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2014 Baird Sustainability Fellow

Anna McGinn, Environmental Studies Major

Anna McGinn

Anna McGinn '14

Anna McGinn is an Environmental Studies major with a focus on climate change and environmental justice. This year, her senior research is focused on studying the levels of ecological literacy of different populations within first year classes entering liberal arts colleges. Through this research, she hopes to identify pockets of the population on college campuses that are not exposed to experiences which would build their ecological literacy. This project was inspired by both her work with the Center for Sustainability Education and the Outing Club. With CSE, Anna has worked as the communications intern and a projects intern. She is currently working to build connections between student-run sustainability groups on campus to build collaboration on social, environment, and economic sustainability. Anna is also involved with Reinvest Dickinson and she lives in the Treehouse. Through these opportunities as well as her study abroad experience in the mountains of Costa Rica, Anna has grown to realize that experiences are only as valuable as the time you put into reflecting and comprehending what you have done, and she hopes that the Baird Colloquium will be just the space for this understanding to take place.