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2017 Baird Sustainability Fellow

Olivia Boggiano-Peterson, Environmental Studies Major

Olivia Boggiano-Peterson, Environmental Studies Major

Olivia Boggiano-Peterson '17

Olivia Boggiano-Peterson is an Environmental Studies major from Charlottesville, VA. Since coming to Dickinson, she has found her passion in sustainability and the environment through classes such as Environmental Policy and Global Urban Poverty, which have allowed her to see the intersections of environmental pollution and social justice issues. She studied abroad in Toulouse, France where she learned about urban design and completed a minor in French.

Olivia has worked for the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM) since coming back from abroad. This year she is working as a member of the stormwater education team researching nutrient pollution in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. This research will culminate in an educational presentation for the Carlisle community and a fact sheet for ALLARM’s website to encourage community members to adopt sustainable home practices. This project is part of a partnership between ALLARM and the Borough of Carlisle to implement the most recent phase of the Borough’s MS4 permit.

Olivia has been active in the music program on campus since her freshman year and currently plays violin in a chamber music ensemble. She is the women’s president of the Jive Turkey Ultimate Frisbee club on campus and enjoys going to weekend tournaments with her team. She is excited to take part in the Baird Colloquium and is looking forward to expanding her environmental knowledge and leadership abilities.