Taylor Wilmot, Environmental Science

Taylor Wilmot '13
Taylor Wilmot is a senior Environmental Science major. Currently, Taylor is conducting a one-year senior research project. The location for her research is right here in Carlisle Pennsylvania. She was inspired by the three brownfields located in town, which all were former factory sites. Brownfields are real estate with real or perceived environmental contamination. Throughout Taylor’s final year at Dickinson she will interview community stakeholders and gather information on the community members perceptions of the brownfield sites. This data will be analyzed and culminate in a research paper as well as presented to the local community. She hopes this will provide her with more experience pertaining to her interests in community revitalization, brownfield redevelopment, and urban planning.
Taylor also plans to continue pursuing her interests in agriculture, with a particular interest in urban farming and community gardens, by becoming more involved with the College Farm. When the colloquium gets started next semester Taylor is most excited that this program will bring together a group of students who all represent different facets of sustainability across campus. She hopes this opportunity will be a catalyst for students to brainstorm future collaborations after graduation. Bringing together the voices of different academic backgrounds is a vital component to creating sustainable initiatives for the future of our communities on both local and global scales.