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Dickinson Club

Dickinson Club

The Dickinson Club provides an opportunity for current and retired employees of Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ to gather, mingle, and commune at the Hartman House most Fridays from 5-7 pm over light fare and drinks in a relaxed social environment. The Club also hosts a number of special community-building events, and welcomes current and retired faculty of Shippensburg University, the US Army War College, and Penn State Dickinson Law. 

Those wishing to attend when desired pay annual dues to help cover the cost of unlimited food and drinks and to receive discounts to Club-sponsored events. 

Interested in becoming (or renewing as) a member? Great! Scroll down to the â–º to see how...


This Friday, March 7, our honored guests will be: Retired Faculty and Staff of Dickinson! Please come mingle and celebrate all who may come! 

  • March 14: (No happy hour gathering, due to Spring Break)

  • March 21: President's Office and Senior Staff

  • 3/28, 4/4, 4/11 (Still available) 

  • April 11: Library Staff

  • April 18: Paella by Mark Aldrich

  • April 25: (No happy hour gathering, due to Dickinson's "Pints with Profs" event)

  • May 2: The Departments of Tome

  • Mary 9: Pizza by the Farm

  • May 15: Champagne Toast


We hope that every Dickinson department will take a turn being our "Honored Guest" (or a Host). And we're now offering our interdepartmental "match-making services" : ) so that various offices, departments, centers, and services can have the opportunity to socialize and get to know one another.

We still have some dates left that we're looking to fill!

Please use this  to let us know when a good time for you would be and (if known) with whom you would like to be matched up, and we'll work on making it happen! 

And if you'd like to secure a date that's good for you before it gets snatched up, please do! You can sign yourself up on this  and then just email DickinsonClub@dickinson.edu to let us know that you have.

If you'd like to "host" (meaning take care of the food) one Friday this spring, fantastic! Just let us know. Happy Hour Hosts' expenses will be reimbursed for up to $150.

Note: As "Honored Guests" there are no expectations for you other than to just show up and encourage others to come as well! What could be better? : ) 

WE HOPE ALL DICKINSON DEPARTMENTS WILL TAKE A TURN BEING OUR HAPPY HOUR "HONORED GUEST" THIS YEAR -- and to choose another office or department you'd like to join you this Spring!

To help us plan "who we'll honor when" (even if you don't have a date yet in mind), please complete this . If you'd like to reserve a particular date, you can do so on this  -- just email DickinsonClub@dickinson.edu if you have. (Scroll down to learn more about being an "honored guest" or a host.) We can't wait to hear from you!

Weekly Club Happy Hour Get-Togethers...

When: Most Fridays from 5 - 7 pm (or longer, if we're having too much fun to leave)

What?  Friendly socializing with light fare snacks and a variety of beverage options *

Where? The Hartman House, at 243 W. Louther Street, is located next to the Clarke Forum (set back and accessible by a front gate) and across the street from Old West and Stern.

Who? You (we hope!), along with whomever you'd like to bring with you, as well as current and maybe former colleagues, new acquaintances, and our honored guests.

* Past Happy Hours have included:

  • huge family-friendly picnics (including the annual spring gala hosted by the departments of Tome),
  • the Chemistry department doing cool concocting magic and exploding a pumpkin,
  • fun mingling games by the Library and the Biology department,
  • pizza by the farm,
  • a silly hats and glasses party,
  • magnificent made-before-your-eyes paella,
  • a Halloween costume party,
  • chili cook-offs,
  • a rock-the-house performance by the amazing faculty band, 
  • our annual Thanksgiving feast, and much more!

â–º Info about becoming a member

Our suggested membership donation rate is as follows:
       $25/person or $45/couple for the first year -- Now that it's January, it's just $15
                 (or if you only plan to attend 2-3 events per year)
       $55/person or $100/couple each year thereafter -- Now just #30/person, $50 a couple

This will get you...

  • unlimited free food and drinks at every Friday Happy Hour get-together
  • discounts to our special events, like the Candlelight Dinner
  • notifications for every Dickinson Club gathering
  • a customized Dickinson Club plastic name badge (denoting you as a sustaining dues-paying member)
  • the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to make our Friday happy hours and special events possible.

Do you need to be a member to be able to go? NO!
You are welcome to come a few times first to see if you'd like to join as a member.

Ready to become (or renew as) a member for this year?
Great! HERE'S HOW...

1. Complete this

2. Choose how you'd like to pay your annual dues:

For VENMO: â–º 
Use your phone's camera 
to send $ to @TheDickinsonClub

The code, if asked is 8958.

                                               Venmo QR

                                                                                      PayPal QR Code

<-- Scan this QR Code 
to send $ to

(Payment will go to the Club if you see Marni Jones' name and the "Dickinson D")

OR Write a check made out to "Dickinson Club" and give it to a board member at the Hartman House or mail it to Chauncey Maher, Philosophy Department, Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ, PO Box 1773, Carlisle, PA 17013. If you have difficulty accessing the above , email DickinsonClub@dickinson.edu to get an alternative.

Note: We are also piloting a "pay as you may" plan for those concerned about the cost of the membership fee. Just let our President Marni Jones or Treasurer Chauncey Maher know if this is the case for you.

PLEASE DON'T THINK YOU NEED TO STAY AWAY BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT "PAID UP!"  $10 "time of" donations are always welcome. 


We hope that every Dickinson department will take a turn being our "Honored Guest" (or a Host). And we're now offering our interdepartmental "match-making services" : ) so that various offices, departments, centers, and services can have the opportunity to socialize and get to know one another.

Please use this  to let us know when a good time for you would be and (if known) with whom you would like to be matched up, and we'll work on making it happen! 

And if you'd like to secure a date that's good for you before it gets snatched up, please do! You can sign yourself up on this  and then just email DickinsonClub@dickinson.edu to let us know that you have.

If you'd like to "host" (meaning take care of the food) one Friday this spring, fantastic! Just let us know. Happy Hour Hosts' expenses will be reimbursed for up to $150.

Note: As "Honored Guests" there are no expectations for you other than to just show up and encourage others to come as well! What could be better? : ) 

Board Members

President: Marni Jones, Dean and Executive Director of Access and Disability Services and SOAR, Dickinson

Treasurer: Chauncey Maher, Professor of Philosophy, Dickinson

Viceroy of Victuals: Peter Schadler, Professor of Religion, Dickinson

Patron of Positivity, Welcomes, and Wine: Kevin Cogan, Retired Faculty of the U.S. Army War College

Biermeister: Jim Fox, Retiree of Penn State Dickinson Law

Caremaster and Candlelight Queen: Karen Weikel, Retired Registar of Dickinson

Sommelier: Stephen Erfle, Professor of International Business & Management, Dickinson

Minister of Spirits and USAWC Liaison: Abram Trosky, Faculty Instructor, Provost Office, U.S. Army War College

Lawschool Liaison and Resident Brainiac: Sabrina Sondhi, Director of the Library and Professor of Legal Research, Penn State Dickinson Law

If you've scrolled down this far, and you'd like to be made aware of future get-togethers or convey your interest in learning more, let us know via this form. If you plan to come to a specific Happy Hour, your  is not required, but will help to ensure we are prepared for the number of attendees we may have. Thanks in advance!



Contact Info

Marni Jones

(Manages Dues,
Reimbursement, and 
Payment Questions):

Chauncey Maher

Dickinson Club Mailing Address