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Limestone 2016 Grad School

Yuan Lin

Hometown: Shanghai, China
Major(s): art & art history; theatre arts
Graduate School: Boston University

Yuan will attend Boston University to will pursue an M.F.A. in sculpture.
Campus Activities and Engagement: College Choir; Mermaid Players; Chinese Students Scholar Association; Student Worker

Internship Experiences: Costume Intern, Greenbrier Valley Theatre, West Virginia

How has Dickinson prepared Yuan for Life Beyond the Limestone? “As a person who had never formally studied art before college, Dickinson certainly opened up a new world to me,” Yuan says.

What are some of the defining moments of Yuan’s Dickinson experience? “Taking voice lessons for all eight semesters and taking piano for seven semesters, I learned about my abilities and limitations, learned to be patient, experienced frustration, and treated music as a kind of meditation,” Yuan says.
Gloria Hwang

Gloria Hwang

Hometown: North Potomac, Md.
Major(s): biochemistry & molecular biology
Graduate School: Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine

Gloria will attend the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine in Hershey, Pa.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Pre-Health Society; Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Beta Kappa; Theta Alpha Kappa; Wheel & Chain; Dickinson Science Magazine; House Manager, Wellness Living Community

How has Dickinson prepared Gloria for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson has given me the liberal arts and scientific background I need to continue my education beyond the Limestone,” Gloria says.

Elena Adams

Hometown: Westport, Conn.
Major(s): English
Graduate School: Columbia University

Elena will pursue a certificate in publishing at Columbia University in New York City.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Liberty Cap Society; Delta Nu

Internship Experiences: Contributing Writer/Editor, Racked.com

Samantha Kennedy

Hometown: Chatham, N.J.
Major(s): biochemistry & molecular biology
Graduate School: Boston University – School of Public Health

Samantha will study epidemiology and biostatistics as she pursues a master’s of public health degree from Boston University’s School of Public Health.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Alpha Lambda Delta; Students for Social Action; Women’s Basketball

How has Dickinson prepared Samantha for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson has taught me many life lessons,” Samantha says. “First, it taught me to appreciate every single person for who they are. People at Dickinson come from so many different places all over the globe, and everyone I have met has taught me something that has impacted my life. Second, speak up! Dickinson is one of the most inclusive and communitive colleges. Use your voice and people will listen. Finally, Dickinson taught me what it meant to be a student athlete.”

Julie Foong

Hometown: Singapore
Major(s): sociology; psychology
Graduate School: Goldsmiths, University of London

Julie will pursue a master’s degree in counseling at Goldsmiths, University of London.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Department Majors Committee; Psychology Club; Omicron Delta Kappa; Psi Chi; Language Tables; Peer Academic Advising; Dickinson Film Club; Photography Club; Synergy Dance Team; Red Devils TV Network

How has Dickinson prepared Julie for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Our set of professors are beyond anything I could have ever asked for in a college education,” Julie explains. “They've pushed, encouraged and applauded me through these four years. Without their guidance, I would not be where I am today. Their passion shines through and has inspired me to pursue grand ideas and be the best student I can be.”

What are some of the defining moments of Julie’s Dickinson experience? “The heart-to-heart conversations are what I will take away from Dickinson the most,” Julie says. “That is when I connect with someone else, and those experiences are near and dear to me. The connections are my definition of why life matters. And sharing the joys and sorrows of life just enriches the moments even more. I'm blessed to have had plenty of conversations that are thought-provoking and heartfelt while at Dickinson.”

Stina Niemann

Hometown: Reinbek, Germany
Major(s): economics; international business & management
Graduate School: Shippensburg University

Stina will pursue a master’s degree in counseling & college student personnel at Shippensburg University.
Campus Activities and Engagement: CPYB Ballet; Dance Theater Group; German Club; Learning Community; Teaching Assistant; Admissions Student Interviewer; Tritons; Alpha Lambda Delta; Sigma Beta Delta; Global Gastronomy Group; Library Student Advisor; Substance Free Living Community; Swing Dance Club; Group Fitness Instructor

Internship Experiences: Staff Advisor, Summer Study (Pre-College Program), University Park, Pa.; Marketing Intern, MenuDrive, Carlisle, Pa.; Research Intern, Cornell University Food and Brand Lab, Ithaca, N.Y.

How has Dickinson prepared Stina for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson has given me the confidence to embrace the world from an interdisciplinary perspective and to think 'outside the box,'” Stina explains. “My experience has transformed me into a critical thinker on national and global issues. Our tight-knit community has also supported me in being a more confident individual and in pursuing my own goals for my life and career. I have become a better thinker, writer and community member.”

What is Stina most anticipating about her post-graduation plans? “I am excited to pursue studies in a field I am truly passionate about, and to work in the admissions office at Shippensburg University,” she says. “It will bring me significantly closer to a career in college counseling. I am also very happy to stay in central Pennsylvania, since I have fallen in love with the area during my four years here.”

Sarah Kleine

Hometown: Westport, Conn.
Major(s): Africana studies
Graduate School: University of Washington

Sarah will pursue a second bachelor’s degree in speech language pathology from the University of Washington in Seattle.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Big Brothers/Big Sisters; C.A.R.E.S.; CommServ; Dreamcatchers; Phoenix; Pi Beta Phi; Orientation Assistant; Hillel; Spectrum

How has Dickinson prepared Sarah for Life Beyond the Limestone? “My major in Africana studies has taught me so much about racial inequality and has shaped what I want to do with speech language pathology, which is work in urban public school systems,” Sarah explains. “I have learned to think critically, read efficiently, write effectively and use resources that I would ordinarily not have known how to utilize.”

What is Sarah most anticipating about his/her post-graduation plans? “I'm excited to work one-on-one with children, be a leader in therapy sessions, and ultimately contribute to the field through research,” Sarah says.
Brianne Dudiak

Brianne Dudiak

Hometown: Irwin, Pa.
Major(s): chemistry; biochemistry & molecular biology
Graduate School: Duke University

Brianne will attend Duke University in Durham, N.C., where she will pursue a Ph.D. in organic chemistry.
Campus Activities and Engagement: American Chemical Society; Dickinson Improv and Collaborative Ensemble; Student-Faculty Research; Teaching Assistant; Tutor; Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Beta Kappa

Internship Experiences: Research Internship, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh

How has Dickinson prepared Brianne for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Because Dickinson gave me the opportunity to conduct research as an undergraduate, I was able to discover my passion for research that inspired me to go to graduate school,” Brianne explains.
Courtney Helt

Courtney Helt

Hometown: Hanover, Pa.
Major(s): English
Graduate School: University of Pennsylvania Law School

Courtney will pursue a law degree at the University of Pennsylvania Law School in Philadelphia.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Department Majors Committee; Learning Community; Student Advisory Committee; Student-Faculty Research; Teaching Assistant; The Norman M. Eberly Multilingual Writing Center; Tutor; Tritons; ESL Tutoring Program; Alpha Lambda Delta; Global Gastronomy Group; Student Teaching

Internship Experiences: Intern, York County Self-Help Center, York, Pa.

How has Dickinson prepared Courtney for Life Beyond the Limestone? “My English major has prepared me to think critically about texts and to read and write effectively,” Courtney says. “Above all, my time at Dickinson has taught me the rewards of becoming an engaged member of my community.”

Trevor Bossi

Hometown: Chelmsford, Mass.
Major(s): environmental studies; policy management
Graduate School: University of Houston Law Center

Trevor will pursue a degree in law at the University of Houston Law Center in Texas.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Alpha Lambda Delta; Omicron Delta Kappa; Club Lacrosse; Ice Hockey; Sports Club Council; Student Teaching; Football

Internship Experiences: Summer GIS Intern, Groton Conservation Trust; High Performance Buildings Intern, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership; Paralegal Intern, Frances Dallmeyer, Esq.

How has Dickinson prepared Trevor for Life Beyond the Limestone? “The critical thinking and research skills I’ve acquired thanks to Dickinson’s curriculum have given me the ability to adapt to problem-solving in a variety of fields and disciplines,” Trevor says.
Shayna Solomon

Shayna Solomon

Hometown: Rockville, Md.
Major(s): political science
Graduate School: University of Oxford

Shayna will pursue a master’s degree in comparative social policy at the University of Oxford in the U.K.
Campus Activities and Engagement: College Choir; Department Majors Committee; Career Center Advisory Board; Dreamcatchers; Jewish Life House; Language Tables; Student Worker; Leadershape; Hillel; Religious Life Council; Social Justice House; Students for Social Action; J Street U; Student Leader, Center for Service, Spirituality and Social Justice

Internship Experiences: Communications Intern, Faith and Politics Institute, Washington; J Street U Congressional Intern, Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Washington; Intern, Congressman Ami Bera; Intern, Associate Professor of Political Science and International Studies Edward Webb, ĢƵ

How has Dickinson prepared Shayna for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Studying abroad at Oxford, which is a Dickinson program, was instrumental in motivating me and enabling me to return to the University of Oxford,” Shayna says. “Also, my thesis research has prepared me for graduate-level research.”

Cassandra Holbert

Hometown: Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Major(s): biology
Graduate School: The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Cassandra will pursue a Ph.D. in cellular and molecular medicine at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Student-Faculty Research; Teaching Assistant; Tutor; Alpha Lambda Delta

Internship Experiences: Summer Intern, Associate Professor of Biology Michael Roberts’ lab at Dickinson. The eight-week internship made possible through a Seraph Foundation grant focused on research on acute myeloid leukemia and the molecular mechanisms behind the malignancy.

What are some of the defining moments of Cassandra’s Dickinson experience? “I worked in Professor Roberts’ lab for two years,” she says. “In this time, I had the opportunity to present my research at both the 2015 and 2016 American Association for Cancer Researchers Annual Meetings. I had the opportunity to listen to speakers from all over the world who are leaders in the field of cancer research.”
Callan Donovan

Callan Donovan

Hometown: Falmouth, Maine
Major(s): biology
Graduate School: University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine

Callan will study to become a dentist at the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine in Farmington, Conn.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Dental Society; Pre-Health Society; Liberty Cap Society; Phoenix; Alpha Lambda Delta; Equestrian Club; Dickinson Science Magazine

How has Dickinson prepared Callan for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson has provided me with a community where I have grown more than I ever could have thought,” Callan says. “I have had the opportunity to get involved in so many different activities and meet so many different people through those activities, and I want to continue to be involved in my graduate school as well. Dickinson really allowed me to get out of my comfort zone, and I think I have become a more outgoing and adventurous person, which are two qualities I am excited to carry with me throughout life.”
Christopher Hubbard

Christopher Hubbard

Hometown: Milford, Pa.
Major(s): Environmental Science
Graduate School: Oregon State University

Christopher will pursue a master’s degree in forestry at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Ore.

Brianna McFarland

Hometown: Nazareth, Pa.
Major(s): East Asian studies
Graduate School: National Taiwan University

Brianna will attend National Taiwan University in Taipei, Taiwan, to pursue a master’s degree in Chinese.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Alpha Phi Omega; Language Tables; Gaming Club

How has Dickinson prepared Brianna for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Professors have given me excellent mentoring advice,” she says. “Classes have helped me think critically in all aspects of my life, not just academics. The campus environment has helped me engage with others, as well as learn how to live independently.”

What are some of the defining moments of Brianna’s Dickinson experience? “Bonding with others doing community service and making dumplings with the East Asian studies department,” she says.

Matthew Sansevere

Hometown: Whitehouse Station, N.J.
Major(s): biochemistry & molecular biology
Graduate School: The Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University

Matthew will study to become a dentist at the Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University in Augusta, Ga. “This has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember,” he explains. “If it were not for Dickinson, this dream would not have come to fruition.”
Campus Activities and Engagement: Pre-Health Society; Student-Faculty Research; Teaching Assistant; Tutor; Men’s Cross Country; Men’s Track, Indoor; Men’s Track, Outdoor

Internship Experiences: Student researcher, ĢƵ Department of Chemistry

How has Dickinson prepared Matthew for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson has provided me with a well-rounded education unique to the liberal arts curriculum,” he says. “My experiences have made me a more open-minded and creative person. Many courses I have taken at Dickinson (both within and outside my major) have allowed me to build the necessary skills to succeed in my future endeavors.”

What are some of the defining moments of Matthew’s Dickinson experience? “I have been a member of Dickinson's Cross Country and Track and Field teams for all four years,” he says. “It has been the greatest experience of my life. The challenges I faced, both physically and mentally, taught me more about myself than any other experience before. Self-discipline, teamwork and leadership are just some of the qualities I can attribute to my time as a student-athlete at Dickinson.”
Cai Guo

Cai Guo

Hometown: Wuhan, China
Major(s): psychology
Graduate School: Stanford University

Cai will study in Stanford University’s psychology Ph.D. program in Stanford, Calif. After earning his Ph.D., Cai wants to be a professor at a research university.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Psychology Club; Student-Faculty Research; Teaching Assistant; Academic Disabilities Proctor; Health and Wellness Committee; Alpha Lambda Delta; Psi Chi; LGBTQ; Spectrum

Internship Experiences: Research assistant, Harvard University Department of Psychology; Research assistant, Yale University Department of Psychology

How has Dickinson prepared Cai for Life Beyond the Limestone? “The interdisciplinary education at Dickinson provided me with important critical thinking skills and the ability to integrate knowledge in different areas,” he says.

What are some of the defining moments of Cai’s Dickinson experience? “Working with the professors in the psychology department on various research projects. These experiences helped me learn the skills critical to psychological research and also helped me get to know my professors and seek advice from them,” he says.
Anna Wagman

Anna Wagman

Hometown: York, Pa.
Major(s): anthropology
Graduate School: Emory University Rollins School of Public Health

Anna will study health care management at Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health in Atlanta. She’ll be taking management courses to gain competencies in marketing, accounting, human resources and operations. “I’m hoping to use these skills to go into the field of women’s and sexual health services,” she says.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Dana Intern; Department Majors Committee; Women’s and Gender Resource Center; YWCA Rape Advocacy Program; Delta Nu; Career Consultants

Internship Experiences: Fundraising and Development Fellow, Sexual Health Innovations, New York City; Administrative Intern, Family First Health, York, Pa.

What are some of the defining moments of Anna’s Dickinson experience? “Joining Delta Nu the same semester as I took my first gender studies course sparked my interest in issues of gender inequity. (I was) building relationships with such strong women, and at the same time I began understanding the structural nature of the obstacles we were all facing, from our opinions being dismissed in class to the pathogenesis of sexual assault on college campuses,” she says.
Leanne Hoppers

Leanne Hoppers

Hometown: Ellicott City, Md.
Major(s): Spanish; psychology
Graduate School: University of Southern California

Leanne will attend the University of Southern California in Los Angeles to pursue a master’s degree in occupational therapy.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Pre-Health Society; Psychology Society; Spanish Club; Tutor; CommServ; Special Friends; Alpha Lambda Delta; Psi Chi; Sigma Delta Pi; Club Soccer; Language Tables; Student Worker; Peer Academic Advising; Special Interest Housing

How has Dickinson prepared Leanne for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson has given me an international mindset that sparked my desire to work with a larger, more global population of people,” she says. “Although I will be working in a very specific field, the liberal arts education I received from Dickinson will prepare me for the variety of experiences that I may encounter.”

Kelsey Sloter

Hometown: Bethesda, Md.
Major(s): environmental science
Graduate School: James Cook University

Kelsey will pursue a master’s degree in marine biology and ecology from James Cook University in Townsville, Australia.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Dance Theatre Group; Freshman Plays; Mermaid Players; Teaching Assistant; Kappa Alpha Theta; Feminist Collective; Earth NOW; Devil’s Den; Biology Animal Care Facility

Internship Experiences: Development Intern, Rare; Education Intern, South Carolina Aquarium

How has Dickinson prepared Kelsey for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson gave me the ability to connect my scientific pursuits to the communication and personal engagement I find lacking in many other scientific pursuits,” Kelsey explains. “I’m excited to apply both my environmental science and English skills in the future, and Dickinson has prepared me well to do that.”

Amelia Valentino

Hometown: Ambler, Pa.
Major(s): history
Graduate School: Boston College

Amelia will attend Boston College, where she will pursue a master’s degree in history.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Archaeology Club; Global Gastronomy Group; Student Worker; Dickinsonian

Internship Experiences: Volunteer, Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Md.; Volunteer, Smithsonian Folklife Festival, Washington; Volunteer, Charles Carroll House, Annapolis, Md.

What are some of the defining moments of Amelia’s Dickinson experience? “Studying abroad in England for the full year,” Amelia says. “It reignited my passion for history, and I was able to make my studies in history closer, traveling to places I had only learned about in classes and seeing firsthand how they were relevant to English culture and history. It allowed me to become a more confident student and traveler.”
Ayesha Solaiman

Ayesha Solaiman

Hometown: Udhailiyah via Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Major(s): psychology
Graduate School: Temple University

Ayesha has been awarded a scholarship to pursue both a master’s and an educational specialist degree in school psychology at Temple University in Philadelphia.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Psychology Club; Asian Pacific Association; W.I.N.D. Club; Library Student Advisor; Student Worker; Muslim Student Association; Photography Club

Internship Experiences: Research Assistant, ĢƵ Department of Psychology; Trained Listener, 7 Cups of Tea

How has Dickinson prepared Ayesha for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson has made me a well-rounded person,” Ayesha says. “I gained not only an education in psychology, but in women’s, gender & sexuality studies, social justice, astronomy, chemistry, photography and other subjects. Dickinson's liberal arts program is exceptional and leaves students with a wonderful, well-rounded education.”

What are some of the defining moments of Ayesha’s Dickinson experience? “The most defining memories of my time at Dickinson mostly involve the MSA (Muslim Students Association), in which I was extremely involved, and CS3 (Center for Service, Spirituality and Social Justice), where I was a student leader,” Ayesha explains. “The various events I was able to plan and see happen through these two roles were amazing!”
Kevin Doyle

Kevin Doyle

Hometown: Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Major(s): Russian; international studies
Graduate School: Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Kevin will pursue a master’s degree in Regional Studies: Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia (REECA) at the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in Cambridge, Mass. He has received a Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship, which is funded by the U.S. Department of State to provide students with financial support, mentoring and professional development to prepare them academically and professionally for a career in the State Department’s Foreign Service.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Alpha Lambda Delta; Sigma Iota Rho; Russian Club; Russian House; Tutor; Catholic Campus Ministry; Newman Club; Dickinsonian

Internship Experiences: Intern, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, Army War College, Carlisle, Pa.; Intern, Eurasian Foundation of Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan; Intern, Office of Senator Jeff Sessions, Washington

How has Dickinson prepared Kevin for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson has given me tangible skills, like my Russian language ability, as well as the intellectual mindset to adapt to a constantly changing world,” Kevin says.

What is Kevin most anticipating about his post-graduation plans? “The ability to apply all the things that I have learned at Dickinson and the chance to live abroad for an extended period of time,” Kevin says.

Siobhan Pierce

Hometown: Lake Forest, Ill.
Major(s): international studies
Graduate School: The University of Maine School of Policy and International Affairs

Siobhan will pursue a master’s degree in global policy from The University of Maine School of Policy and International Affairs in Orono, Maine.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Department intern/Assistant; Learning Community; The Norman M. Eberly Multilingual Writing Center; Tutor; Liberty Cap Society; Senior Gift Drive; Tritons; Middle Eastern Club; Student Worker; Manager, Phone-a-thon

Internship Experiences: Intern, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, U.S. Army War College, Carlisle, Pa.; Intern, Karam Foundation

What is Siobhan most anticipating about her post-graduation plans? “I am eager to get involved in international development work,” Siobhan explains. “My internship with the Karam Foundation this summer will jumpstart that and my global policy master’s program at The University of Maine will give me the theoretical background to succeed.”

Katie Nirenberg

Hometown: Springfield, Va.
Major(s): psychology
Graduate School: University of Florida

Katie will pursue an education specialist degree in school psychology from the University of Florida.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Psychology Club; Women’s Swimming
Elizabeth Lanigan

Elizabeth Lanigan

Hometown: Rockaway, N.J.
Major(s): English; women’s, gender & sexuality studies
Graduate School/Scholarship: University of Oxford

Elizabeth will pursue a master’s degree in women’s studies from the University of Oxford.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Alpha Phi Omega; Bonner Leaders; Relay for Life; Serve the World – Service Trips; Alpha Lambda Delta; Omicron Delta Kappa; Student Worker; Dickinson Science Magazine

Internship Experiences: Carlisle C.A.R.E.S. shelter

How has Dickinson prepared Elizabeth for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Through the English and women’s, gender & sexuality studies departments, I’ve had numerous opportunities to carry out independent research projects, and these experiences are what made me realize that I could see myself with a career in academia,” says Elizabeth. “I had the opportunity to study abroad at the University of Oxford, and my experience there refined my interests as a scholar and confirmed that I wanted to pursue graduate study.”

What are some of the defining moments of Elizabeth’s Dickinson experience? “Being accepted to the Montgomery Service Leaders program; taking Professor Amy Farrell’s fat studies class; going on a service trip to Macon, Ga.; being accepted to the Dickinson at Oxford program; presenting my women’s, gender & sexuality studies research at the CPC women’s, gender and sexuality studies conference,” she says.

Brian Downing

Hometown: Plainfield, N.J.
Major(s): economics
Graduate School: Johns Hopkins University, School of Nursing

Brian will pursue a master’s of science in nursing in the Accelerated Master’s Program for Nurse Leadership at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
Campus Activities and Engagement: College Choir; Pre-Health Society; Alpha Lambda Delta; Crescendevils A Cappella; Economics Teacher’s Assistant; Student Police Dispatcher, DPS; Student Worker, Safety Shuttle

Internship Experiences: Intern, Portfolio Evaluation, Inc.

How has Dickinson prepared Brian for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson has provided a great education that has allowed me to expand my thinking and apply broader concepts to what I thought were narrow topics,” Brian explains. “It has provided an atmosphere and course load that has prepared me for graduate school.”

What are some of the defining moments of Brian’s Dickinson experience? “The best part about Dickinson in my opinion is the family-like community. I have a great friend group and live with many of them, too,” Brian says. “I also have a great relationship with many of my professors and have even had the opportunity to meet professors’ families. After four years, I am very thankful for Dickinson’s close-knit community.”
John Kneisley

John Kneisley

Hometown: Arlington, Va.
Major(s): English
Graduate School: Brown University

John will pursue a master’s in English secondary education at Brown University in Providence, R.I.
Campus Activities and Engagement: The Norman M. Eberly Multilingual Writing Center; Club Basketball; Alpha Lambda Delta; men’s tennis

Internship Experiences: Teaching Assistant for Creative Nonfiction, The Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, Baltimore

How has Dickinson prepared John for Life Beyond the Limestone? “The quality of our English department is beyond outstanding. Their passion, pedagogical expertise and devotion to their students have not only spurred remarkable academic growth, but are all qualities I hope to embody when I become a teacher,” he says. “I would not be the reader, writer and thinker I am today without their mastery and effort.”

What are some of the defining moments of John’s Dickinson experience? “Working as a writing center tutor has given me excellent teaching experience as well as a second home on campus,” he says. “I’m proud to have worked alongside so many amazing peers (and directors!), and I’m grateful for what I know will be life-long friendships. In addition, playing on the men’s tennis team provided a therapeutic, albeit physically demanding, retreat from academics. I learned what it means to grow as a team while constantly honing my own physical and mental discipline. We pushed each other hard to succeed.”
Zev Greenberg

Zev Greenberg

Hometown: Allentown, Pa.
Major(s): chemistry, biochemistry & molecular biology
Graduate School: Washington University in St. Louis

Zev will pursue a Ph.D. in developmental biology at Washington University in St. Louis.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Admissions Student Interviewer; Relay for Life; Student Senate; Alpha Lambda Delta; Idea Fund

Internship Experiences: Greater Research Opportunity Fellow, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, Ga.

How has Dickinson prepared Zev for Life Beyond the Limestone? “I started student-faculty research in my second semester at Dickinson, and it was from this experience that I learned that working in the lab is what I am passionate about,” he says. “Since then, I have completed seven-consecutive semesters and one summer of research with Professor of Chemistry Amy Witter and two semesters my senior year with Associate Professor of Biology Kirsten Guss. From these lab experiences and the material I learned in my science courses from varying departments, I know that I am well prepared to succeed in graduate school.”

Madeleine Kushlan

Hometown: Harrisburg, Pa.
Major(s): psychology
Graduate School: American University

Madeleine will pursue a master’s degree in personality and social psychology at American University in Washington.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Dickinson Collegium; The Norman M. Eberly Multilingual Writing Center; Alpha Lambda Delta; Psi Chi; Global Gastronomy Group; Student Worker; Swing Dance Club; Service-Learning Courses: Fairweather Lodge of Shippensburg and Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland and Perry Counties

How has Dickinson prepared Madeleine for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson has given me the focus on broad social issues and the psychological research skills I need in order to succeed in graduate school and to find a fulfilling career in psychology,” she says.

Alan Karickhoff

Hometown: Clarence, N.Y.
Major(s): economics
Graduate School: The University of Maryland

Alan will pursue a master’s degree in applied economics at the University of Maryland, College Park, Md.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Relay for Life; Co-ed Volleyball; Tennis Club; Student Worker; Men’s Swimming
Ian Hower

Ian Hower

Hometown: Santa Clara, Calif.
Major(s): law & policy
Graduate School: London School of Economics

Ian will pursue a master’s degree in philosophy and public policy at the London School of Economics. Before his year in London, Ian will work for the summer at Yellowstone National Park.
Campus Activities and Engagement: German Club; Academic Affairs Committee; Academic Violation Board; Admissions Student Interviewer; Judicial Pool Hearing Board; Liberty Cap Society; Public Safety Advisory Board; Senior Gift Drive; Student Devils’ Advocate; Habitat for Humanity; Relay for Life; All-College: Academic Programs Committee, Academic Standards Committee, Enrollment and Student Life Committee, Planning and Budget Committee, Student Affairs Committee; Class Council; Constitutional Affairs and Elections; Student Senate: President, Academic Affairs Committee, Cabinet, Community Relations, Finance Committee, Public Relations, Student Life Committee; Omicron Delta Kappa; HUB Supervisor; Orientation Assistant; College Democrats; Class Council: first year, sophomore, junior, senior; Leadershape; Public Affairs Symposium

Internship Experiences: Congressional intern, Capitol Hill, Washington; Intern, California State House, Sacramento, Calif.

How has Dickinson prepared Ian for Life Beyond the Limestone? “It has prepared me to ask good questions, and be able to adapt to many types of circumstances,” Ian says.

What are some of the defining moments of Ian’s Dickinson experience? “Being elected Student Senate president and all of the fun and challenges that came along with it,” he says. “Ending up lost in the Tunisian Sahara desert during my time abroad in Bologna, Italy, was certainly unexpected, as were the two times I spent careening around campus in golf carts during two consecutive alumni weekends.”

What is Ian most anticipating about his post-graduation plans? “I am extremely excited to live abroad again for a year in England,” he says. “Living in a big city, and a world capital such as London, was something I never thought possible before entering Dickinson. I am looking forward to experiencing something entirely new and liberating.”
Mark Manganaro

Mark Manganaro

Hometown: Horseheads, N.Y.
Major(s): biochemistry & molecular biology
Graduate School: Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine

Mark will attend Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine in Erie, Pa., where he will work toward fulfilling his lifetime goal of becoming a physician.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Football; Indoor and Outdoor Track; Pre-Health Society; Relay for Life; College Republicans

How has Dickinson prepared Mark for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson is a great place that was able to make my lifetime dreams come true. All high school students thinking of Dickinson should know that,” Mark says. “Dickinson gave me a great education as well as the athletic experience that was able to drive me to the next step of my education—medical school.”

Susan Buckenmaier

Hometown: Annapolis, Md.
Major(s): biochemistry & molecular biology
Graduate School: University of Maryland

Susan will pursue a master of public health in epidemiology degree at the University of Maryland College Park.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Chamber Orchestra; College Orchestra; Music Society; Pre-Health Society; ROTC; Spanish Club; Wind Ensemble; Liberty Cap Society; Relay for Life; Delta Nu; Alpha Lambda Delta

Internship Experiences: Intern, Defense & Veterans Center for Integrative Pain Management

How has Dickinson prepared Susan for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson has provided me with a well-rounded education that will forever impact my personal and professional life,” she says. “Dickinson shaped me into the person I am today and I will never be able to pay back everything the institution has given to me. I am very proud to be a Dickinsonian.”

What are some of the defining moments of Susan’s Dickinson experience? “ĢƵ’s ROTC program has prepared me for life after college more than any other group on campus,” she says.
Carly Pierson

Carly Pierson

Hometown: Newton, N.J.
Major(s): biology
Graduate School: Mississippi State University School of Veterinary Medicine

Carly will study to become a doctor of veterinary medicine specializing in neurosurgery at Mississippi State University School of Veterinary Medicine in Mississippi State, Miss.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Cross-Country Team; Indoor and Outdoor Track Team; Pre-Health Society; Student-Faculty Research with Associate Professor of Biology Mary Niblock; Phoenix; Relay for Life; Pi Beta Phi; Dog House; Dickinson Science Magazine; President, Pre-Vet Club

How has Dickinson prepared you for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson taught me to be independent,” she says.

Samantha Gulick

Hometown: Tarentum, Pa.
Major(s): Neuroscience
Graduate School: Chatham University

Samantha will pursue a master’s degree in biology at Chatham University in Pittsburgh. She has received a graduate assistantship in cell and molecular biology to conduct research on the development of the immune system in African clawed frogs.
Campus Activities and Engagement: College Orchestra; Department Intern/Assistant; Pre-Health Society; Teaching Assistant; CommServ; Senior Companions; Kappa Alpha Theta; Student Worker; Leadershape; Special Interest Housing

How has Dickinson prepared Samantha for Life Beyond the Limestone? “It has given me a chance to explore my passions and find what I want to pursue after graduation,” Samantha says. “By having a holistic liberal arts education, I have had the opportunity to experience many different things, which I will carry into my next adventure.”

What are some of the defining moments of Samantha’s Dickinson experience? “Taking a trip to China for an environmental science class was really incredible,” Samantha says. “The class was way outside of my comfort zone, but immersing myself in the culture and environment showed me that not all learning occurs in the classroom.”

Russell Rollow

Hometown: Columbia, Md.
Major(s): economics; mathematics
Graduate School: American University

Russell will pursue a Ph.D. in economics at American University in Washington.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Football; Men’s Indoor & Outdoor Track; Teaching Assistant; Tutor; C.A.R.E.S.; Pi Mu Epsilon; Club Soccer

Internship Experiences: Finance Department, City of Hyattsville, Md.

How has Dickinson prepared Russell for Life Beyond the Limestone? “The economics department at Dickinson is very unique in that the faculty teaches from various schools of thought, constantly challenging the mainstream way of looking at economics,” Russell says. “I’ve learned from professors to always question common ways of thinking and keep an open mind when searching for solutions to problems.”

Lily Roberts

Hometown: Larchmont, N.Y.
Major(s): psychology
Graduate School: Fordham University

Lily will attend Fordham University in New York City, where she will pursue a master’s in school counseling.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Big Brothers/Big Sisters; Phoenix; Tennis Club; Student Worker; Mosaic

How has Dickinson prepared Lily for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson has taught me how to constantly ask questions and be curious about what is happening in the world around me,” Lily says.

Courtney Capella

Hometown: Cherry Hill, N.J.
Major(s): biochemistry & molecular biology
Graduate School: Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University

Courtney will attend Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, Pa.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Chamber Choir; Pre-Health Society; Spanish Club; Syrens Internship Experiences: Research Assistant, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Department of Endocrinology, Philadelphia

How has Dickinson prepared Courtney for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson helped morph me into a well-rounded individual who feels confident engaging with a variety of different people with different backgrounds in a plethora of settings,” Courtney explains. “Accessibility to my professors helped engage and promote my learning.”

Charles Slusher

Hometown: Kingsville, Md.
Major(s): biology
Graduate School: University of Hawaii

Charles will pursue a doctor of pharmacy degree at the University of Hawaii in Hilo, Hawaii.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Pre-Health Society; Kappa Sigma

Internship Experiences: Brain Science Institute, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore

How has Dickinson prepared Charles for Life Beyond the Limestone? “The small-school atmosphere has improved my social skills tremendously,” Charles says. ”This environment has taught me how to maintain relationships with many people in a community. In this way, I feel better prepared for the future office/work environment.”

Cassandra Blyler

Hometown: Downingtown, Pa.
Major(s): neuroscience; German
Graduate School: Drexel University

Cassandra will pursue a doctor of physical therapy (DPT) degree at Drexel University in Philadelphia.
Campus Activities and Engagement: German Club; Neuroscience Club; Teaching Assistant; Tutor; Alpha Phi Omega; Relay for Life; Be the Match; Softball

Internship Experiences: Observation hours for physical therapy, West Chester School District and Chester County Hospital

How has Dickinson prepared Cassandra for Life Beyond the Limestone? “The small classes and attentive professors have prepared me for dealing with problems I will face after graduation,” Cassandra says.

What is Cassandra most anticipating about her post-graduation plans? “I can’t wait until I’m a licensed physical therapist,” Cassandra says. “I’m anticipating a career that will be very fulfilling.”
Jia “Majer” Ma

Jia “Majer” Ma

Hometown: Chengdu, China
Major(s): law & policy
Graduate School: University of Chicago

Majer will pursue a master’s degree in international relations at the University of Chicago.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Department Intern/Assistant; Mock Trial; Student-Faculty Research; Alpha Lambda Delta; Omicron Delta Kappa; Student Worker; First-Year Student Mentor; Dickinson Christian Fellowship; Feminist Collective; Sustained Dialogue; Women’s Retreat; Global Ambassador for DIS (Copenhagen) and TWC (Washington)

Internship Experiences: Research Assistant, Department of National Security and Strategy, U.S. Army War College, Carlisle, Pa.; Legal Intern, Haynes Novick Immigration, Washington; Investigative Legal Intern, Legal Aid Society, New York City

How has Dickinson prepared Majer for Life Beyond the Limestone? “The academic experience that I have had at Dickinson is simply unbeatable,” Majer says. “I was able to explore and confirm my interests in both international relations and law. Having the opportunity to continue my studies in both fields is definitely the reward for my undergraduate studies.”

What are some of the defining moments of Majer’s Dickinson experience? “When I was able to find the professors who became the two pillars of my academic interests: Professor of Political Science and International Studies Douglas Stuart and Associate Professor of Political Science Douglas Edlin,” Majer says. “They were able to support me through my own exploration and identification process of solidifying my interests in both international relations and law.”

Catheryn Broady

Hometown: Putnam, Ill.
Major(s): archaeology
Graduate School: University of Illinois – Graduate School of Library and Information Science

Catheryn will pursue a master’s degree in library and information science at the University of Illinois – Graduate School of Library and Information Science in Champaign, Ill.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Archaeology Club; College Choir; Department Intern/Assistant; Department Majors Committee; Freshman Plays; German Club; Mermaid Players; Music Society; Relay for Life; Alpha Lambda Delta; Eta Sigma Phi; Orientation Assistant; Dickinson Christian Fellowship; Chimaera Club; Gaming Club; Special Interest Housing

Internship Experiences: Intern, Peoria Riverfront Museum, Peoria, Ill.

How has Dickinson prepared Catheryn for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson has provided me with the opportunity to study a wide range of topics, which is what helped me decide my career path,” Catheryn says.

What are some of the defining moments of Catheryn’s Dickinson experience? “A defining moment for me was going to England and Greece,” Catheryn explains. “Travelling and seeing different countries has broadened my perspective and helped me decide my career plans.”
Molly Kulbaski

Molly Kulbaski

Hometown: Fairfax Station, Va.
Major(s): biochemistry & molecular biology
Graduate School: University of Glasgow

Molly will study veterinary medicine at the University of Glasgow in Scotland.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Biology Club; Pre-Health Society; Student-Faculty Research; Academic Violation Board; Phoenix; Student Senate; Student Senate Student Life Committee; Volleyball Club; Senior Class Council; Catholic Campus Ministry; Dickinson Dog House

Internship Experiences: Loop Abroad Program with the Elephant Nature Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand; C.E.L.A. Belize; Companion Animal Clinic, Fairfax Station, Va.

How has Dickinson prepared Molly for Life Beyond the Limestone? “I truly believe that I have a step up from my peers at larger institutions because I have been guided better than others outside of Dickinson who are not as fortunate to have the one-on-one attention that I received,” Molly says.

Grace Mulcahy

Hometown: Maple Glen, Pa.
Major(s): biology
Graduate School: Arcadia University

Grace will pursue a doctor of physical therapy degree from Arcadia University in Philadelphia.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Biology Club; Pre-Health Society; CommServ; Phoenix; Relay for Life; YWCA Rape Advocacy Program; Arts Collective; Dickinson Science Magazine

How has Dickinson prepared Grace for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson taught me that to get what you want, you have to be driven and always work toward your goal,” Grace says.
Jessica Sykes

Jessica Sykes

Hometown: San Rafael, Calif.
Major(s): philosophy; French & Francophone studies
Graduate School: The London School of Economics

Jessica will pursue a master’s degree in media, communication and development at the London School of Economics. Before she leaves for the U.K., Jessica will be a summer associate with the Department of External Affairs at the United States African Development Foundation.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Tritons; Big Brothers/Big Sisters; Kappa Alpha Theta; Alpha Lambda Delta; Omicron Delta Kappa; Pi Delta Phi; Tennis Club; Dickinson Science Magazine; Dickinsonian; Global Ambassador; Intramural Basketball; Flute Ensemble

Internship Experiences: Intern, The Guardian Post, Yaoundé, Cameroon; Communications Team Reporter, Trust and Integrity in the Global Economy, Initiatives of Change Conference, Caux, Switzerland

How has Dickinson prepared Jessica for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson has provided me with confidence in my ability to handle whatever life throws my way,” she says. “I have developed communication and leadership skills and enhanced my critical thinking thanks to both academics and extra-curricular activities that Dickinson has to offer.”

What are some of the defining moments of Jessica’s Dickinson experience? “My defining moments come from my experiences abroad and my work with The Dickinsonian,” she says. “Spending a semester in Toulouse, France, followed by a semester in Yaoundé, Cameroon, allowed me to expand my French skills, as well as learn more about Francophone cultures. I tested my limits and went outside my comfort zone, but was rewarded with life changing experiences that have shaped my future career goals. With The Dickinsonian, I have been able to interview people from all walks of campus and be in tune with campus climate.”

Isaac Schaphorst

Hometown: Jenkintown, Pa.
Major(s): political science
Graduate School: Pennsylvania State University – Dickinson School of Law

Isaac will study law at the Penn State Dickinson School of Law in Carlisle.
Campus Activities and Engagement: ESL Tutoring Program; Alpha Lambda Delta; Club Basketball; College Democrats; Cafeteria Worker; Library Worker

Charlayne Davis

Hometown: Orange, N.J.
Major(s): economics; mathematics
Graduate School: University of Denver

Charlayne will pursue a master’s degree in economics at the University of Denver.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Department Majors Committee; Student Investment Group; Sigma Lambda Gamma; African American Society; Latin American Club; Library Student Advisor; Student Worker

Internship Experiences: Summer Fellow, American Economics Association, University of Albuquerque, New Mexico

How has Dickinson prepared Charlayne for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson has prepared me by introducing professors who are really passionate about the research they conduct, while teaching students the subjects they love,” she says. “Being around such professors, I am inspired to have the same mindset as a future economist.”

Madison Alley

Hometown: Hazelton, Pa.
Major(s): international business & management
Graduate School: Northeastern University D’Amore-McKim School of Business

Madison will attend the Northeastern University D’Amore-McKim School of Business in Boston, where she will pursue an MBA and a master’s degree in accounting.
Campus Activities and Engagement: College Orchestra; Department Intern/Assistant; Department Majors Committee; German Club; Student-Faculty Research; Teaching Assistant; Trout Gallery Intern; Tutor; Senior Gift Drive; Student Devils’ Advocate; Random Acts of Kindness Club; Relay for Life; President, Alpha Lambda Delta; Omicron Delta Kappa; Sigma Beta Delta; Language Tables; Student Worker; Consultant to the Department of International Business & Management; Research Assistant; Phonathon Manager/Caller; US-Japan Global Scholar

How has Dickinson prepared Madison for Life Beyond the Limestone? “In addition to providing me with a comprehensive understanding of my subjects of choice (IB&M, economics, and German), Dickinson taught me how to think critically and engage globally,” she explains. “I was taught to analyze systems, not just elements, and to always ask questions. Dickinson also gave me opportunity after opportunity to work with others in small and large groups, on and off campus, in and outside the U.S., and with diverse students and professors, both academically and culturally. The hands-on experience and high-touch environment Dickinson has provided me over the last four years has helped me foster a mind and heart of an active citizen who is both interested in and able to change her communities through knowledge application and philanthropy.”

What is Madison most anticipating about his/her post-graduation plans? “Just 15 months after my Dickinson graduation, I will have an MBA and an M.S. in accounting and be well on my way to achieving my CPA license,” she says. “I am excited to begin my career of adding tangible value to the firms and societies of which I am a part.”

Sterling Arjona

Hometown:Christiana, Pa.
Major(s): neuroscience
Graduate School: Temple University Lewis Katz School of Medicine

Sterling will pursue a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences at the Temple University Lewis Katz School of Medicine in Philadelphia.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Department Intern/Assistant; Dickinson Improv and Collaborative Ensemble; Music Society; Neuroscience Club; Student-Faculty Research; Teaching Assistant; Neighbors to Neighbors; Special Friends; Fencing Club; Student Worker

How has Dickinson prepared Sterling for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson first introduced me to the world of science,” she explains. “There are so many wonderful classes offered that really helped me realize my love for laboratory work. These classes also helped me build relationships with many of my professors, which in turn helped me get into grad school.”

John Margavitch

Hometown: Stuart, Fla.
Major(s): biology
Graduate School: University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine

John will study dentistry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Pre-Health Society; Phi Delta Theta; Football

Joshua Schwartz

Hometown: Lutherville, Md.
Major(s): biology
Graduate School: University of Maryland, Baltimore

Joshua will pursue a doctor of physical therapy from the University of Maryland, Baltimore.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Pre-Health Society; Phi Delta Theta; Alpha Lambda Delta; Theta Alpha Kappa; Football; Be The Match On Campus; Project SHARE; Special Olympics

How has Dickinson prepared Joshua for Life Beyond the Limestone? “The liberal arts education has made me a well-rounded person, so I feel like I can make it out in the real world,” he says.

What are some of the defining moments of Joshua’s Dickinson experience? “Playing football with my friends,” he says.

Abigail Preston

Hometown: Baltimore, Md.
Major(s): political science
Graduate School: University of Oxford

Abigail will be studying law/jurisprudence at the University of Oxford in Oxford, U.K.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Delta Nu; Mock Trial; Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Beta Kappa

Internship Experiences: Amicus: Assisting Lawyers for Justice on Death Row, London; Office of the Public Defender, Baltimore

How has Dickinson prepared Abigail for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson's affiliation with Oxford's Visiting Student Programme made me realize I wanted to attend Oxford after graduation,” she says.
Youki Sato

Youki Sato

Hometown: Wallingford, Pa.
Major(s): chemistry
Graduate School: Rutgers University

Youki will attend Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J., to pursue a Ph.D. in environmental chemistry on a School of Environmental and Biological Sciences Graduate School Excellence Fellowship.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Dance Theatre Group; ĢƵ Organic Farm; Dramatic Arts; Freshman Plays; Learning Community; Mermaid Players; Pre-Health Society; Student-Faculty Research; Teaching Assistant; Residence Hall Councils; Alpha Lambda Delta; Omicron Delta Kappa; Soccer Club; Language Tables; Student Worker; Orientation Assistant; Gaming Club; Special Interest Housing; Men’s Track, Indoor; Men’s Track, Outdoor

How has Dickinson prepared Youki for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson's coursework prepared me for the rigor of graduate school study, while the research I conducted with Assistant Professor of Biology Dana Wohlbach, as well as the classes I took with Professor of Chemistry Amy Witter in environmental chemistry, were pivotal in turning me toward a career in research,” he says. “In addition, I was able to meet and befriend people from a wide variety of backgrounds, which taught me to be more open to others' perspectives and be more sociable. I would not have met my best friend, who came from Hong Kong, if I had gone to a university with less focus on a global education.”

What are some of the defining moments of Youki’s Dickinson experience? “Being able to become involved in the theater and dance department, both as a student and as a participant,” he says. As a chemistry major, I definitely would not have been able to immerse myself in theater to the extent that I was able to if I went to a larger university. The experiences that I had and the friendships that I fostered with the faculty and students during theater productions is something that I will treasure and never forget.”
Cathryn Ledwick

Cathryn Ledwick

Hometown: Weston, Conn.
Major(s): biology
Graduate School: Boston University

Cathryn will pursue a doctor of physical therapy degree from Boston University.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Pi Beta Phi; C.A.R.E.S.; Pre-Health Society; Teaching Assistant

Internship Experiences: Volunteer, Norwalk Hospital, Norwalk, Conn.

How has Dickinson prepared Cathryn for Life Beyond the Limestone? “The Biology department at Dickinson had made me really interested and excited about my major,” she says. “They have instilled in me a passion for learning.”

What are some of the defining moments of Cathryn’s Dickinson experience? “Studying abroad in Norwich, England, I made some life-long friends across the pond,” she says.

Tessa Sheaffer

Hometown: York, Pa.
Major(s): law & policy
Graduate School: Widener Commonwealth School of Law

Tessa will pursue her law degree at the Widener Commonwealth School of Law in Harrisburg, Pa.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Mock Trial; Eta Sigma Phi

Internship Experiences: Intern, York County District Attorney’s Office, York, Pa. “It was an amazing experience that allowed me to work hands on with victims by informing them of the legal process and giving emotional support during trials as well as contacting victims to inform them about their cases, summarizing case files for attorneys, and sitting in on various stages of the legal process,” Tessa says.

How has Dickinson prepared Tessa for Life Beyond the Limestone? “Dickinson has given me an education that has allowed me to embrace the differences of the world and prepare me for any situation I may come across in the future,” she says.

What is Tessa most anticipating about her post-Dickinson pursuits? “I'm most excited about getting the chance to work in the legal field and attempt to find new ways of handling the pursuit of justice to see if there isn't a way to gain justice for both victims and defendants,” she says.

Colleen Zulty

Hometown: Jarrettsville, Md.
Major(s): biology
Graduate School: University of Glasgow School of Veterinary Medicine

Colleen will study in Scotland at the University of Glasgow School of Veterinary Medicine.
Campus Activities and Engagement: Pre-Health Society; Women’s Lacrosse; Student Athlete Advisory Committee

How has Dickinson prepared Colleen for Life Beyond the Limestone? “I believe Dickinson helped prepare me to be an effective communicator and instilled in me a passion for learning,” she says.

What is Colleen most anticipating about her post-graduation plans? “The chance to give back to my community and provide affordable veterinary care,” she says.