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2013 Baird Sustainability Fellow

Courtney Blinkhorn, Environmental Science Major

Courtney Blonkhorn

Courtney Blinkhorn '13

Courtney Blinkhorn is a senior Environmental Science major who works for the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM). Through ALLARM she has helped train community members to monitor their waterways for pollution from natural gas extraction. This involvement has inspired much of her other work throughout other aspects of her education at Dickinson. Courtney will also be working on an independent study next semester to explore an environmental economics approach to the financial crisis in the US. As a Baird Sustainability Fellow Candidate, she's most excited meet the Clark Forum speakers for next semester, including Bill McKibben and David Orr. Throughout her education, she¹s come to define sustainability as the continued viability of a system, whether it be ecological, economic or social. She realizes it's important to critically analyze these systems and realize the relative longevity, because many of the systems can't be sustained indefinitely.