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Dickinson in Moscow

Dickinson is one of only a handful of liberal-arts colleges that maintains its own study abroad program in Moscow, Russia. The choice of Russia's capital city for the program's home base allows students access to some of Russia's finest universities, libraries, theaters, museums and art galleries.

Dickinson students in Moscow, Russia for the study abroad program in 2014.


The Dickinson-in-Moscow Program is affiliated with the one of the most dynamic universities in Russia, with a focus on humanities and interdisciplinary studies; and the , Russia's leading academic institution in the fields of economics, management, sociology, and business information technology. Classes are designed and chosen specifically for Dickinson students and are integrated within the on-campus curriculum.

The program comprises a variety of educational experiences and approaches, including courses at the host university, hands-on learning and research opportunities, and Dickinson Programming.  (Learn more about Russian higher education and how it differs from the American system.)  Mikhail Bulgakov's cult novel Master and Margarita serves as the literary core of the Dickinson-in-Moscow program, and it is used to guide students around Moscow and through the city's history. 

Dickinson's program is highly flexible and personalized, and is able to accommodate students of all language levels, areas of study, and extracurricular interests.





Dickinson students have a class outside during their Dickinson-in-Moscow program.


Working closely with Russian faculty at Dickinson, the on-site director of the Dickinson in Moscow program helps students register for courses and serves as their liaison to the university's administration. She also assists with the cultural adaptation process and any questions student might have. While in Moscow, students live with host families, carefully selected by the on-site director. The experience of living with a host family enhances the student’s connection with the language and culture. Living in a Russian household gives students a chance to experience first-hand a modern Russian life.

The program also offers a variety of trips to enhance the learning experience. Short day trips within Moscow occur regularly, and some longer excursions occur once per semester. The combination allows students a breadth of experience and a wider understanding of Russian culture. Student often elect to travel on their own, experiencing other places in and around Russian and putting their language skills to the test.

For more information, contact the director of the Dickinson in Moscow program, Associate Professor of Russian Elena Duzs, at (717) 245-1276; email: duzs@dickinson.edu