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2019 Baird Sustainability Fellow

Emma Weaver, Environmental Studies Major and Sociology Minor

Baird Sustainability Fellow


Emma Weaver is an environmental studies major from Arlington, Virginia. On campus she has interned at the Center for Sustainability Education (CSE) as their media intern and sustainability projects intern for three semesters and one summer. At CSE Emma enjoyed getting to learn about and become involved in a variety of sustainability projects from video making to beekeeping. Emma has lived in the Treehouse (Center for Sustainable Living) since the fall of her sophomore year. She has enjoyed the close-knit community she has gotten to be a part of as well as learning to live more communally and sustainably on campus.

One of Emma’s most rewarding parts about her undergraduate experience at Dickinson has been the college’s focus on sustainability. Emma is excited to be a Baird fellow. She is looking forward to working with and learning from the other fellows.