut,Meredith Rauhut,Thomas Arnold
Justina Anna WarnickEffect of temporal contiguity of exercise on conditioned hyperactivity in mice
Conference: 2018 Lehigh Valley Society for Neuroscience Undergraduate Conference
Anthony Rauhut
Justina Anna WarnickRelationship Between Exercise and Conditioned Hyperactivity in Mice: Importance of Temporal Contiguity
Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Brooke N BenderVoluntary Exercise Slows Extinction of Conditioned Hyperactivity in Mice
Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Brooke N BenderVoluntary Exercise Slows Extinction of Conditioned Hyperactivity in Mice
Conference: 2017 Celebration of Student Scholarship in Psychology
Supported by: Psychology Department
Anthony Rauhut
Lauren C BentonThe ERP correlates of self-knowledge: Are assessments of one's past, present, and future traits closer to semantic or episodic memory?
Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Meredith JohnsonA Comparative Analysis of the Circadian Rhythms of Specialist and Generalist Bees Visiting Convolvulaceae Flowers
Conference: Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant
Sarah E KayeBaseline Neurocognitive Performance and Symptoms in Those with ADHD, History of Concussions, and Loss of Consciousness
Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Jonathan Michael LegreginVoluntary Exercise Slows Extinction of Conditioned Hyperactivity in Mice
Conference: 2017 Celebration of Student Scholarship in Psychology
Supported by: Psychology Department
Anthony Rauhut
Jonathan Michael LegreginVoluntary Exercise Slows Extinction of Conditioned Hyperactivity in Mice
Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Kymberly Dawn Lewis-YoungIncreasing CS Duration Facilitates Extinction and Blunts Context-Specific Sensitization in Mice
Conference: Society for Neuroscience
Meredith Rauhut
Abigail Louise StasiorVoluntary Exercise Blunts the Unconditioned and Conditioned Locomotor Effects of Methamphetamine in Mice.
Conference: Society for Neuroscience
Anthony Rauhut
Abigail Louise StasiorEffect of Exercise on Acquisition and Extinction of Conditioned Hyperactivity
Conference: 46th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant
Anthony Rauhut
Abigail Louise StasiorVoluntary Exercise Slows Extinction of Conditioned Hyperactivity in Mice
Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Abigail Louise StasiorVoluntary Exercise Slows Extinction of Conditioned Hyperactivity in Mice
Conference: 2017 Celebration of Student Scholarship in Psychology
Supported by: Psychology Department
Anthony Rauhut
Justina Anna WarnickVoluntary Exercise Slows Extinction of Conditioned Hyperactivity in Mice
Conference: 2017 Celebration of Student Scholarship in Psychology
Supported by: Psychology Department
Anthony Rauhut
Justina Anna WarnickVoluntary Exercise Slows Extinction of Conditioned Hyperactivity in Mice
Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Imani Regina BeardOlfactory cues ameliorate scopolamine-induced amnesia in the day-old chick
Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Sandra Michelle BuckTiming of SCH 23390 Administration Influences Extinction of Conditioned Hyperactivity in Mice.
Conference: Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
Meredith Rauhut
Gabrielle Bernstein FrenkelOlfactory cues ameliorate scopolamine-induced amnesia in the day-old chick
Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Meredith JohnsonBehavior of Specialist Bees
Supported by: National Science Foundation REU site, University of Central Oklahoma at Edmond.
Number of Weeks: 8
Rodney D JonesExercise Potentiates Acute Locomotor-Activating Effects of Methamphetamine in Male Mice: Importance of Temporal Contiguity
Conference: 7th Annual Meeting of Lehigh Valley Society for Neuroscience Chapter Undergraduate Research Conference
Supported by: Neuroscience Department
Anthony Rauhut
Rodney D JonesExercise potentiates acute locomotor-activating effects of methamphetamine in male mice: Importance of temporal contiguity
Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Moriah Seline O'MalleyExercise Potentiates Acute Locomotor-Activating Effects of Methamphetamine in Male Mice: Importance of Temporal Contiguity
Conference: 7th Annual Meeting of Lehigh Valley Society for Neuroscience Chapter Undergraduate Research Conference
Anthony Rauhut
Moriah Seline O'MalleyExercise potentiates acute locomotor-activating effects of methamphetamine in male mice: Importance of temporal contiguity
Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Kristen Ashley RatnerTiming of SCH 23390 Administration Influences Extinction of Conditioned Hyperactivity in Mice.
Conference: Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
Meredith Rauhut
Mackenzie Frances ShelgrenActivation of brainstem cardiorespiratory-related nuclei in running mice
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Mary Niblock
Abigail Louise Stasior"Erasing" Drug Memories
Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant
Number of Weeks: 8
Anthony Rauhut
Abigail Louise StasiorExercise Potentiates Acute Locomotor-Activating Effects of Methamphetamine in Male Mice: Importance of Temporal Contiguity
Conference: 7th Annual Meeting of Lehigh Valley Society for Neuroscience Chapter Undergraduate Research Conference
Anthony Rauhut
Abigail Louise StasiorExercise potentiates acute locomotor-activating effects of methamphetamine in male mice: Importance of temporal contiguity
Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Ee Rah SungTiming of SCH 23390 Administration Influences Extinction of Conditioned Hyperactivity in Mice.
Conference: Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
Meredith Rauhut
Gianna Christine TogliaExercise Potentiates Acute Locomotor-Activating Effects of Methamphetamine in Male Mice: Importance of Temporal Contiguity
Conference: 7th Annual Meeting of Lehigh Valley Society for Neuroscience Chapter Undergraduate Research Conference/
Anthony Rauhut
Gianna Christine TogliaExercise potentiates acute locomotor-activating effects of methamphetamine in male mice: Importance of temporal contiguity
Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Imani Regina BeardNSF 085670: STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ
Supported by: National Science Foundation
Number of Weeks: 8
Teresa Barber
Gabrielle Bernstein FrenkelBehavioral Interventions in Alzheimer's Disease
Number of Weeks: 8
Teresa Barber
Meredith JohnsonMusic Therapy Effects on Sedation Requirements in Ventilated ICU Patients
Supported by: 2015 summer research scholar program at Lehigh Valley Hospital
Number of Weeks: 8
Gregory Joseph KirchnerMethamphetamine Decreases Anxiety in Estradiol-Treated Female Mice
Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Miriam Claire MillerMethamphetamine Decreases Anxiety in Estradiol-Treated Female Mice
Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Munin StreitzEstradiol Exacerbates Anxiety During Acute Methamphetamine Withdrawal in Female Mice.
Conference: Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
Meredith Rauhut
Charlotte Anna WoodyEstradiol Exacerbates Anxiety During Acute Methamphetamine Withdrawal in Female Mice.
Conference: Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
Meredith Rauhut


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Alexandra Shelly BovaEthanol-induced histone modifications on histone H3 in the NAc and mPFC of female C57BL/6J mice
Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Monica Gabrielle CoranEffects of argument structure and processing load on sentence processing in aphasia
Supported by: Eleanor M. Saffran Center for Cognitive Neuroscience
Number of Weeks: 10
Krista Denise DionneThe Homeobox Gene Gsx2 in Human Brain Development
Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Ryan Callahan DugganAntipsychotic-induced sustained dopaine D2 receptor blockade alters motor learning andperformance: implications for drug-induced parkinsonism and antipsychotic treatment
Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Emma C FrairDecipher the role of PRMT5 in Glioblastoma
Supported by: Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Neurosurgery Research
Number of Weeks: 10
Elisa GumaVoluntary Exercise Enhances the Locomotor-Activating Effects of Methamphetamine in Mice
Conference: Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
Meredith Rauhut
Kaitlyn Hajrije HajdarovicThe influence of driving on pragmatic interpretation
Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Patricia Reeder
Chelsea Lynn HomaIdentification of Carbon Dioxide-Sensitive Cells in the Mouse Retrotrapezoid Nucleus
Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Mary Niblock
Kathryn B LanganEvaluation of Elution Techniques for the Purification of Human Sphingomyelinase
Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Lydia Corbin MarksDo TMS-evoked twitches shift towards a ballistic training direction in extrinsic or muscle-based coordinates?
Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Marilyn MendezPreliminary work using Immunohistochemistry to target and visualize specific brain regions
Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Miriam Claire MillerRole of mGlur5 receptors in the formation of abnormal plasticity in the BNST associated with long term alcohol abuse
Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Celeste M PilatoSpinal Muscular Atrophy: Increasing SMN expression in both muscle and neurons does not provide an additive benefit to SMA mice
Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Stephen Andrew RealeMultitasking with music: the effect of musical genre on test performance
Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Patricia Reeder
Joshua Adam SingerNon-invasive electrical brain stimulation improves recovery for stroke patients with aphasia
Supported by: Georgetown University-Cognitive Recovery Lab
Number of Weeks: 8
Munin StreitzThe effect of estradiol on response to methamphetamine in female Swiss-Webster mice
Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut,Meredith Rauhut
Alicia Kira TrappaneseThe effect of estradiol on response to methamphetamine in female Swiss-Webster mice
Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut,Meredith Rauhut
Andre O'Neil WhiteWhite, A.O.*, & Rauhut, A.S. (2014). Time-Dependent Effects of Prazosin on the Development of Methamphetamine Conditioned Hyperactivity and Context-Specific Sensitization in Mice. Behavioural Brain Research, 263, 80-89.
Meredith Rauhut
Charlotte Anna WoodyThe effect of estradiol on response to methamphetamine in female Swiss-Webster mice
Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut,Meredith Rauhut
Charlotte Anna WoodyChanges in adult responses to complex learning environments
Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Patricia Reeder


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Kelsey Marie BarclayBuilding a Database of SEP Waveforms to Detect Differences Related to Pain
Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Jonathan Page
Kelsey Marie BarclayHuman Electrophysiology Lab
Number of Weeks: 13
Jonathan Page
Alexandra Shelly BovaNSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU): Epigenetics of Alcohol Addiction
Supported by: 2013 CNUP Summer Undergraduate Research Program
Number of Weeks: 8
Ari R BrouwerThe Effect of Curcuminoids on Scopolamine-Induced Amnesia
Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Margretta Claire BuckleyBuilding a Database of SEP Waveforms to Detect Differences Related to Pain
Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Jonathan Page
Jeanette E DiamondChronic and Repeated Isolation Stress Impairs Memory in Taste-Avoidance Learning in Day-Old Chicks
Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut,Teresa Barber
Krista Denise DionneGsx2 and Calretinin in the Developing Human Neocortex
Supported by: University of Connecticut Medical School College Summer Fellowship Program
Number of Weeks: 8
Ryan Callahan DugganTesting the impact of sustained dopamine D2 receptor blockade on motor learning and performance
Supported by: Brown University
Number of Weeks: 9
Shawn Ashley GessayEffects of Gingko and Phosphatidylserine on Reward memory
Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Elisa GumaEffects of Voluntary Wheel Running on the Locomotor-Activating Response to Methamphetamine.
Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Kaitlyn Hajrije HajdarovicSex Differences in Ischemic Outcomes and Inflammatory Responses in Aged and Neonatal Stroke
Supported by: University of Connecticut Health Center
Number of Weeks: 4
Chelsea Lynn HomaThe Impact of Multiple Modalities of Learning on the Retention of Education in Stroke Patients
Supported by: Overlook Medical Center Stroke Department
Number of Weeks: 8
Kathryn B LanganSphingomyelinase research
Number of Weeks: 5
Emma Rose SanbornTGF-Beta Interacts With MMP2 to Cause Matrix Contraction in the Posterior Lens Capsule
Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Caio F C Santos RodriguesBuilding a Database of SEP Waveforms to Detect Differences Related to Pain
Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Jonathan Page
Kathryn Anne SchefflerEffect of 6-Week Exercise Regimen on Methamphetamine Response: Individual Differences
Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Laura Elizabeth SchorfheideElectronically Detecting Pain in Wistar Rats
Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Victoria Michelle SemanDetermining the Role of Sp4 in Morphological Development of Cerebellar Granule Neurons: An Analysis of Dendrite Patterns
Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Emily Margaret SnellBuilding a Database of SEP Waveforms to Detect Differences Related to Pain
Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Jonathan Page
Melanie StrapkoActive site of the Calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor component protein (RCP) and neuroendocrine regulation
Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Christine Elyse TalbotThe Role of Apomorphine and Acute Isolation Stress on Learning and Memory in the Day-Old Chick
Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Meredith Rauhut,Teresa Barber
Alexandre Gerard VougaEffects of Voluntary Wheel Running on the Locomotor-Activating Response to Methamphetamine.
Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Justin Michael WilliamsThe Effect of Curcuminoids on Scopolamine-Induced Amnesia
Conference: 2013 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Marianh Grace AmanPIK4CA Effects on Emotion Processing in VCFS: An Imaging Genomics Study
Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Caitlin Elizabeth BarnesNiblock, M.M., *Lohr, K.M., *Nixon, M., *Barnes, C., *Schaudies, M., Murphy, M. 2012. Cells in the female retrotrapezoid region upregulate c-fos in response to 10%, but not 5%, carbon dioxide. Brain Research 1433:62-8.
Mary Niblock
Sandra Michelle BuckEffect of D1 Receptor Antagonist SCH23390 on Extinction of Conditioned Hyperactivity
Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Sandra Michelle BuckEffect of D1 Receptor Antagonist SCH 23390 on Extinction of Conditioned Hyperactivity.
Conference: Penn State Institute for Neuroscience
Meredith Rauhut
Melissa Joyce BurnsNiblock, M.M., *Lohr, K.M., *Nixon, M., *Barnes, C., *Schaudies, M., Murphy, M. 2012. Cells in the female retrotrapezoid region upregulate c-fos in response to 10%, but not 5%, carbon dioxide. Brain Research 1433:62-8.
Mary Niblock
Emma Taellor CampbellDetermination of the phenotype of sexually dimorphic cells in the mouse retrotrapezoid nucleus using a novel double transgenic mouse
Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Biology Department
Mary Niblock
Emma Taellor CampbellDetermination of the phenotype of sexually dimorphic cells in the mouse retrotrapezoid nucleus using a novel double transgenic mouse
Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Mary Niblock
Edward Mark EdrisPhosphatidylserine Attenuation of Scopolamine-Induced Amnesia in Day-Old Chicks
Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Alaisa Cordes EmeryVisualization in the Brain
Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Jonathan Page
Alaisa Cordes EmeryImagination in the Brain
Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Jonathan Page
Courtney Ann FyockEffects of Talsaclidine on Stress-Induced Memory and Learning in Day-Old Chicks.
Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Courtney Ann FyockIncreased Strategy Use is Associated with Subjective Memory Improvement Following Cognitive Rehabilitation
Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Nora HajnoczkyMitochondrial fusion and motility in hepatocytes derived from control and ethanol fed rats
Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Pires
Julia KlyusDeveloping Algorithms to Detect Pain Using the EEG
Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Jonathan Page
Paul John LevinskyPhosphatidylserine Attenuation of Scopolamine-Induced Amnesia in Day-Old Chicks
Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Kelly Marie LohrNiblock, M.M., *Lohr, K.M., *Nixon, M., *Barnes, C., *Schaudies, M., Murphy, M. 2012. Cells in the female retrotrapezoid region upregulate c-fos in response to 10%, but not 5%, carbon dioxide. Brain Research 1433:62-8.
Mary Niblock
Miriam Claire MillermGluR5 Effects on Alcohol Related Plasticity in the BNST
Supported by: Vanderbilt University
Number of Weeks: 9
Stephanie LeAnn NealDetermination of the phenotype of sexually dimorphic cells in the mouse retrotrapezoid nucleus using a novel double transgenic mouse
Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Biology Department
Mary Niblock
Stephanie LeAnn NealDetermination of the phenotype of sexually dimorphic cells in the mouse retrotrapezoid nucleus using a novel double transgenic mouse
Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Mary Niblock
Maia Thi NguyenLimited Environmental Enrichment Reduces Methamphetamine Sensitization in Young Mice
Conference: Penn State Institute for Neuroscience
Meredith Rauhut
Jessica Porter NixonDetermination of the phenotype of sexually dimorphic cells in the mouse retrotrapezoid nucleus using a novel double transgenic mouse
Conference: Twelfth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Biology Department
Mary Niblock
Gina Marie NoratoDeveloping Algorithms to Detect Pain Using the EEG
Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Jonathan Page
Alicia Josephine PalmieriProtein expression of VAPA, a novel mu-opioid receptor (MOR) interacting protein, is altered following opioid exposure
Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Caitlin Rose RatinoCurrent genetic research strategies for schizophrenia may not be the most promising
Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Kristen Ashley RatnerEffect of D1 Receptor Antagonist SCH23390 on Extinction of Conditioned Hyperactivity
Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Kristen Ashley RatnerEffect of D1 Receptor Antagonist SCH 23390 on Extinction of Conditioned Hyperactivity.
Conference: Penn State Institute for Neuroscience
Meredith Rauhut
Meredith Suzanne SchaudiesNiblock, M.M., *Lohr, K.M., *Nixon, M., *Barnes, C., *Schaudies, M., Murphy, M. 2012. Cells in the female retrotrapezoid region upregulate c-fos in response to 10%, but not 5%, carbon dioxide. Brain Research 1433:62-8.
Mary Niblock
Emily Margaret StaplesLimited Environmental Enrichment Decreases the Sensitizing Effects but not Locomotor Effects of Methamphetamine in Swiss Webstar Mice
Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Deana Maryann VitranoVisualization in the Brain
Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Jonathan Page
Deana Maryann VitranoImagination in the Brain
Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Jonathan Page
Phung Tieu VuongThe effect of pro-neurotrophin/p75 receptor pathway on the recovery process after traumatic brain injury in C57BL/6J mice
Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Victoria Lynn BialeckiRauhut, A.S., & Bialecki, V*. (2011). Development and Persistence of Methamphetamine Conditioned Hyperactivity in Swiss-Webster Mice. Behavioural Pharmacology, 22, 228-238.
Meredith Rauhut
Sara Lettiere BoyerThe Effects of VItamin D supplementation on Learning and memory of the day-old chick
Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Melynda DalzonNSF 085670 STEP Program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ
Supported by: National Science Foundation
Number of Weeks: 8
Teresa Barber
Jessica Anne DerrethMorphological comparison of CO2-activated cells in the RTN region of the male and female mouse brainstem
Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Mary Niblock
Neil Cyr DevoeMethamphetamine Sensitization Decreases Object Novelty
Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Courtney Ann FyockIncreased Strategy Use is Associated with Subjective Memory Improvement Following Cognitive Rehab
Supported by: Emory University
Number of Weeks: 8
Angela Khadija GuyBrain and Spine Surgeons of New York
Supported by: Brain and Spine Surgeons of New York
Number of Weeks: 8
Nora HajnoczkyMitochondria Fusion and Motility Dynamics
Supported by: Thomas Jefferson University
Number of Weeks: 9
Rosemarie Jeanne HealyNeural Pathway Differences in Wild-Type and Epileptic Mice
Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Rosemarie Jeanne HealyVolume Changes in Ageing Mouse Hippocampus
Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Marianne HuttMorphological comparison of CO2-activated cells in the RTN region of the male and female mouse brainstem
Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Mary Niblock
Ashley Lynne KunkleMorphological comparison of CO2-activated cells in the RTN region of the male and female mouse brainstem
Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Mary Niblock
Zhen LiThe Relationship of Protein Kinase C and Nitric Oxide Signaling in Metamorphosis of Marine Gastropod Larvae, Crepidula fornicata
Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Pires
Li-Yu LiuExploring Cell Adhesion in Larval Metamorphosis of the Gastropod Crepidula fornicata
Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Pires
Laura Edith MarinoThe Effect of Scopolamine and Colostrinin on Memory Formation in Day-Old Chicks
Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Marleni Fabiola MillaA Methodology for Electronically Detecting Chronic Pain in Wistar Rats
Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Jonathan Page,Teresa Barber
Gina Marie NoratoA Methodology for Electronically Detecting Chronic Pain in Wistar Rats
Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Jonathan Page,Teresa Barber
Alison Minty RiehmEffects of Caffeine and Stress on Chick Memory During Passive Avoidance Training
Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Corban McGregor SandoeTopical Application of PEDF Peptide Mimetics Prevents Vascular Leakage in Diabetic Retinopathy
Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Alana Heather SheinEffects of apomorphine injections during passive avoidance training of day old chicks
Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Ee Rah SungEffect of D1 Receptor Antagonist on Extinction of Methamphetamine-Conditioned Hyperactivity
Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Kelly Sue WetzelEffect of Methamphetamine Sensitization on Consumption and Stimulant Properties of High Fructose Corn Syrup
Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Andre O'Neil WhitePre- and Post-Session Administration of Prazosin Attenuates Methamphetamine Conditioned Hyperactivity.
Conference: Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience
Meredith Rauhut
Andre O'Neil WhitePre- and post-session administration of prazosin disrupts development of methamphetamine conditioned hyperactivity and sensitization in mice
Conference: 2011 Science Research Symposium
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Margaret Carmela Della VecchiaEffects of noradrenergic antagonists on the unconditioned and conditioned hyperactive responses to methamphetamine in mice
Conference: Faculty Interested in Undergraduate Neuroscience Poster Session - Society for Neuroscience Meeting
Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant
Anthony Rauhut
Marleni Fabiola MillaDeveloping a Methodology to Electronically Measure Pain
Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award
Number of Weeks: 8
Jonathan Page
Gina Marie NoratoDeveloping a Methodology to Electronically Measure Pain
Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award
Number of Weeks: 8
Teresa Barber
Andre O'Neil WhiteEffects of noradrenergic antagonists on the unconditioned and conditioned hyperactive responses to methamphetamine in mice
Conference: Faculty Interested in Undergraduate Neuroscience Poster Session - Society for Neuroscience Meeting
Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant
Anthony Rauhut


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Cemre ErenRats: Looking for Dinner
Conference: 2008 Rector Science Complex Dedication
Supported by: College Advancement
Kelly Marie LohrEffects of Memantine on Reactivation of Memory Induced Amnesia in Day-Old Chicks
Conference: 2008 Rector Science Complex Dedication
Supported by: College Advancement
Lauren Patricia SolometoThis is your Brain
Conference: 2008 Rector Science Complex Dedication
Supported by: College Advancement
Elizabeth Carney ThorsteinsonThis is Your Brain After a Traumatic Brain Injury.
Conference: 2008 Rector Science Complex Dedication
Supported by: College Advancement
James Pearce Van MeerbekeListening to Neurons
Conference: 2008 Rector Science Complex Dedication
Supported by: College Advancement


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Mark Nicholson GilroyImpaired Observational Learning of a Food Acquisition Task in WKY rats
Conference: Annual Science Dinner
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Anthony Rauhut
Mark Nicholson Gilroy Strain Differences in Distress Peeping Following Social Isolation.
Conference: Annual Science Dinner
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Mark Nicholson GilroyEffects of memantine on social-isolation induced distress peeps in day-old chicks.
Conference: Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association
Teresa Barber
Mark Nicholson GilroyFall 2006 Psychology 325 Research Class, & Teresa A. Barber. Effects of Memantine on Social-Isolation Induced Distress Peeps in Day-Old Chicks.
Conference: Annual Science Dinner
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Mark Nicholson GilroyStrain differences in distress peeping following social isolation.
Conference: Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association
Teresa Barber
Mark Nicholson GilroyStrain differences in distress peeping following social isolation.
Conference: Eighth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Biology Department
Teresa Barber
Mark Nicholson GilroyImpaired observational learning of a food acquisition task in WKY rats.
Conference: Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association
Supported by: Psychology Department
Anthony Rauhut
Mark Nicholson GilroyImpaired Observational Learning of a Food Acquisition Task in WKY rats
Conference: Eighth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Biology Department
Anthony Rauhut,Teresa Barber
Mark Nicholson GilroyEffects of memantine on social-isolation induced distress peeps in day-old chicks.
Conference: Eighth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Biology Department
Teresa Barber
Ezequiel Leonardo GleichgerrchtEffects of memantine on social-isolation induced distress peeps in day-old chicks.
Conference: Eighth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Biology Department
Teresa Barber
Ezequiel Leonardo GleichgerrchtThe Fall 2006 Psychology 325 Research Class, & Teresa A. Barber. Strain Differences in Distress Peeping Following Social Isolation.
Conference: Annual Science Dinner
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Conference: Undergrad Research at the Capitol
Supported by: Academic Affairs
Anthony Pires
Ezequiel Leonardo GleichgerrchtStrain differences in distress peeping following social isolation.
Conference: Eighth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Biology Department
Anthony Rauhut,Teresa Barber
Ezequiel Leonardo GleichgerrchtStrain differences in distress peeping following social isolation.
Conference: Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association
Supported by: Neuroscience Department
Teresa Barber
Ezequiel Leonardo GleichgerrchtFall 2006 Psychology 325 Research Class, & Teresa A. Barber. Effects of Memantine on Social-Isolation Induced Distress Peeps in Day-Old Chicks.
Conference: Annual Science Dinner
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Ezequiel Leonardo GleichgerrchtEffects of memantine on social-isolation induced distress peeps in day-old chicks.
Conference: Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association
Teresa Barber
Megan K HaggartyAcetylcholine, Glutamate, and Learning in a Model of Alzheimer's Disease
Conference: Eighth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Biology Department
Anthony Rauhut,Teresa Barber
Megan K HaggartyAcetylcholine, Glutamate, and Learning in a Model of Alzheimer's Disease
Conference: Annual Science Dinner
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Conference: Undergrad Research at the Capitol
Supported by: Academic Affairs
Anthony Pires
Conference: Undergrad Research at the Capitol
Supported by: Academic Affairs
Anthony Pires
Leanne Elizabeth SimingtonStrain differences in distress peeping following social isolation.
Conference: Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association
Teresa Barber
Leanne Elizabeth SimingtonThe Fall 2006 Psychology 325 Research Class, & Teresa A. Barber. Strain Differences in Distress Peeping Following Social Isolation.
Conference: Annual Science Dinner
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Leanne Elizabeth SimingtonFall 2006 Psychology 325 Research Class, & Teresa A. Barber. Effects of Memantine on Social-Isolation Induced Distress Peeps in Day-Old Chicks.
Conference: Annual Science Dinner
Supported by: Science Executive Committee
Teresa Barber
Leanne Elizabeth SimingtonEffects of memantine on social-isolation induced distress peeps in day-old chicks.
Conference: Eighth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Biology Department
Teresa Barber
Leanne Elizabeth SimingtonStrain differences in distress peeping following social isolation.
Conference: Eighth Annual Biology Student Research Symposium
Supported by: Biology Department
Anthony Rauhut,Teresa Barber


Student NameProjectFaculty/Mentor
Tiffany Nicole KimbroughEffects of Bupropion on Acquisition and Expression of Nicotine-Conditioned Place Aversion in Rats
Conference: Society for Neuroscience Meeting
Supported by: Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ
Anthony Rauhut
Kymberly Dawn Lewis-YoungEffects of Bupropion on Acquisition and Expression of Nicotine-Conditioned Place Aversion in Rats
Conference: Society for Neuroscience Meeting
Supported by: Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ
Anthony Rauhut