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Carbon Neutral in 2020

A Commitment Met

Dickinson has reached its goal of becoming carbon neutral in 2020.

We have been working for more than a decade to reduce our emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that warm the planet and change the Earth’s climate. Our efforts have cut our net emissions to zero, making us one of the first 10 colleges or universities to achieve carbon neutrality. We are also educating ourselves, our students and our community about climate change, its causes, consequences and solutions, and we are engaging in climate change research, advocacy and action locally, nationally and internationally.

We’ve reached an important milestone in our response to climate change. But there is more work to be done. Work that we are ready and eager to take on.

Check Out Our Carbon Neutrality FAQ

Dickinson’s Climate Commitment

Dickinson was one of the first 20 institutions to sign the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment in 2007, now called the Carbon Commitment. In signing the commitment, Dickinson pledged to:

  • Integrate climate change and sustainability into the curriculum.
  • Measure and publicly report our emissions of greenhouse gases.
  • Adopt and implement a Climate Action Plan.
  • Cut the college’s emissions 25% and offset all remaining emissions to reach zero net emissions by 2020.
  • Make deeper cuts in emissions by 2025 and 2030.