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Study Abroad

Ton Tran Norwich

The mathematics program supports participation in study-abroad programs. With careful planning, students can spend a semester or academic year visiting another campus. For information on planning a mathematics major please see the  in the college bulletin.



 at the University of East Anglia offers both semester and academic year options. Students studying mathematics can take courses in fields such as Cyptography, Computation and Modeling, and Probability.

at the University of Otago offers both semester and academic year options. Students studying mathematics can take courses in fields such as Partial Differtial Equations, Geometry of Curves and Surfaces, Modern Algebra, and Mathematical Physics.

Students with language skills may take math courses on Dickinson's language programs including Dickinson in Germany and Dickinson in France. Visit the  to learn about opportunities for off-campus study and the  to see examples of recent global courses that have transferred back to Dickinson.


·          (non-Dickinson Program)