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Climate Education & Research

A National Leader in Climate Change Education

Students attend COP17 in Durban, South Africa

Engaging Across the Curriculum

Dickinson students engage in study of climate change science, consequences and policy in courses and research across the curriculum. They include courses in which climate is explored for one or two weeks, as well as courses in which climate change is the primary focus. There are also opportunities for students to engage in advanced study of climate change through Independent Research, Independent Study, and upper-level seminars. Through our Center for Global Study and Engagement, our students have opportunities to study climate change at the University of East Anglia in the UK, the University of Queensland in Australia, the University of Bremen in Germany, the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woodshole, and at other institutions.

Aided by a grant from NASA to lead a multi-college project, Cooling the Liberal Arts Curriculum – A Campaign for Climate Change Education, Dickinson has successfully integrated climate change into numerous science, social science and humanities courses, and served as a model to other institutions. The NASA grant also enabled us to support student-faculty research on climate change, provide faculty with resources to enhance their abilities for interdisciplinary teaching on this topic, and promote climate change education in other U.S. colleges and universities.

Dr. Neil Leary, Director of Dickinson's Center for Sustainability Education models our integrated climate change education network in this Spectrum Lecture at Montgomery College, Germantown Campus entitled Climate Change: Evidence, Risks & Choices. November 6, 2012.