Justin McCarty, Environmental Studies

Justin McCarty '15
Justin McCarty is an Environmental Studies major with a focus on sustainable development and design. This year, his first semester has been dominated by the 2014 Climate Change Mosaic. For this mosaic Justin has been studying climate change from the perspective of the Earth Sciences, as well as how climate change is being governed. This course of study will culminate with a research paper investigating the effectiveness of technology transfer as a solution for carbon mitigation, which will be based primarily off of interviews conducted in Lima, Peru during this years United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties 20 (COP20). His interest in technology as a solution for mitigating further climatic destabilization comes from a love for renewable energies and the ability they have to not only reduce carbon emissions, but also build sustainable self-reliant communities.
Beyond his academic studies Justin is the student-manager of the Dickinson Biodiesel Plant, where he is working to ensure that the program continues to prosper past his graduation date. Justin is also an avid hiker and rock climber, with a love for carpentry and metalworking, and can always be expected to have his camera hanging off of his shoulder waiting for the perfect balance of light to hit a new subject. His Dickinson experience has been one of complete transformation and he plans to spend the Baird Colloquium tying his experiences, interests, strengths, and weaknesses together in order to graduate Dickinson, ready to lend a helping hand in crafting a more sustainable global society.