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2014 Baird Sustainability Fellow

Molly Anderson, English Major

Molly Anderson

Molly Anderson '14

Molly Anderson is a senior English major from Kirkland Washington. Although she studies the humanities, her time at Dickinson has significantly nurtured her interests in environment as well. Her junior year, Molly participated in a mosaic program focused on Natural History. For the entire fall semester, she worked closely with a group of three professors and ten students, taking field trips all over Pennsylvania and Maryland. They did extensive fieldwork and got special behind-the-scenes tours of Natural History museums. Throughout her mosaic experience, Molly honed her nature writing skills, and culminated the semester by turning in an Independent Study that explored the literary legacy of renowned nature writer and environmental thinker Aldo Leopold. She then had the privilege of spending her second semester studying abroad in Yaounde Cameroon, an experience that opened her mind to thinking about environmental and social sustainability in completely new ways. She's entered her senior year refreshed and excited to continue pursuing an interdisciplinary education at Dickinson, and hopes to bring a fresh perspective to the Baird Fellowship. Her senior seminar entitled "Thoreau and American Nature Writing" has been a great place to further delve into her interests, and she intends to write a senior thesis in the spring that focuses on eco-criticism and nature writing.