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Consortium for Sustainability

What Is the EcoLeague?

The is a consortium of six liberal arts colleges dedicated to environmental stewardship, social change, and educating students to build a sustainable future.

Founded in 2003, the EcoLeague is the only college consortium in the United States dedicated to sustainability education and the active pursuit of environmental studies within a liberal-arts framework. Dickinson was inducted into the consortium in 2014.

EcoLeague colleges offer semester exchange programs that allow students of one school to study at another, giving them access to ecosystems, faculty, and unique place-based experiences throughout the nation and the world. Our schools include:

  • (Anchorage, Alaska)
  • (Bar Harbor, Maine)
  • (Carlisle, Pennsylvania)
  • (Sarasota, Florida)
  • (Ashland, Wisconsin)
  • (Prescott, Arizona)

These small liberal arts institutions all share similar missions and value systems based on environmental stewardship, social change and educating students to build a sustainable future. EcoLeague colleges emphasize experiential education and global perspectives based on a sense of place so students are prepared to take on real-world challenges creating sustainable communities when they graduate wherever they choose to work.

The EcoLeague also supports , collaborations, and summer field experiences. Interested faculty should see our , and contact the Consortium Director with inquiries.

Why Pursue Exchange With the EcoLeague?

EcoLeague exchanges are exciting, require no additional tuition costs, and credits transfer seamlessly. This exchange process enables Dickinson students to easily access sustainability resources at other liberal-arts colleges through a short application process.

Each partner institution offers unique resources, course offerings, faculty areas of interest and research opportunities. In addition, they are all housed in different ecosystems and emphasize hands-on experience in those environments. Students can experience a totally new learning environment without leaving the United States.

Application Process & Information

To learn more about the EcoLeague and our programs, see .

To locate course listings at a particular school, see this document.

Watch for information on an upcoming campus information session, usually held in late September (for Spring exchanges) and early February (for Fall exchanges).

Jorden Hayes, professor of Earth Sciences, serves as the Dickinson liaison to the program and can answer any questions from Dickinsonians about the process.

The EcoLeague central office and Consortium Director Brady McCartney are hosted on Dickinson’s campus. The Consortium Director is also available to answer questions about the application process and the exchange experience. He can be reached at coordinator@ecoleague.org or in Kaufman 192.


EcoLeague exchange applications are open to students who are:

  • Currently enrolled at any EcoLeague member school
  • In good academic standing and GPA of 2.6 or better
  • In good financial standing, no outstanding fees

Application Requirements:

Students are required to submit the following as part of their application:

  • Two-page essay describing how the EcoLeague experience fits into your academic career plans and what you hope to gain from the experience.
  • Academic advisor approval
  • Approval from Registrar, Student Accounts, and Financial Aid offices (when applicable) confirming your understanding and eligibility to participate

Dickinson students need to complete both an EcoLeague application and an application through the Center for Global Study & Engagement's Studio Abroad program.

Start to fill out the EcoLeague application.
Go to complete the CGSE Studio Abroad portion of the application.


EcoLeague Consortium Director
Primary Email: coordinator@ecoleague.org
Phone: (717) 254-8104