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2017 Baird Sustainability Fellow

Cora Swanson, Environmental Studies and Policy Management Majors

Cora Swanson, Environmental Studies and Policy Management Majors

Cora Swanson '17

Cora Swanson is an Environmental Studies and Policy Management double major. Originally, from the San Francisco Bay Area in California she grew up camping, backpacking, and hiking in the Northern Californian wilderness. Through these experiences in nature she grew up with a strong sense of environmentalism that has manifested into a deep commitment to sustainability since coming to Dickinson. On campus, Cora has been involved in coordinating and leading Dickinson’s outdoor pre-orientation program (W.I.L.D), the ultimate frisbee team, and has been employed by the college farm since her first-year. Spring semester her junior year she participated in an internship for the US Green Building Council working on event planning, communications and outreach.

Cora attended the 20th Conference of the Parties under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in December 2014 to research the ways in which agriculture was being incorporated into the negotiations. This research project, as well her experience working on the college farm have cultivated a passion for sustainable agriculture and its connections to climate change, social justice, and environmental health and safety.  Ultimately, Cora aspires to have a career in outreach and advocacy for sustainable agriculture. She is excited to have the opportunity of participating in Barid Colloquium this coming semester to engage with peers and experts within the field to gain a deeper understanding of sustainability.