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Religious, Secular, and Spiritual Life

Student Communities

If you would like to begin a new RSSL community, please reach out to CSSJ director, Rev. Jessica Chapman Lape, at chapmaje@dickinson.edu.

Prayer and Meditation Room

The Prayer and Meditation Room is a sacred interfaith space open 24 hours for all Dickinson students, staff, faculty. The Prayer and Meditation Room can be used for both communal or personal prayer and meditation.

Location: Bottom Floor HUB (near FAS Mail Room)

Signature Programs and Events

All-Campus Programming

MLK/Social Justice Week

Honoring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his legacy for civil action and social justice. Occurs in the spring.

2024-2025 dates: January 20-24, 2025

Wesley Lecture

Each year, the CSSJ alongside campus colleagues hosts a spring speaker to discuss the importane of religious, secular, and spiritual equity. Past speakers include the Rev. Jay Williams and Dr. Sahar Aziz.

Faculty and Staff Programming

Religious Equity @ Dickinson

Workshops for faculty and staff on religious equity policies, accomodations, and best practices for the Dickinson community.

Student Programming

Coffee with the Chaplains

Monthly coffee hour for students. Join Rev. Jessica and other RSSL leaders for coffee, connection, and conversation. Occurs every third Thursday of the month from 12-1 PM at Landis House.

If you would like to collaborate with CSSJ on programming for the Dickinson community, please reach out to CSSJ director, Rev. Jessica Chapman Lape, at chapmaje@dickinson.edu.

Local Faith Communities

We are in the process of gathering information about Carlisle's local faith communities. Please check back soon!