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2015 Baird Sustainability Fellow

Jessica Poteet, Environmental Science

Jessica Poteet, 2015 Baird Sustainability Fellow

Jessica Poteet '15

Jess is an Environmental Science major from New Wilmington, Pennsylvania. Within her studies, she is focused on the ecology and conservation of the marine world. Jess studied abroad in order to study the oceans: first in Brisbane, Australia and then in the Turks and Caicos. She is especially interested in the communities that directly depend upon the sea and how global climate change is affecting this relationship and the marine ecosystems themselves. Back at Dickinson, Jess lives in the Center for Sustainable Living and works for the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM). In ALLARM, she works with community groups that monitor local streams and provides laboratory work and technical assistance.

In her final year at Dickinson, Jess participated in the Global Climate Change Mosaic. After a semester of classes regarding the science and policy surrounding climate change, she traveled to the 20th Conference of the Parities held by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Lima, Peru. While there, she interviewed experts and delegates about how ocean issues were addressed at the conference. She looks forward to a semester of collaboration with the Baird Sustainability Fellows to further examine perspectives regarding sustainability.