Baird Honors Practicum
Students accepted as Baird Sustainability Fellow Candidates enroll in the Baird Honors Practicum. In the Practicum, Candidates work with and learn from highly motivated and capable peers from diverse academic programs, enhancing their leadership skills for creating a sustainable and equitable society. The approach to sustainability is broad and intersectional and the approach to leadership emphasizes a shared, participatory model of leadership. The goal is to support students in enhancing their knowledge, skills and civic dispositions for acting to create positive change in an interdependent world.
The Practicum features a semester-long collaborative project in which students analyze a selected societal challenge and create a viable solution that is socially, economically and environmentally sustainable. Through execution of the project, skill building workshops and student led interactive sessions, students gain deeper understanding of intersections among issues such as social justice, racism, environmental quality, ecological resilience, biodiversity conservation, climate change, resource use, economic development and human wellbeing in a context of global change and global interdependence.
The Practicum also engages the Candidates in exploring and preparing for sustainability-related opportunities for careers, graduate studies and civic engagement after Dickinson. Candidates will practice skills for career networking, identifying transferable skills, resume writing and interviewing. The Candidates will create electronic portfolios to compellingly and professionally present their capabilities and accomplishments to prospective employers, graduate schools and potential collaborators.
Candidates who successfully complete the Practicum with a grade of B or higher earn recognition as Baird Sustainability Fellows, an honor that is noted on the Fellows’ academic transcripts and in the Commencement program. 

Practicum schedule for Fall 2024:
Tuesday & Friday, 1:30 - 2:45 pm