Rachael Sclafani, Environmental Science Major

Rachael Sclafani '16
Rachael Sclafani is an Environmental Science major with a Biology minor. She came into Dickinson knowing that she wanted to do environmental work, but wasn’t sure which direction she wanted to focus in. After taking environmental science and biology classes, she settled on ecology as the focus of her major, with a specific interest in the ecology of invasive species. She currently studying Garlic Mustard, an invasive plant, and is looking at its competitive ability and impacts on the forest understory.
Through her time at Dickinson, Rachael has had a diverse array of experiences in sustainability. During the academic year, she worked at the College Farm for two years, and is now working as an intern in the Dickinson GIS Lab. During her junior year she studied abroad in Norwich, England and studied environmental chemistry, ecology, and GIS. Over the summers she has spent her time gardening, farming, and learning about natural medicine. This past summer, she completed an internship with EPA Region 1 studying salt marsh ecosystem services in southern Maine. Next semester she looks forward to being able to expand her understanding of sustainability and to discuss sustainability from multiple perspectives in the Baird Colloquium.