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Working to Protect & Restore our Aquatic Resources

Dickinson has programs for water conservation, management of storm water runoff, and community outreach, education and technical assistance on campus, locally and statewide.

The Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM) programs include providing technical support to local watershed groups, K-12 environmental education, aquatic research, LeTort stormwater education project, and public education and outreach.

The college has also reduced the use and sale of disposable water bottles on campus through the installation of , a sustainability surcharge policy for bottled water sold on campus, changes in dining services practices, and promotion of the use of reusable water bottles.

Check our our campus water filling station map

Campus Water Conservation:

Dickinson cut its water consumption from 46.2 million gallons in 2007 to 30.4 million in 2010. We have maintained a lower consumption despite our largest campus popluation in history in 2015 which used 35 million gallons of water.

  • Reduced watering of campus landscapes
  • Use of native plants in landscaping that are tolerant of dry conditions
  • Installation of ultra-low flow showerheads in the residence halls
  • Replacement of all washers in residence halls Energy STAR washers
  • A laundry fee system
  • Collection & reuse of evaporated water from swimming pool
  • Trayless dining on campus
  • Waterless urinals
  • Motion-activated sinks in new and renovated buildings.
  • Grey-water system (Treehouse)
  • Low-flow fixtures
  • Rain barrels
  • Bioswales
  • Retention pond (College Farm)