Katelyn King, Environmental Science and Biology Major and German Minor

Katelyn King '18
Katelyn King is an Environmental Science and Biology double major and German minor from south central Pennsylvania. She was drawn to Dickinson by the school’s commitment to sustainability and its global perspective. Kate’s passion for sustainability began in high school during her year in Germany as a Rotary Youth Exchange Student, where the engrained environmental perspective of the society amazed her.
In Summer 2015, Kate interned with Dickinson’s Center for Sustainability Education, where she worked to further the efficiency of sustainable practices on the campus. Kate spent her junior year abroad in Bremen, Germany where she had the opportunity to explore European biodiversity with excursions to the Netherland to witness geese migrations and to the Polish Giant Mountains to conduct wildflower research.
Kate returned from Bremen to be German writing tutor in Dickinson’s Multilingual Writing Center and a library assistant. She is also an active member of Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity, Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Microcosm Yearbook, and Vice President of the German Club.
Kate is conducting research on native wildflowers in Pennsylvania and plans to pursue a career in ecological sustainability. She is looking forward to interacting with her fellow Fellows and learning from and growing with them.