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Unit E: Atoms, Crystals, and Snowflakes

Student Activity Guide

Below, we have provided download links for the Atoms, Crystals, and Snowflakes Activity Guide. This unit is still under development, thus, this activity guide should be considered a work in progress. Some of the images placed in this document for use in class were removed from these files. While we excercise "fair use" to include these images in our class documents, we cannot distribute them on the web. We suggest you go out and get your own images from the web to fill in the blanks. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.

If you use this guide and find any errors/typos or have any comments, please contact David Jackson. These files have been provided in Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF formats. Feel free to download, modify, and distribute these documents in any way that is convenient for your class.

Download Atoms2011.pdf (Adobe PDF file) (Adobe PDF Document)