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Unit F: Sound, Vibrations and Music

Computer Files

The following links will allow you to download some of the computer files we used when teaching this unit. We generally include setup files for Micro-computer Based Laboratory (MBL) activities. In addition we may include other types of computer files (sound files, movies, programs, etc.) when appropriate. In most cases we have also included a link that will help you find software you can use to view/use these files.

MBL Files
Download .zip file containing a collection of .mbl files that we have used with this unit. 
For LoggerPro info go to

Sound Files
Download .zip file containing a collection of sound files (.wav) that we have used with this unit.
Quicktime Player reads these files.

Keyboard Synthesizer Programs
Download QTKeys, a keyboard synthesizer for your MAC at
Download Bome's Mouse Keyboard a synthesizer for your PC at

Keyboard synthesizer programs are used quite extensively in this unit. They are cheaper and better than low cost "toy" keyboards. Each of the synthesizers listed about is either cheap or free. In addition, they each access the same set of synthesized instruments available on most modern personal computers.

Miscellaneous Files
Download Activity F.1.3.4 (Quicktime Movie file - Candle in front of a speaker)
Download Activity F.2.3.3 (MS Powerpoint files) With simple microphones, you can record sounds using MS Powerpoint [Insert]->[Movies & Sounds]-> [Record Sound]
Download Activity F.1.3.4 (Excel Spreadsheet file) Used to calculate frequency ratios of notes in a scale.