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Graduate & Partner Programs

Graduate School Agreement in Law

Penn State Dickinson Law (3+3 Program)

The 3+3 program allows Dickinson students to earn a bachelor’s degree from Dickinson and a juris doctor from (DSL) in a six-year period.

Once accepted into the program, the student will matriculate at DSL during the "senior year" of college and the first year of law school. Upon satisfactory completion of the fourth year at Dickinson (the first year of law school), the student will qualify for graduation from Dickinson with an appropriate baccalaureate degree just as other members of their class.

Students are eligible for the 3+3 if they have completed all academic requirements and physical education blocks for their Dickinson degree, except for the last 25% of the total courses needed. Candidates must complete their junior year with a cumulative grade point average of DSL's most recently reported median GPA (currently a 3.43) and have an LSAT score at or above DSL's most recently reported median LSAT (currently 159).

For more information, visit this page or contact Erik Sutherland.